This can be a nickname for Babette.
Your child won't be a Baby forever. You can call them this as a nickname for as long as it sticks, but this is not a proper name. Even if they're your Baby, it's strange for everyone else.
Better than "Son".
Weird name.
I seen some comments regarding the name Baby so I figured I could give some insight on it given it is my name. I am a woman with the first name Baby AND middle name Girl. I like my name even though I ended up with it because my dad wanted me named after him. William Dillard Taylor for a girl. Back in 1979 women didn't get much choice in the matter of naming the child if you had a husband. So some wonderful nurse left it as Baby Girl Taylor, I didn't know this until I was almost 19. My dad had my mom go get my social security number in the name he picked. I caught hell behind having his name as a child & an adult so when I found out Baby Girl was my real name I was ecstatic. I didn't have money to change my name to anything else & I liked it because many of my friends at that time already called me that. Now I did go by the name (Billie) as a nickname growing up. It was still considered a boy name & I got in many fights over it. I'm so over the gender thing but I'm now about to be 45. Most people call me Ms. Baby. It is like any other name unless someone is being a perve while saying it and in that aspect my name also tells me a little about who I may be dealing with. Others will not call me Baby, they call me Ms. Taylor. I no longer go by Billie unless you're old family. Even most of my friends that once called me Billie & known me my whole life now call me Baby. That is the name I chose to keep & that my momma was in agreement with for me. To some it is the perfect name & to others it is a ridiculous name for anyone. Yet people use it every day as a nickname for the women they love. Rather it be their spouse, girlfriend, or daughter. I just want to know the meaning of my name because it has always been my name even if I didn't know it until years later. I do apologize if my grammar & punctuation are terrible. I'm not very educated in all that but I am working on it. Some would call my mom stupid for allowing it left Baby Girl but given her only other option for me at that time was William Dillard I'd say she made the best choice possible for me. Don't judge someone's actions before you know what their options were first.
I don't understand what is going through the minds of the parents who name their child this.
Frances "Baby" Houseman is the protagonist of the 1987 film 'Dirty Dancing'. She was portrayed by Jennifer Grey.
Imagine their teachers and bosses calling them Baby and you'll realise how inappropriate this name is.
This seems more of a nickname than an actual name. Calling your child “Baby” makes it sound like you didn’t give one damn about what your child’s name is and just called it what it’s called.
So, you can't come up with a name for your kid?

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