This name means ruler of elves (this is also my name, which explains my username.)
My fam has a very loose pronunciation with this name. Sometimes we say Ave-ah-ree, other times it's Ave-ree.
I don't get why so many people hate this name. My name is Avery, and I was never teased even once, for whatever reason. In fact, I never thought anyone would get teased for the reasons everyone says here. I don't think it sounds like Ovary, or like a name for a pig farmer. >:(
My best friend has this name and I absolutely love it. I think it is the perfect length. While this name sounds more feminine to me, I think it can be used for any gender. I read somewhere that it means ruler of the elves and I think that is really cool. Overall, it is one of my favorite names ever.
This is a cute name that I'm considering using as a middle name. I'm non-binary and my first name is a more masculine leaning unisex name, so a more feminine leaning unisex name to go right after it would be perfect. I know the name doesn't have anything to do with birds but it really reminds me of 'aviation'. And my first name can be derived from a river, so the image of a bird flying near a river is a nice one.
I like this name for a girl, not a boy, it's cute and grown up at the same time.
Avery is the best spelling. I adore this name on girls and feel it sounds too feminine for boys these days. Sorry!
I honestly prefer Ava or Averi (I think it looks nicer) for girls, but Avery is ok for boys.
Whoa I had NO idea there was apparently a controversy over the usage of this name, with some hating on it! I looked at baby name lists for months during my pregnancy, but the name Avery was always in my heart ever since I was a child. Quick back story, at age 34 I had an unplanned pregnancy with my husband, expected due date in late Jan. 2024. Given many health concerns/pregnancy risks I was terrified. But I wanted to wait until the day my baby was born to find out the sex to have something to look forward to amid the stress of being very high risk. Funnily enough I only wanted Avery as a boy’s name, especially since the popularity skyrocketed as a girl’s name. So we decided if it was a girl we liked Juniper (I think Juni for short is adorable), and our “boy pick” was Avery. One emergency C-section later and our son was born on 1/1/24 - Happy New Year! William has special significance in my family so we paired that as his middle name. Avery William. In no way am I reminded of female reproductive parts and I am sincerely confused at the posts on this thread telling us that our sons will be bullied endlessly….
It's a nice neutral name. I can picture two little kids, a boy and a girl, both named Avery. And those two little kids would get along better — become friends, even — than the „adults” bickering for literal YEARS in these comments. To each their own opinion of what they'd *personally* use, but that's it. What other parents choose and why is their business. Use a name because you like it, especially if it's meaningful to you, not because of what some old bats arbitrarily decided was "tradition."
Avery has become a much more feminine name these past few years, so I'd definitely keep that in mind.
My mom wanted to call me this. It does sound too close to ovary so yeah. I'm glad I have a different name. Just a reminder that kids can be ruthless so you'd be bullied behind your back for it if people dislike you.
I don't think this name is very gender neutral. I think it's a lot more feminine than masculine. I have felt that way for a long time ever since I discovered the name. I just don't think it's very masculine.
Never did like this name. Sounds like a pig farmer.
This name is so cute. I wish it was my name. I like it way better than Ava.
A little plain but I guess it’s pretty.
Avery is a good unisex name. It is handsome for boys, pretty for girls, cool for all genders.
AVERY (a variation of Ovary) and TESTICLES (Testes as a cute nn) would be miraculous twin names.
Avery’s pretty/handsome.
My best friend is named Averial, but we call her Avery. She's very protective and very motherly. So over all, when I hear this name I smile knowing I have made a lot of good memories with her, and I look forward to making more.
I really like Avery for a boy. It's understandable how it caught on for girls (like a sportier version of Ava), but I don't enjoy it as a feminine name at all. As a masculine name it's strong without being overly "macho" or stuffy. And plenty of boys' names start with long-A sounds, too, so it wouldn't be eye-catching in a bad way (especially since Avery is still in the Top 500 names for boys, and the popularity for girls is steadily falling).
Love this name for a boy— I am giving it to my son due in July. Avery Simon. “Ruler of the Elves” plus Simon, my favorite boy's name. Think overall it has a fantasy forest kind of vibe which I love. My husband really thinks Avery sounds great and very distinctive and entrepreneurial with our last name. I really don’t care that girls use it too, I like it better for a boy obviously but I don’t “object” to it on girls the way I do for Aubrey, lol. (Which is a variant of this I also considered). Would be kind of cute if he ends up marrying a girl named Avery. Avery and Avery…ha ha! He could go by Ave as a nickname, something I just heard on an auto mechanic (a man named Avery) who is near us. Baby already knows his name—-Avery—when I call him by it! Never would have thought this is what I would pick but love it (the surname has history in our family).
Bird cage.
I have a friend named Avery and nobody mispronounces her name, unlike mine.
Surname of Canadian Hockey Player Sean Avery...
My sister is named Avery. It is a great name and no one mispronounces it like many people do to mine. It is definitely a name to consider if picking a name for any reason.
Avori Henderson (born 5/15/96) is an esports athlete, Twitch streamer, and EDM singer who was notable for competing on the sixth season of the reality show The Mole.
