I love it on a boy. It's so cool, classy, handsome, and a very nice name. It's a good association with St. Augustine. Not only are the ends of the letter E reserved for feminine names like Justine and Louise.
Saint Augustine was an amazing saint! He became a Christian after leading a very bad life and the rest of his life he converted it to god. Here is some more information you can find out about him.Britannica.com/biography/Saint-Augustine
I love this name. August is an easy nickname. It definitely is a bit to spell, but it’s an easy pronunciation. Don’t know where the female association came from. This name is definitely male— not female at all.
The only Augustine I knew was my boss, so I've always associated this name with authority. The name is rather balanced as it doesn't sound too masculine or feminine. It's not a common name but at the same time doesn't sound too exotic, so I can see why people may like this name.
Augustine is a lovely name and I think it sounds better for a girl pronounced aw-gus-teen. If Augustine is pronounced aw-gus-stine, it’s okay for a boy. If Augustine is pronounced the feminine way, then it would most likely be the feminine form of August or Augustus. In other words, it’s cute for either gender, preferably girl.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2018
This name does seem more feminine than masculine, because of the same roots as Christine. But I wouldn’t say it’s the worst boy's name, because I know a guy with this name, so I don’t wanna say “I hate this name for a boy”. That would be cruel. I think this name is cute for either gender. Even if it’s a bit feminine.
― Anonymous User 9/25/2018
Augustine Washington was George Washington’s father, who died when George was only 11. One of his other sons, Augustine Jr., was named after him.
― Anonymous User 9/15/2018
I understand this name is feminine use, but I’ve met a boy name Augustine. Fits him perfectly. Though I prefer it on a girl, it’s not terrible for a boy!
― Anonymous User 8/27/2018
The name Augustine was given to 334 boys born in the US in 2016. 70 percent of people with the first name Augustine are male.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2017
This is way too over the top for a boy. Try August or even Augustus. But for a girl this is beautiful and elegant.
So pretty for a girl- I love French names. (I hate it on a boy).
― Anonymous User 7/14/2015
This is a French girl's name, also German.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2015
I love it for a girl. I'm not religious at all and I can get over the saint name. There are so many saints, so so many people share their names with saints. It doesn't mean the parents follow that religion or that they were named after the saint.
― Anonymous User 7/12/2015
In my opinion, this name is truly unisex. And no, names like Madison and Aubrey do not count as unisex. It could be argued than the -tine ending sounds masculine because of similar names like Constantine, but it could also be argued to be feminine for that same reason, because the ending is also found in feminine names like Clementine. The reason it's considered feminine in France is probably because the suffix -ine is sometines used to feminine masculine names (Clementine is an example) in French. I think it sounds very pretty on a French girl but for English usage, its better on a boy. It's an excellent name regardless- strong for a boy and extremely elegant for a girl :-)
― Anonymous User 8/16/2013
It sounds okay, but heavy Christian associations and very over the top.
Augustine is one of those "big" names to me, like the man with this name has got to have the personality to live up to it; Augustine is talented, energetic, funny, happy, friendly and attractive. Perhaps it's because St. Augustine is a "heavy" saint, plus intelligent and rebellious in his youth. I've met a couple Augustines lately, one from Mexico and another from Chicago.St. Augustine was from present-day Algeria, and said to be a Berber. He is an inspiration to me as my fiance is a Berber too.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2007
This was the name of a major (male) character in the book "Uncle Tom's Cabin" - Augustine St. Clare.
I think that Augustine is a beautiful name for a girl, not so much for a guy. When I hear the name Augustine it makes me think of all the colors of the leaves in autumn (especially orange). I don't know why I think of that, I just do.