We named our daughter Azariah. There are many ways to say it with different emphases and vowel pronunciation. We say Uh-zair-ee-uh. Which I think sounds more feminine.
I think Azariah is a strong, beautiful name. Personally, I love names for boys that end in “a” or “ah”. They sound so elegant and melodic. Overall, I think Azariah is a wonderful name.
If you like this name for a girl, just use Azalea or Azaliah.
Also used among the English Romani community in the 1800s: -- Azariah Gray s/o Azariah & Elizabeth Billings Brazier St Jas Pockthorpe Norwich
This can be a girl name too.
I think it sounds a bit more feminine than masculine but it is a really pretty name for a boy or girl.
I first heard the name from a little girl... and now today I have a daughter named Azariah. My family loves it! We get mixed reviews from strangers but mostly love. Her nickname is Azzi.
The name Azariah was given to 295 boys born in the US in 2016.
This is my son's name. He was named after Aaron's son from the Bible.
I heard this was a female name. My friend had her confirmation when she was thirteen and used Azariah as her 'new' middle name in the ceremony. *is confused*
In many other languages, names are largely gender neutral. While the -yah element is far more commonly used in Hebrew men's names, it's not exclusively masculine. Although I've noticed that it tends to be found as a prefix on "feminine" names rather than as a suffix (Jo- instead of -iah). That said, Azariah can still easily be a girl's name.
This is a wonderful name. It's much better than Abed-nego!

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