I like this name on both boys and girls.
My favorite name for a girl! I have wanted to name a daughter Avery ever since watching the old Disney channel show Dog with a Blog. I love it!
I'm afraid I also think of ovaries and birds but objectively speaking it's a cool name.
Avery is a melodic name for anyone, regardless of gender.
Awesome name for a tomboy ;)
This is a beautiful name for a little girl, and it ages well as it also suits an adult woman. I don’t think it suits a boy as well, considering the proportion of girls versus boys that have this name now, but it works for both. I love it!
Caged birds and ovaries spring to mind. Another European surname used as first name in America.
I honestly like it. My mom wanted to name me Avery but my dad didn't like it, apparently it's too "boyish" which I completely disagree with. I see it more feminine. SO, they decided on Abbigail which I like as well.
This is too girly for a boy.
Avery, in my opinion, is a very beautiful name for a girl.
Avery Jae Clemens, better known as AJ Clementine, is an Australian model and social media influencer.
I guess I'm in the minority here, but I like Avery better for a boy more than I do for a girl. It just sounds like a very sweet, nice guy name to me. Still gorgeous for girls though.
I love the combo Avery Blake for either a girl or boy! Avery is a cool name.
I prefer Avery on a girl rather than a boy because it's more popular for females than males. It's an okay name but I prefer Averie better!
I think Avery is a nice name that would suit either gender beautifully.
I think Avery Jordan sounds pretty cool.
Trendy but nice gender neutral name.
Ovary? Hideous LOL.
You can't disagree. This name is super close to ovary. Even if they do not make fun of you, when they think of you who is called Avery, inadvertently ovary pops into their minds as well. Your baby will get mocked. Most likely.
You will regret it if you want to choose it for your baby. There are millions of beautiful names out there that have both beautiful meaning and sound. Don't put your baby in such a bad situation of getting bullied or mocked.
Beautiful for a girl! For a boy it’s ok I guess….
I'm loving this name for a girl! It sounds pretty, fresh, tough, and artsy. Avery is a beautiful name for a girl. I know 3 girls named Avery over the age of 14 years old. It also can make a wonderful and unique middle name. I like it a lot. Blake and Avery would be an amazing sibset for a boy and a girl.
I Think Avery is a very pretty name! I know a girl named Avery, and she is soooo smart, pretty, kind and good at everything she does! Avery is a beautiful name, I don't think any name can be overused.
Avery ranks number 19 for girls on the most recent 2020 social security administration's baby name popularity list. I love this name and am actually surprised it isn't even more popular.
Ugh Ugly. The classic "American name" we say here in U.K. about tacky names. Avery is one of them.
Gorgeous name for a girl. I guess that’s why it is so popular. Love Ave as a nickname. I have only heard it pronounced as Ave-ry with 2 syllables where I live in Northeast US and prefer that pronunciation.
This is a nice unisex name. I like Avery for a girl. I don’t mind that Avery reminds me of weighing scales.
It makes me think of ovaries and bird aviaries.
It's okay, at least better than Averie!
Boring! Very dated now anyhow.
Nothing much to say. Feels a little bit boring. Not bad, not good, just not mature enough or something. Just alright!
Meh. There are a lot prettier names!
It's a name, I know it is very pretty and I like it better for a girl but it's fine on a boy.
Avery is one of the most beautiful names for a girl I’ve ever heard. It rolls off the tongue nicely, and sounds feminine without being overly frilly and I can see it working on any girl, regardless of her personality.
Not really my thing, but cute!
I like it. It sounds nice as a middle name.
Not a fan!
I graduated with the dorkiest guy named Avery as well which ruined the name for me. I also don’t see the appeal as a girl name. Just plain ugly!
I noticed this name in the comedy Dog with a Blog and I love that girl named Avery, so I named myself Avery.
One of my favorite names!
I far prefer the three-syllable pronunciation (AY-və-ree) to the two-syllable one (AYV-ree), although both are nice. I think this is one of those names that fits any gender and age group equally well. It's simple and familiar, yet not extremely common.
Avery is a beautiful name for a girl. Maybe I’m biased, it’s my name!
My father in law was named Avery, my husband's middle name and then my son's middle name. I think it is one name that fits boys or girls. Elegant name.
I named my son Avery James. I love the name and it fits him so well. Totally aware of the meaning Elfin King but is that really a reason not to use the name? I first heard the name on Grey's Anatomy, surgeon Jackson Avery and if my son ever asks, that's where it came from.
I liked the sound of the name but when I heard it means elf king I now find it a really stupid name and can’t think of it without thinking of an elf.
Means elf king why on earth would anyone choose a name with that as a meaning it’s quite silly there are much nicer names.
Reminds me of bird cages so not a nice image when thinking of the name.
I think it’s just fine on a girl :).
Avery is the name of one of the rivals from Pokemon Shield. He is encountered in the Isle of Armor expansion. He is a Psychic-type Trainer.
I usually dislike a lot of boy names used on girls, but this is an exception for me. Avery sounds pretty on a girl and handsome on a boy. I prefer it to Ava. It is rather common for girls, however.
