I don’t know if it’s just me having a weird brain but this name sounds slightly Christmassy.
Pretty name.
Pronounces like Ariel but with an “o” pronounced AW-riel.
It looks nothing like areola.
It does look like 'areola'.
Heh heh heh.
Isn't this the name of some bird? Or at least how you pronounce it?
I would hate to be called Aureole. It has a nice meaning and a nice sound to it, but it's also the name of the soft pink fleshy bit of skin that surrounds the nipple. Not good.
That's the first thing that came to mind, too, Hana! I would never name my child this!
Sorry, I have to make a correction. The darker area around the nipple is the areola. It's often misspelled as aureole, and since the meaning of aureole is not that far removed from areola's meaning, it's an understandable mistake.
I like this name.

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