Might as well name your kid abacus.
I absolutely love this name! Terrific reference to an excellent book character. I used this name for my novel.
I think it is a powerful name sorta complex but still sturdy.
Sounds too similar to abacus lol.
I pronounce it "At-ti-KISS", not "At-ti-cuss".
Feels better in my opinion. :p.
Canadian actor Atticus Mitchell.
For a Pokemon it's ok, for a human in 2023 not so much.
I apologize to others as I do not mean to offend but I honestly do not like this name, at all. It is too long and I don't like the way it sounds. I think the part I least like is the ending "cuss" sound. If a parent is determined to use this name, I would suggest to use it as a middle name. A child has this name in our school, he gets quite a hard time regarding it. It sounds old and I guess it is indeed an old name. They call him attic. It is just too odd sounding.
In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Atticus is the boss of Team Star's Poison crew, the Navi Squad. He specializes in Poison-type Pokémon and is said to be descended from ninjas. He is also responsible for the modified uniforms worn by fellow bosses.
My name is Atticus, and people don't bully you for a name.
I have only gotten compliments from people, and the nicknames are great.
'Addi' and 'Atti' are fine, but a more refined nickname would be 'Chadicus' (Yes, people do call me that.)
I pronounce it 'Adi-kiss', but it doesn't really matter. BTW, yes, people do say, "Oh, like Atticus Finch!" It's not annoying or anything, because it's much funnier when I tell them my brothers name is Finn. (Atticus Finn-ch, gettit?)It is his name, and his middle name is Harper, and mine is Lee. It's pretty funny watching them gawk in surprise.
Sounds nice in an ancient Roman or Grecian setting. Today though... Please don't.
I like classical names and this name, but I don't think I would ever give it to a kid. Everyone would say "oh you mean like Atticus Finch?" To Kill a Mockingbird is a great novel, but that lonely frame of reference will just result in one constant reference point and it will be mentioned ad nauseum.
Atticus is a great name. I've been told there are 2 different ways to pronounce it or some people say it wrong. Either pronunciation I think is handsome! I love the nickname Atti.
Atticus O'Sullivan is the main character in the book series, The Iron Druid Chronicles, by Kevin Hearne. This is one of my favorite series and authors. I love the name Atticus (and Oberon - his Irish Wolfhound)!
This is a very handsome name! I’ve only heard of one Atticus in person; he was my 7th grade teacher’s son.
Love Atticus, it's handsome, mysterious, mighty, and pleasant to say.
Love it! Handsome and strong!
Atticus Turner (Atticus Freeman) from the book and HBO series Lovecraft Country.
Strong but overly macho sounding.
I have grown to love this name. It's unique and oddly classic in a way despite it never being quite so popular. I love literature, so "To Kill a Mockingbird" is a positive association to me.
I personally feel that the name of Atticus seems like a strong name. I think that it would belong to an artist, quiet, intelligent person.
Sounds kind of pretentious and hipster-ish.
Strange name, but that's not always a bad thing. I hate when everyone is named the same things like Ethan, Alex or Brayden.
The only Atticus' I've ever met have been cats, so this will forever be a cat name to me. To Kill a Mockingbird was alright, but I've just never really liked the name.
I laugh at these comments.. hipster babies lol. We are far from “hipster” and named our first son Atticus. I’ve never read the book or seen the movie prior to his birth. I was aware of the character though. I really liked how strong it sounded. It wasn’t a new age “Brody” or a common name like “Steve”. We plan on using the nickname Kit, if he chooses to use one, though we try not to be verbally lazy i.e. Liz for Elizabeth.
Now our second is on the way, it would seem odd to have an Atticus and a Jake or Frank or some other common name. We have decided on Alaric. Another strong name that is unique and fits.
I think this entry should be amended to better reflect the fact that Atticus is actually a Greco-Roman name. This is for etymological reasons, but also because the name (as Attikos) has been borne by ancient Greeks. In other words: it was not only borne by Romans in the form of a cognomen.Also note that while for Romans the name was derived from the Latin adjective Atticus (as it contains the Latin adjectival suffix -icus), this was most likely not the case for the Greeks. For them, it was derived from the Greek adjective Ἀττικός (Attikos) meaning "Attic, Athenian". Yes, it actually was an authentic Greek word, as is shown by the fact that it contains the Greek adjectival suffix -ikos. For more information, please see and compare:Greek adjective Attikos:
-*)attiko%2Fs&la=greek&can=*)attiko%2Fs0 (in English)
- (in English)
- (in English; this is about the adjectival suffix)Latin adjective Atticus:
- (in English)
- (in English)
- (in English; this is about the adjectival suffix)All in all, I guess you could say that the word and name Atticus can both directly come from Latin as well as be a latinization of the Greek word and name Attikos.For more information about Attikos as a Greek given name, please see:- (in English; also click on "Attestations by century", which shows that the name was used in the centuries BC)
- see the entry for Attikos at Pavlos' Etymologica: (in English)
- 2nd-century Greek Platonist philosopher Attikos, who is better known as Atticus: (in English; some of the other language versions refer to him by his native Greek name)Last but not least: since this name was used by real people (such as Titus Pomponius Atticus, died in 32 BC) many centuries before Harper Lee used it for her book, the usage of "Ancient Roman" and/or "Ancient Greek (Latinized)" should be added to this entry. Keeping it only in the "Literature" section is a bit misleading, as it would make the average person inclined to think that it was not used before Harper Lee's character or worse, that she had pretty much invented the name herself. [noted -ed]
This is a great name. It makes me think of truth, justice and the American way... no kidding.