Um...No thank you...
Pretty name.
Sorry to ask Avery Brooks but you mentioned the pronunciation. Which do you use? I love this name, I think it sounds beautiful, melodic and ethereal, while still being wearable.
I would like to ask a question.
Why would anyone name their child after an Elf?
You know Avery means Elfin King right?
I understand it actually sounds cute and all but how are you going to explain to your kids I named you after an elf? Can someone help me understand why Avery is a nice name?
I have a few acquaintance who named their daughter Avery...
Avery is a good name.
I saw that someone below said Avery is primarily a male name outside the US. This is not true.
In 2018, Canada, UK, Ireland, and New Zealand used the name Avery for a girl (along with some other countries but the numbers were less than 5). In fact, the ratio of girl/boy in these countries similarly reflects the US usage as it was used in much greater abundance for girls compared to boys. The UK is the exception to this as they had about equal boys and girls named Avery in 2018 (98 girls, 91 boys).
I don’t care what gender it is used for, I just wanted to point this out.
Only hear girls named this where I’m from (California). I like the name a lot actually.
Well my name is Avery Brooks and I am a girl. I do like the name, but I am not a big fan of the never ending debate on wether it is two syllables or three. I also think that it is a very unisex name and my parents said that if I was a boy I would have the exact same name (first and middle).
Beautiful sounding name that is easy to say and spell. Sounds like a mix between Emily and Ava. I had only met one Avery who was a female in her early 20s. I think it’s a good unisex name but personally prefer it on a female. It seems to strongly be trending towards girls. Would hesitate to name my son this for that reason. Really though, the name doesn’t make the person.
I previously said I liked Avery for either gender. I only like it for a boy now. Avery is so handsome for a boy and it sounds very attractive.
Kinda bummed that it seems like Avery is just gonna become another male name that is taken and only for girls.
It’s one of those boy names that sound pretty on a girl, but on a boy is it SO handsome. Nice on both in my opinion.
Very joyful name!
Actually, I think Avery suits both boys and girls.Also reminds me of birds (probably because it sounds like 'avian')
Avery is the name of a very large and well known office supply company (paper, labels, post-its, etc). You may not know it now, but; it’ll be all over your kid’s stuff when they start school.
One of my favorite names... I think Avery is pretty and classy for a girl.
Why do you guys hate unisex names so much? Not all names need to be strictly masculine or feminine. You're free to express your opinion but don't shove it down other people's throats and expect them to agree with you.
I love this name for a girl and a boy.
Avery is an old English derivative of Alfred. I wouldn't want to name my girl Alfred. Outside of the US, it is primarily a boy's name. Avery is often on lists like Popular English Boy Names. It's only been recognized by the Social Security Administration as a girl's name in the United States since 1989, but a boy's name since tracking began in 1900.
According to, there are three people in the U.S. named Avery Avery.
This is my friend’s middle name. I like this name and it sounds nice, but I prefer Ava.
Until watching Grey's anatomy and Nashville, I'd never heard of the name. Both characters from those shows are male, so I thought it was a mostly boys name, until checking it out to find that that isn't true and it's waaay more popular as a girl's name, in the U.S. at least. I can see a 'femininity' to it, as it's similar to other Ava/Evie names, which are popular, but personally I like Avril on a girl, Avery on a boy, especially given its masculine origin, although as a previous poster said, it makes a really good transgender or unisex name, it crosses the divide nicely. And let's not forget that you make the name, it does not make you.
Too feminine to be a boy's name. Avery is very cute. It's in my 2019 top 10 so far. Love it.
Well, my name is Avery, and I am female. I absolutely love my name. Whenever I introduce myself I get comments on how beautiful it is and that people really adore it. I really appreciate getting that kind of response. I personally think that the name is very feminine, although I have met a few males with the name. I also tend to think that it fits a very specific personality and that people tend to only like it when it fits you. I just hope to find a name that suits my own children and that is well liked when I have children of my own! My name is Madison Avery, and I go by my middle name. I have thought about the name Bethany Marie! I really think that a name is a very important aspect of a human being!
I agree with heatherfeather. Avery is more of a feminine name, and there are so many masculine male names for parents of boys to choose from. However, all those masculine names for boys can still be used on females, but still more masculine than Avery. When she tells you not to name your son Avery and she tells you “there are so many masculine names for parents of boys to choose from”, it’s respectful for you to still let those names be used on girls. Besides don’t worry if Aiden is used for a girl. It’s still more masculine than Avery. Any masculine name is better for a girl than Avery for a boy. A girl is feminine, she can have whatever name she wants regardless if she’s a tomboy or a girly girl. A boy actually can’t have any kind of name. It’s acceptable to put a masculine name on a girl, but not really to put a feminine name on a boy. I know men don’t get as much freedom, but that’s just how society works.
You're wrong, that's not how society works nowadays. People can name their children whatever they please. I think your comment is very sexist. A man could be "feminine" if he so chooses to be.
