I've seen Scarlet Sails and this is pronounced /ɐˈsolʲ/ (u-SOL).Said at 5:32-5:33.
I’ve tried pronouncing this name so many times, but no matter how you pronounce it it always sounds like a**hole. I honestly feel bad for people named this I’m so sorry😭.
I giggled.
I know it's pronounced A-sol but...sorry, it looks to much like Asshole for my liking. I would prefer it spelt Asol.
A bit perplexing as a name but not terrible. I wouldn't use it nor would I suggest somebody else to.
I KNEW that everybody was gonna say stuff about this name. Seeing that people are gonna be people, what are you gonna do? I personally find this name rather pretty, and even though I probably would never use it, I don't dislike it!
This name doesn't mean "salt". Most likely it was made up from "a Sole" in the Roman languages, it means "to (in direction to) the Sun".
I understand where the negative comments for this name come from, but in countries with other languages (Russia) this is a nice name. Still, I wouldn't personally use it because almost everyone knows English these days.
I think it's pronounced like a-sol Not what you think.
I'm naming my child this.
Now THIS is a big NO NO.
Seriously... Absolutely not. It's close to the bad word, this is a big no no.
You've got to be kidding me...
Lol looks and sounds like a**hole. WOW.

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