The name Atticus was given to 16 unfortunate baby GIRLS in 2017!
I love the name Atticus, but not shortened to Addy. My teacher had a baby and named him Atticus and they will call him AJ or Gus. I think it sounds like the name of an intelligent, gentle person.
I wonder if people's opinions on this name have altered since the release of Go Set a Watchman, where a new side of Atticus Finch is shown. I certainly still love the name, but would think twice about using it.
My name’s Atticus, I was born in 1987. I like how people are finally finding what this name is all about!
My dad has literally thought it was "Catticus" for most of his life. He began to use this as a nickname for our cat, in mind of "Catticus" Finch. On a somewhat related note, there also is a musical group called Attic Abasement.
Atticus Finch, a lawyer, was named this in reference to Atticus, the best friend of Cicero. Cicero was the greatest orator and lawyer in human history. He was known as just and honest by all. By calling Atticus Atticus, Harper Lee connects Atticus to Cicero, signaling the nobility and skill in what Atticus Finch does in the novel.
I've loved Atticus ever since I first read "To Kill a Mockingbird" in eighth grade, and I'd like to see the name used more. However, it takes a certain type of person to pull off this name; a strong, intelligent person, perhaps a writer or an artist. A beer bellied loser or a tough football coach wouldn't suit the name at all, and neither would a small child, though a kid could use "Addie" as a nickname.
I love the name Atticus. It sounds very handsome and classy. ^_^
The quintessential liberal hipster douche name. It has PBR and big hipster glasses attached to it. Lena Dunham and Jack Antonoff would definitely name their kid this.
Sounds like something a pretentious hipster would name their son.
All I can think of is Atticus from "Todd and the Book of Pure Evil." That's the name of the guidance counselor/demonic overlord.
Born by the main character in "Atticus The Storyteller's 100 Greek Myths', Lucy Coates.
My wife and I named our first son Atticus back in 1991. When he was little many used the nickname Attie, but when he entered Catholic School the nuns used his proper name Atticus. He was an all state football player and started all 4 years in college (Sewanee) and was top in his class. Not bragging only saying he is very well adjusted and successful. He loves his name and we have never regretted his name one minute. He enjoys the exclusiveness of his name. Noticing more using the name now, hope not too many though! Lol.
I have had a massive love affair with the name Atticus for almost ten years now. I was the biggest Blink 182/Tom DeLonge fan so knew of Atticus Clothing and when I turned 14 I first read To Kill A Mockingbird and realised it could be a person's name. Atticus Finch was such a noble, strong and moral man so it made me fall further in love with this name. Well today I am almost 24 years old and welcomed my first baby 3 weeks ago.. Atticus James. It suits him perfectly, we have had many comments on it and to be honest 70% of people have never even heard of Atticus Finch (they must of skipped English class back in the day!) I don't think it's a popular name at all or "on the rise" as people have previously stated. I've never met anyone named Atticus and the only people I know of that are named Atticus are about 3 or 4 of celebrities offspring. The only concern or problem I may have in the future is my second choice for a boys name is Finn. Which I cannot obviously call my next child if it happens to be a boy as Atticus and Finn will sound too much like Atticus Finch ;)
Atticus Higginbottom, commonly referred to as Tick, is the protagonist of James Dashner's The 13th Reality series.
This name should not just be in the Literature section, but also in the Ancient Roman section as well. After all, the name has been borne by real persons since ancient Roman times.Examples of these bearers are:- Titus Pomponius Atticus (1st century BC)
- philosopher Atticus (2nd century AD)
- Christian martyr Atticus (4th century AD)And so on. :)
I named my son 'Atticus' back in the beginning of 2009. It wasn't popular then at all, but I have gotten nothing but good feedback about his name! It has jumped in popularity now, which is kind of sad but still a good strong name and much better then the 'Aiden trend' that we seem to have going on. Some people have asked us if we got the name from 'To Kill a Mockingbird', it doesn't bother me. I love the name and it fits him. :)
I can't believe someone would name their kid Atticus. It sounds like it should be a maximum security prison! There is no way I would consider it.
Atticus Shaffer plays Brick, the Heck family's youngest son, on The Middle.