I absolutely love Avery for boys or girls. I’m kinda leaning towards the feminine side because it just sounds feminine and looks feminine. So pretty for a girl. It’s a nice name for a boy too, I have met some boy Averys, but I just prefer it on a girl. I just feel that way about a lot of unisex names, especially the feminine sounding names. Though I prefer Avery a lot on a girl, I still think it’s an interesting choice for a boy, after all, it’s unisex.
Reminds me of Avery Ator from Rescue Heroes. :P.
In 2018, 2 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Avery who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 809th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens.
Avery can also be spelled: Averyie, Ahvery, Averrie, and Averie.
Robert Downey Jr. Has a daughter with this name, but they spell it 'Avri'.
I love the name. It always makes me think of the Avery Award in Anne of Green Gables.
It's cute for a girl. My name is Avery Kayla.
I just don't like this name for a girl. I know a boy named Avery... That's probably why.
It's pretty common on girls now. Most people don't know or care I assume that it was originally masculine. Although I know a male and female, and they both seem to pull it off.
A name doesn't care if you abandon its history and use it for the "opposite" gender. A name doesn't care if you change how it's spelled or if you think it's ugly or beautiful. Names don't have feelings, names don't have genders. Name your kid whatever you want, within reason. Avery is a good name for anyone, so is Peyton, or Logan or Rory or even Sue and John. I'd name my daughter John or Scott, I'd name my son Julia or Elizabeth. They're just letters.
That's my opinion. Names are just letters. The only reason people think Avery is a boys name is because boys have had it in the past. Nothing about any name says that it's a boys name or a girls name.
That has to be the dumbest thing I've read in a long time. History is important. The various histories of names are important. People can and already do ignore history and name their kids what they want. If names are just letters go ahead and name your kid Zxvzk.Avery is a lovely name.
Well said ivlesbyrra! My son's name is Drew Hayden because my husband and I loved both names! And people would stop and ask where the names came from. I'm like really? It's because we love them and they totally suit our little man and I couldn't think of naming him anything else. And my newborn daughter's name is AVERY and we love it too! In fact, it's Avery Harper and we love that they can be used for girls or boys. So, new parents-to-be... name your children whichever you'd like! They are your children. And I'm sure, if you do something unique they will thank you! Even if it's a family member... change it up a bit.. we had Theodore and kinda thought Teddi.. but, decided to do something new instead of family. Don't go with the flow- names should be as unique as your children!
I've only known 2 Avery's in my life and they were both girls. I never knew it was used as a boy's name until I came here. I hate it as a boy's name and I feel like it would get made fun of as a boy's name. I can't see any aged boy named Avery. I think its beautiful for girls though.
I don't see how people think it's too feminine for a boy. I've only ever heard it on boys, but I guess it just depends on who you've met with this name. Either way, I don't really like this name.
I like this name and I'm going to name my daughter Avery. I have been telling my friends and family Avery is what I'll be naming my daughter. I have been getting a lot of people telling me it's a boy name. I look at it as a girl name but I heard it can go either way. I just wanted to say it's your own opinion so please don't tell people that it's only a boy name or a girl name because it can go either way.
I think it's okay for a boy. Very young sounding, a bit cutesy, but okay. I don't think it suits a girl at all. It doesn't sound cute or pretty or graceful or womanly. It sounds tryndee and childish, like the name of a young tomboy rather than a grown, feminine woman. I'd sooner choose Ava for a girl over Avery, and I don't particularly like Ava.
Maybe Avera, Averia, Avra, Averine, Averetta, Avrietta, Averinia, Averice, Averina, Averita or Averie for girls (or just Avery) and Avery is also a good boy name. It is a very good name for girls or boys, and I like it as a unisex name. The feminine forms are good and so is Avery, and Avery for boys. It is becoming feminine over the years and will be all feminine like Alexis, Ami, Alix, so on soon and is to some people.
Steven Avery in "Making a Murderer".
My name is Avery, and I'm female. I know a lot of guys with the name Avery, and I always make fun of my name for being named after an office supply company, and it being in the boy section of the baby naming book, but I've always found it rather feminine. Maybe that's just because MY name is Avery.
Okay-enough name, suitable to both genders. Which says a lot since most names I either see as "strictly male" or "strictly female".
Avery Arable is Fern's older brother in Charlotte's Web.
Avery Brooks, actor.
Cool, bald, black dude who played tough guy Hawk on "Spenser For Hire" and Captain Sisko on Star Trek.
Avery is an Old English name. Derived from the name Alfred. Don't know how it became a girl name. Guess somebody thought it was pretty then deemed it unisex. Sure wouldn't name my girl Alfred. I'm 32 and I know 4 grown men named Avery all 32 years old or older. Then in the 90s people decided it was a unisex name, don't get it.
Look, I'm not a huge fan of this name but it REALLY annoys me when people say things like, "Boys' names on boys and girls' names on girls!" There are people (like me) who don't like classic names. There are also people who don't identify as either gender, so they need a name that can suit a boy or a girl. The assumption that a parent who uses a unisex name on a girl was hoping they would have a boy is dumb beyond belief. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, they genuinely liked it as a feminine name? You're allowed to have your own opinions on whether a name is better suited for a boy or a girl, but your opinion doesn't dictate the usage of a name. Don't pretend like it should.
