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Azalia 1
Gender Feminine
Other Forms FormsAzalía

Meaning & History

In English-speaking countries, this name is usually a variant spelling of Azaliah and Azalea, but there are also cases where it is a variant spelling of Azelia.

As for Spanish-speaking countries: the origin behind the use of the name there is less certain, but it is probably more often a variant form of Azalea there than of Azaliah, as on Facebook I have come across bearers who were actually called Flor de Azalia.

Lastly, a known bearer of this name is Azalia Snail, an American avant-garde singer-songwriter and musician. In her case, her name is a variant form of Azalea, as her parents had named her after the azaleas that grew near their home.
Added 10/24/2009 by anonymous
Edited 4/8/2016 by Lucille and Frollein Gladys

See Also

User submission Azalia