My son's name is Atticus. I read To Kill a Mockingbird at age 21 and loved the name Atticus right away. My husband was worried that people would associate it with the book and that it would sound too pretentious, but it's not pretentious if you genuinely like it and like the book which we do. Also, he over estimated others' intellects. Most people have no idea where it came from. And for those who think it's "way too popular", I've lived in London, UK, the Midlands in the UK, Chicago and Iowa since I had kids and NEVER met a little boy named Atticus at any of the playgroups or classes etc. Never. I think of all my kids he's the most likely to meet another person with the same name, but I think that chance is still small. I have a friend who's sons middle name is Atticus (and her daughters middle name is my daughters first name as well!), but aside from that, never met another one.
I really like this name, but it's getting so popular that I myself would never consider using it, even as a middle name. Atticus Finch was an outstanding character of literature, but it seems that no one naming their child this nowadays really cares about him, or they just want to be able to say "Like Atticus Finch!" to everyone they meet. *sigh* Damn popularity ruins everything.
At first I really didn't like this name at all, but after seeing it about more often and hearing it, after much deliberation I have begun to really warm to this name, and now I quite like it, and I'm so glad that this name and names like it are being used more often nowadays. :-)
This name is really really cool. Love it.
I simply adore any Roman (Italian) names, or of close relation, as I am myself Italian. Greek titles are magnificent, additionally. But, even I, must admit that the name "Atticus" is more than a bit pretentious. I find parents use it as more of an "ornate" name, a fast-coming "trend" or "fad" name; unfortunately or not. It is no doubt a strong name, and perhaps someday your son(s) will forgive you... but I cannot imagine any male in his young years to be particularly fond of it (unless you devise a clever nickname).
Not to mention, for it to even remotely work you need an Italian (or conceivably: Greek) surname. Atticus White? I think not. Atticus Melchiorre? A chance. Having said that. If it were not for the tainted and affected relation to the overambitious, showy, ornate, inflated, and pretentiousness: I would very likely select this name as a favorite.To your health!
Makes the parents concerned seem as though they haven't picked up a book since required reading at age 14. I'm not dismissing 'To Kill A Mockingbird' as the novel itself is a classic, but the association is so obvious. Parents of 'Atticus, like Atticus Finch!' are as annoying as parents of 'Nevaeh, it's Heaven backwards!'
I've just started reading To Kill a Mockingbird, borrowed the book from school. I have to say that I've fallen in love with the book, Atticus Finch's character and the name Atticus. The rise in popularity is bothering me, however, I fear it'll end up in the top 100 and over-used. But, I think you'd have to be pretty brave to name a child it, so it may not rise too far.
I don't care for this name. People using it are probably just doing so because of that stupid clothing brand, not because they care about the literary character bearing the name. Not to mention that stupid celebrities have gotten their hands on it.
This name is very hipster trendy. Check out the popularity.I think it's dumb. No one in the world has been named Atticus except Atticus Finch before this string of hipster babies.
Ever since I read "To Kill A Mockingbird," I've always wanted to use Atticus as a middle name. I couldn't really imagine calling my son Atticus, but it would be a good middle name.
This is a very strong name. Atticus Finch of "To Kill a Mockingbird" is one of the most noble characters of literature because of his goodness. If I had a son I would love to give him this as a first name or a middle name.
I love this name, Atticus Finch is really great; it's just too bad there's really no good nickname.
Titus Pomponius Atticus was the longtime friend and correspondent of Cicero. The letters they exchanged have been used to teach Latin to students for centuries.
This is a powerful and intelligent name. I will use it if I have a son.
I love this name. My wife is expecting and if it's a boy we're almost certain to use it. I think it's a bold choice, but I like it's meaning; ethical. It's of Roman heritage (I'm Italian) and Atticus Finch is a strong, moral character. So that's a plus.I really think it's one of those names that other people like, but are afraid to use for their own children because it does sound rough. I'd be happy to be the one choose it for my son. Like my own name (Sebastian) I find Atticus to be both classic AND cool.
It is pronounced AT-i-cus. When said fast it more or less becomes AD-i-cus.
I absolutely adore this name; I'd love to name my son this in the future.
Actor Daniel Baldwin has a son named Atticus.
Atticus is the name of a clothing brand created by a member of the band Blink-182 & +44.
Oded Fehr named his son this.
I have always loved this name, but I say it quite fast, so I don't really know how I pronounce it. In 'To Kill A Mockingbird' his full name was Atticus Finch.
This name is a name brand. Atticus is a skater/punk clothing company sponsored by Blink 182 (punk/rock band).
I think that Atticus is a very attractive name for a man, except with the nickname "Addy".
I think Atticus is a very strong name, and very masculine-sounding. In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" Atticus was a very intelligent lawyer with good moral principles.
Greek tutor to young Constantine the Great in "Priestess of Avalon" by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Diana Paxton
We named our son Atticus in 2002 and have nothing but very positive feedback. The only pronunciation issues are with the "cus" as many want to pronounce it "kiss" instead of "cuss". People also wanted to say "Addy" but that has stopped. It is a great, positive, uncommon name that most people love.

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