On Grey's Anatomy, there's a male doctor named Avery.
On ABC's Nashville, there's a dude named Avery Barkley.
I love the name Avery. Beautiful name. I consider this name to be on the feminine side as it is mostly used on girls in the US. I think it sounds soft and feminine. Personally I would not use it on a boy. There are so many great strong masculine names for the parents of boys to choose from.
My daughter whom is 12 years old is named Avery Elizabeth. I get a ton of compliments on her name. I am now pregnant again and I am looking for a unique name that goes well with Avery.
BTW, she loves her name as do all of her friends.
My daughter's name (2009) is Avery Christine! Christine is a family name, and I love the way it flows. I say her first and middle name together quite frequently when I'm calling her from another room, or just really need to get her attention, lol.
My name is Avery and I'm a 15 year old man. My name came from a movie, and people rhyme me to slavery, bravery, and I earned the nickname gavery. Also, Avery is A BEAUTIFUL GIRL'S NAME, and SOUNDS AT PEACE FOR BOYS.
I'm having a baby girl in September and we're naming her Avery Christine.
We are due in July and our daughter will be Avery Christina. Small world! Good luck to you. My husband and I agreed on this name, we really like it!
I originally remember this name both from Murphy Brown and from Charlotte's Web, both on boys.In the 3rd season of A Different World, Dwayne Wayne came home from Japan with a girlfriend named Avery, that was the first time I'd ever heard it on a girl.This is a name I'd love to name a boy, but my husband thinks it's too feminine.
The first Avery I knew was a boy. I liked it for a boy but then it rose to be a girl name maybe Ava influenced that. I don't think it's bad either way. I like it for both genders.
100% a boys name with a lot of history. People should not name girls Avery as it is way too masculine. I see a lot of Avery men all over the US and Scandinavia, I see Avery girls in Walmart mostly. I don't know what the feminine version of this regal name is, but there are a ton of beautiful feminine names to choose from. Good boy names are already hard to come by.
This name is really pretty and feminine, not masculine!
To me, this is one of the few names that really can go both ways. I have a daughter named Avery but an in-law that just named their son Avery. I like it equally for a boy or a girl. It's more common for a girl but I wouldn't be taken aback if I were introduced to a male Avery.
It's a dude's name. Respect the history. To those who feel it's the y-ending sound, would you name a girl Rory, Henry, or Jeremy? C'mon now.
I love the name Avery for a girl! I can't stand it on a boy, but I feel that way with most unisex names. I would totally name my daughter Avery, it's one of my favorite girl names!
I just love Avery for a boy. It means courage and bravery. Avery was originally a boy name but it has gone to the girls. I really do not like Avery for a girl. They are two different names: Avery Boy and Avery Girl. I think this should be a boy name. Think of the little girl's big brother Avery in Little House on the Prairie. Avery is a boy name. It is too masculine for a girl.
I named my son Avery after my Grandfather. It is ultra masculine for a guy and doesn't work well on a girl. Reminds me of girls I went to school with named Jordan or Alex. Seems like a cruel joke to give your daughter a strong male name, like the flip side to a boy named Sue.
Every time I see or hear this name, I think of Sgt-Maj Avery Johnson from the Halo (video game) series.Effect: it's a guys name peeps. Cant imagine a girl with it at all - sounds waaaaay too masculine for a girl (kinda like naming a girl William or Benjamin or Gregory!)
I think Avery is much more suitable for a girl, the first Avery I heard of (besides for me) was Avery Jennings (G Hannelius) of Disney Channel's Dog With a Blog. The name Avery means, smart, wise. My name is Avery Christine and I absolutely love my name... Avery Is a girls name all round.
I've only ever heard this name said 'AV-ree', the first syllable rhyming with the first syllable in 'Avatar'.
I love the name Avery for a boy. It's really handsome and old fashioned sounding. Definitely considering using this one day! Avery for a girl is... okay. A bit boring. Don't see how it's spectacular or pretty, and it's so trendy! But I guess a lot of people must like it for it to be #13 in the US.
I have both a brother named Avery, and babysit a little girl named Avery (she spells it different, and I can't exactly remember how at the moment), and I believe the name is fitted for both genders.
I don't see why people think Avery is a girl's name. It doesn't strike me as Feminine at all. It's a form of Alfred. I don't like this whole surname turned girl name trend. I find it tolerable on a boy, however, the name will always remind me of a bird cage. Americans might see the name as feminine but other countries don't - same goes with names like Emerson and Aubrey.
I've heard it said 'av-eh-ry', the A like the first A in 'avatar'.
I am fond of this name. I can easily picture it on a man or a women, although I've never met anyone with the name. Sounds very nice as well.
Ugh I HATE this name on a girl, this is a male name. I had always planned on naming a son this, but I can't now because I don't want my little boy to have to share a name with a bunch of little girls.
In the movie Despicable Me 2, Margo is texting her friend who she says is named Avery, and her dad goes "Avery? Is that a boy or a girl name?" It made me laugh, but it was kind of sad at the same time, because its quite obvious that this 'unisex' trend has gotten completely out of control. We should never have to wonder if someone named Avery, Riley, Hayden, Payton, or Taylor is male or female. But, that's how it is nowadays. And it's confusing, a hassle, and extremely annoying. I wholeheartedly agree with the comment above. Save Avery, Madison, Aubrey and the rest for the guys and, give your daughters a pretty, classic, FEMININE name!
I have a feeling this name became popular for a girl due to its similarity to Ava. Perhaps some parents see it as a less common alternative to Ava. Perhaps they think it has a similar feel of other French names ending in the "ee" sound that are used for girls (i.e. Elodie, Coralie, Amelie, Natalie).While I'll admit that Avery sounds pretty for a girl, I can't help but see it as a handsome name for a boy.Western culture does not seem to like names to be unisex. People NEED to associate a name with one gender. If a masculine name suddenly becomes popular for girls, it will become associated as a girls' name and parents will feel doubtful about using it on boys. This is what happened with Ashley, Courtney, Aubrey, and Kelsey. This is currently in the process of happening with Riley, Peyton, and Avery. The only way to counter this is for parents to not be afraid to name their sons these sort of names.Do not be afraid to name your son Avery. Ignore the critics! It's 100% manly-sounding and has a long history of being masculine. Those who think it's "girly" are ignorant about it's origin, meaning, and history. Lastly, I personally think Avery sounds no more girlier than Wesley, Henry, or Anthony.
Nice name for a boy. Über trendy-cutesy for a girl. Personally, I think it's best left as a surname, but if you're gonna go with Avery, please use it for a boy! It's way too trendy on girls and will end up being very dated in about 20 years. It really doesn't sound very good on a woman either. On a boy, this name is very unique and one you don't hear every day, and will most likely get positive reactions. On a girl, its extremely bland. No offense to anyone with the name who is a female, but its really nothing exciting anymore. Doesn't really show and creativity on the parents' part, its just kind of... Unoriginal.
My name is Avery, and I'm a girl when I was younger I hated the name because everyone would always say it was a guys name because of the older brother in the movie Charlotte's web was named Avery... now I'm 15 and absolutely love my name!
This name sounds far too masculine, too butch, to be used on a girl; it just sounds like parents are trying too hard to be "unique". They might as well name their daughters "Bruno", "Thomas", or "Alfred". Avery sounds perfectly handsome on a boy to me. It's not hyper-masculine, but a nice, sensible name.
I actually really like this name for a boy, it's very unique (even though 100 years ago it wasn't, it would've been very uncommon for a girl, just like so many names today that have obnoxiously been converted into trendy female names) however, I actually do think its very pretty on a girl. But since it was originally meant for a boy, I prefer it that way.
Two guys in the NBA: Avery Johnson (head coach Brooklyn Nets), Avery Bradley (starting guard Boston Celtics). Avery Brooks, actor (Hawk on Spenser For Hire). Avery Robinson, nephew of Michelle Obama who plays college basketball. Sounds masculine to me.
For some reason, Avery sounds very country/cowboy (or girl)-ish to me. Maybe it's the association with the cartoonist Tex Avery (born in Texas, hence his nickname). This is one of the few names that I actually think works very well with both sexes.
This will never be a girl name to me. It's a boy name, through and through.
Avery is a character in the Beacon Street Girls book series. I forget the author, it's been so long since I read them, but I really liked her character. She's a tomboy who was adopted as a young age.
I like the name Avery since I've read it in the books of Vampire Academy.
Avery Lazar is a girl who comes with her father and brother to the Academy. She first appeared in Blood Promise.
I like the name, because it sounds like the person who wears this name is very brave and no nonsense. :)
Avery Bradley is an American basketball player.
I'd call this unisex.
I've always preferred Avery on a boy. I like Ava for a girl, but Avery for a boy. It's cute and handsome.
This name sounds better on a boy. I cannot picture a girl having this name.
What next? Will we see girls named Tom, Wesley, Paul, Michael, Joshua, Isaiah, Issac, Elijah, and the like? Ashley and Robin and Leslie were once exclusively male names, now look. Avery sounds so much better to me on a male than on a female. I can't imagine a girl named Bruno any more than I can imagine a boy named Sue (or Elizabeth, for that matter).
Well Avery is a male name. It has become a unisex name. But it is derived from a male name. Look it up in the database. It's fine for male or female. But when I think of Avery I think of a boy right away. So I love this name and it's entirely all boy to me. There are many girls with boy names out there and there is no harm in that. But it's definitley masculine with a soft side. Love it!
I only know one person named Avery: except he spells it Avry. For a boy, I'd spell it Avery, but for a girl I'd spell it Averie. This is one of those unisex names that I really like.
This name? Feminine? Er, no. It's not feminine at all. It is an old, established male name. It goes along the same lines as Logan, Peyton, Jordan, and Mackenzie for girls. It just doesn't suit a woman.
Wow everyone calm down! This name is not a MALE name it's a unisex name. And I'm sorry if that bothers you but that's the way it is so get over it.
I think this name is ultra girly, and I tried to see it as masculine, but it just sounds so cute and feminine.
In 2010 6,633 girls were named Avery, and only 1,686 boys named it.
On a girl, Avery sounds like a dimwitted cheerleader. On a boy, Avery sounds like the name of a wonderful, nice, and handsome man. :D
Avery is the name of my son, who is 3 months old. It also means "nobility" in English as well. That is why I chose it, I also read somewhere that it means "happy gift from God", which is quite strange, because my daughter's name is Alayna, which means "My God has answered me". I love the name, I have heard it used both ways, however, Avery fits my son to the fullest.
I LOVE the name Avery and plan to use this name as a middle name for my son. I HATE this name on a girl. It makes me cringe. It's a MALE name.
I personally think this name is better for a boy. I think it's adorable and unique. Jackson Avery is also a character on Grey's Anatomy.
Avery to me is a boy name, no way would I use this name for a little girl. This name was originally a boys name back in approximately 1880 and about 1889 girls started to use it (Or given them I should say)
This name is all male...
It's also properly pronounced AY-vree, not "Ava-ree" (That would be completely incorrect unless it's just your accent making it sound like Ava-ree)
Avarie or some other spelling should be used for the female version. Not Avery which is male. It's a great male name. Terrible girl name.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this name for a guy, but there's no way I'm using it now because it's become such a common girl's name :( A shame, but it does not sound one bit feminine.
I'm sorry, but this name is MUCH too masculine for a girl. I knew an Avery, and has forever cemented the name in my mind as a strictly male name. I don't think I even knew it was a unisex name until recently. Anyway, I do love this name on a boy. It's masculine and warm. But on a girl, just go with Eva or Ava. Avery is just so fully masculine to me!
My mom was going to name me Avery if I were a boy, but since I'm a girl she named me differently. I find this name to fit both genders well but I have a cat named Avery so its weird meeting people named after my cat..
Love it for a guy... girls, not so much.
Shug Avery is a female character in the novel, The Color Purple.
I think this name is very masculine. I love it for a boy, and the fact that it its becoming very popular for girls does not change my opinion.A nickname could be Ave.
I do like the name, but the majority seem to pronounce it AVY-ree. I pronounce it AVY-uh-ree. And thought that was the standard pronunciation.
The only Avery I only knew was a boy, and I've always thought it was a very regal-sounding name for a boy. I can understand the appeal as a feminine name, though I personally wouldn't use it for a girl. And to the people who gripe about masculine names being taken over by girls, think of this--in Roman times, ALL girls were given the feminine version of her father's family name. There could be five or six Julias or Octavias in one family! This is not a "trend," it has been going on for millenia.
This name sounds hideous and unfeminine on a girl. Have people forgotten that this was the name of the baby BOY on 'Murphy Brown'? What part of this name looks or sounds even remotely feminine? This trend of using surnames as girls' names can't end soon enough!
I like the name Avery. I prefer it for a boy, although I can kind of understand why someone would use it for a girl. (It does sound slightly feminine to me; though, I do sometimes like giving male characters in my stories more feminine names.) To me, Avery sounds like a nice, friendly person who really likes people. He's sort of "everybody's friend", if you know what I mean. He always seems happy, and he's the person that few people ever see upset or mad. He's silly sometimes, and being around his friends makes him sillier. He likes to have jocular conversations with people, but when someone wants to tell him about a problem they have or something else of a serious nature, he is a good listener and tries to help them. (I give this description because I used the name Avery for a character I made up; he's basically sort of like this, and I named him Avery because the name seemed to fit the character well.)
It makes me think of On Avery Island, which is the title of the first album by the indie band Neutral Milk Hotel. (It's a particular favorite of mine, actually.)
Avery was the English name for one of the Ayakashi Sisters in Sailor Moon R.
I don't think this name sounds masculine at all. It's a very pretty name for a girl, but I can't even imagine using it on a boy.
"Avery" is pronounced /AY-vuh-ri/. It is a boy's name. I love it!
One of my good friends is named Avery and he is male. I personally thought of it as a more feminine name until I met him. Sometimes, you think a name won't work for whatever reason until you meet someone who pulls it off.
Whilst I don't mind Avery on boys, this name is a favourite for girls.
I love the name Avery for a little girl. You could even call her 'Ava' if you wanted to.
According to the 2007 Social Security list, the name Avery continues to increase in popularity for girls - it is now ranked #48. However, it has started its decline for boys - dropping 10 spots to #221. It has definitely "gone to the girls" as some say. Following the path of names like Beverly, Vivian, Kimberly, Kelly. I think it's a wonderful, modern name for a girl.
I always thought this name sounded like "aviary" and assumed the name came from 'avis' the Latin word for 'bird'. This name sounds much more masculine than feminine, in my opinion.
This is a pretty name for a little girl.
The only Avery I've ever known was a man, so this seems like a man's name to me. I can see why some of you think it's feminine-sounding, although no matter how hard I try I can't get the image of a female Avery in my head.
I think the name Avery is very pretty and sounds better for a girl than a boy. Avery sounds a little more feminine to me, personally, though I have seen it with both boys and girls.
For a boy this is very handsome. For a girl it sounds like her parents will forever be trying to turn her into a little boy.
Utterly stupid name. It's a surname, people!
Surnames have been being used as first names for hundreds of years now, so get used to it.
Avery is VERY attractive for a male. On a girl, it sounds washed out and ugly.
For a boy, Avery is very handsome name. For a girl it's ugly and far too masculine - if I met a girl named Avery, I'd think that her parents must have wanted boy SO badly.
I think it's better for a boy. To me, it's just more masculine. The only Avery I've know is my little couin, Trenton Avery. And it suits him very well.
Rhyming with "slavery" is not good, although I don't think that sort of thing should really matter. Also rhymes with "bravery," which is much nicer.
I love this name! It's my brother's name. He hasn't ever gotten made fun of for it that I know. I do know a girl who has this as her middle name. I like it either way, boy or girl.
I believe that Avery is related in origin both to Alfred and Aelric (Elric); I concur with a previous comment that it means "ruler of the elves." [noted -ed]
We named our daughter Avery Kathleen in 1988. At the time, Avery was practically unknown as a girl's name; I believe it makes a very strong girl's name.Murphy Brown (TV) significantly changed the popularity of the name; she named her son Avery in honor of her mother (or grandmother), who was named Avery.I have encountered far more boys than girls named Avery, though the polls clearly indicate its popularity as a girl's name.
In our family, we pronounce Avery as AVE-ree (two syllables), though the first syllable, with its long A and V sounds, could be interpreted as more than two (but less than three) syllables.We occasionally will turn Avery into three syllables for emphasis: AE-vuh-ree.
Avery Schreiber (9 April 1935 – 7 January 2002) was an American comedian and actor.The Avery Schreiber Theater in North Hollywood, California, was named in his honor in 2003.
Although I've only met two Avery's and they were both girls, I do prefer this on a boy. I think the boy in Charlotte's Web was named this. I could be mistaken though!
I was under the impression it was made up of the roots "aelf" and "ric" meaning elf-ruler. Some other sources give this as the origin. [noted -ed]I am a female Avery who was given this name before it ever even made the top 1000 for girls. All I can do is apologize for 'stealing' a boys' name, but it has been going on forever, from Ashley to Kelly to Stacy to Courtney to Lindsey, and there's not much anyone can do about it.
Well considering that the name Avery derived from the name Alfred I think that it is perfect for a boy. :)
It seems that any name ending with a 'y' these days is being taken over by girls.
According to the US Social Security Administration, in 2005, 4,585 girls were named Avery, and 1,641 boys were named Avery, and 247 girls were named Averie.
I love this name for a girl.
I think Avery is a very regal and handsome name for a boy, the fact that now a days it is most commonly used for girls does not have an effect on my opinion.
Country singer Sara Evans has a son named Avery Jack.
Avery for a girl appeared on the top 1000 list in the 1990's. Its most popular year was 2005 where it ranked 66. Avery for a boy appeared on the top 1000 list in the 1880's. Its most popular year was 2005 where it ranked 215.
I like this name better for a girl. I LOVE Avery Grace!
This reminds me of the name Ashley which used to be used for boys but very quickly rose in popularity for a girl and is now almost used exclusively for a girl.
According to British Columbia vital statistics for the year 2005, 52 girls were named Avery and 15 boys were named Avery.
Avery is Anglo-Saxon for 'Ruler of the Elves.'
I absolutely love the name. I do prefer the spelling Avarie though. I like it better on a boy. When it's on a girl I find it reminding me of a bird. This is going to be my first son's name.
What a beautiful strong name, just like my daughter Averie Elizabeth. She's 5 years old. I got the name from the Murphy Brown television show when I was 10. It's always been my favorite name.
I once knew a girl named Averie, spelled with the -ie at the end. Ever since, I've loved it, but I like the spelling Avery best.
This is my cousin's name (Avery Griffin) and I had never heard the name before my Aunt and Uncle decided to use it. He's two years old. Now I'm hearing the name a lot for a girl, never for a boy. I think it's pretty for a girl and unique for a boy. I applaud anyone who goes against the flow of popularity!
Far too feminine and wimpy sounding for a boy and too unisex and harsh for a girl. I have no idea why this name is rising in popularity for the latter.
I love this name. It's one of the few names that I think suit both males and females equally well.
I also find the name Avery a bit feminine for a boy.
I like the name Avery for a guy. It does not sound feminine to me. And I also like the boy named Avery Shaw.
I find this name a bit too feminine for a boy but it has been used for boys for a very long time. It is growing in popularity right now for both boys and girls very quickly here where I live.
Is actually pronounced Ave-ree (the "Ave" being pronounced like in "Ava"). I know one guy with this as a first name, and many people with this as a french-acadian surname. [noted -ed]
Avery Brooks, who played Captain Sisko on Star Trek: DS9, is a famous bearer of this name.
This is the name of actress Angie Sehorn's second daughter. Her full name is Avery Grace Sehorn.
'Avery' is an infamous deatheater in the Harry Potter books.

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