Such a common Millenial name.
Ashley Graves! From The Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
My college crush was an Ashley. He was an aspiring boxer and had a raspy voice and was one of those "bad boy" types who was actually just from the wrong side of the tracks, masculine, sporty but otherwise chivalrous and polite. A solid unisex name sexy on a guy, pretty on a girl. It's definitely a name that gives blonde, outdoorsy and youthful.
I only knew this name as a female name until moving to England. Once I have realised it was a unisex name, I have completely fallen in love with it as a boy name!
Don’t get me wrong, it is beautiful on women as well but personally I prefer it on males.
It's perfectly fine for Ashley to be considered a "white name," given its Anglo-Saxon English origins. There's nothing wrong with having a "white name"; identity politics can be quite tedious.Ashley doesn't require validation from black or brown people, just as Adaobi doesn't need endorsements from white people to be legitimate.
As a male name, Ashley is kind of similar to Ainsley.
I think several people skip over Rule 5: Be as kind as possible. Consider that children may be reading the comments about their own names.Most of the newer comments seem kinder than older comments, but I still want to address some of the cruel comments:My name is Ashley. I have always loved my name and it's meaning. To me, the image of a meadow surrounded by ash trees is a very beautiful and relaxing image. Seeing so many people diss on my name because of the meaning is frustrating because of this.Seeing people equate this name to rude bullies is hurtful. I am not a bully. I am not a "mean, rich white girl". I am not a stereotype. Names do have personal associations, yes, but if it's one that could be seen as cruel, the bearers of the name don't want to hear it. (I *especially* don't want to hear about how when you hear the name Ashley, you look around for the dog! It's great if you name your dog Ashley, but it's not a great feeling to read that sort of comment when you have the name. Doubly so if you've experienced any amount of dehumanization via bullying or other trauma.)Don't call another name ugly. There are kinder ways to *tactfully* criticize a name without resorting to using words like "ugly" or "gross" or similar descriptors. If you wish to express your dislike for a name, you can say that you aren't a fan of the spelling or pronunciation. That, I feel, would go over a lot better than straight-up insulting someone's name.Lastly, I don't get why people are so opposed to Ashley being given to boys? I mean, that's how the name started. At some point, there was a first female Ashley. This name is now unisex and as someone who has the name I *like* that. I like that it can go either way.Anyway. That's all. I just wanted to address some of the comments because they were very hurtful to read, and I think a lot of commenters forget about the fact that people with that name are going to be seeing their comments after they post them.
I love Ashley, it's such a youthful and timeless name.
I love the name and Ashley Graham (because of her lol).
If you're reading this near the top of the comments section, you probably have the comments sorted by "newest first". Do yourself a favor: sort by highest rated. Notice how the comments being downvoted into the underworld are excessively hateful, rude, unintelligent, and full of baseless stupid stereotypes? Yeah, focus on positive comments and comments with actually useful, constructive criticisms.Personally speaking now, Ashley is a fine name. I would compliment anyone I met on this name because it simply is pretty.
Yes, it went through a period of extreme popularity; yes, many girls/women have the same name. But the same can be said for every generation of a particular name. It will age fine because all the girls with "popular" names have always and will continue to grow and experience all the different stages of life.
Yes, it has "ash" in the name and that doesn't sit right with some people, but I think of the ashes that a phoenix rise from; either way it's not a negative anymore than Cecilia or Claudia's negative meanings.
Yes, IT. IS. UNISEX. Whether you (or some random jerk) likes it or not. Especially considering America isn't the only country in the world, and every country's naming culture is different. It's a girl's name, it's a boy's name (lots of boys name end in "-ey", come on now), it'd even be a fantastic nonbinary name.If someone's gonna harass you or your child over something as simple as a name, turn around and walk away. Ignore them.
The stereotypes allegedly surrounding the name actually make me laugh. I'm a fan of singer-songwriter Halsey. Halsey's real name is Ashley Frangipane. Over the last ten years she has adopted every style, every image one can think of and she won't stop. She has and will challenge every stereotype. "White" — Halsey is biracial, half black and half white. White-passing, as she has said, is a privilege, but it doesn't erase her heritage.
"Blonde" — She was born brunette with a mixed hair type, and she has rocked so many colors and styles: blonde, black, ginger, teal, pink, red, curly, wavy, straight, coils, braids, long, short, pixie, mullet, shaved…
"Dumb" — a savvy businesswoman with a experimenting with multiple genres of music in her career, a painter, an actress, a dancer, a visual artist, a poet, a make-up artist and make-up brand owner… current net worth: $20 million.
"Too girly" or "too tomboy" — Halsey's sense of style is every evolving and eclectic: grunge, soft, casual, girly, goth, schoolgirl, tomboy, androgynous, drag, high fashion, street, modern, futuristic, vintage…
"Mean" — Anything but. She has a big personality and is strong-willed, but is also extremely kind and affectionate, and there are many examples of how much she loves and values her fans. She's a good friend and a great mother. This Ashley is a great role model. She is whatever she decides to be, not one to be put in anyone else's box. If you're an Ashley, or want to name your daughter/son Ashley, this is who I think of and (while I don't draw comparisons to a celebrity) I think you deserve every compliment, you have every right to be whoever you want to be.
Give me five minutes and I can name a hundred + Ashley’s I know. Very 1990.
Ashley Graves is one of the main characters in the 2023 controversial walk-n-talk game "The Coffin of Andy and Leyley".
I can name about 30 Ashley’s that come to mind when hearing the name. All are in their 30s, so it’s a bit dated as well.
Because there are so many Ashleys, for me this name had sort of become white noise, but actually paying attention to it, it's quite a beautiful name.
Nice name. It should definitely make a comeback.
I like the name Ashley, for its meaning and also its swishy sound, like trees swaying overhead. Both a boy and girl's name in the UK, yet I've encountered more men with it. I like Ashley and I also like Wesley, they sound like their meanings.
I like this name for both genders and I don’t consider it to be dated.
I've only ever seen this name on girls, and it does seem very 90s, but I still like it on a boy!
I think Ashley is a beautiful unisex name.
It's a shame that some people have the impression that Ashley is "dated." I don't think I would consider it that way, but maybe it does sound dated in an American context. Either way, it's the perfect gender-neutral name.
Ashley Banks, from the The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.
This name is pretty much done for girls and considered dated but I could see it for a boy now. He would share his name with moms of classmates, not classmates. I think many people are kind of at least aware of it as a male name because of Gone With the Wind. Not a fan of it myself, but I wouldn’t think it was at all weird.
Ashley Taylor Dawson (11 January 1982) is a British soap actor and former member of the pop group allSTARS*.
I still love this as a boy's name - it's soft, but I feel like it ages well. It's a shame that it's considered 'dated' now when other -ley names like Finley, Oakley and Riley are all in the top 100.
In England I've met about 3+ male Ashley's and only 1 female Ashley. The female Ashley was pretty, blonde and small, the males were all tough and handsome. I like the name.
This name is NOT dated seems pretty modern to me. Seems like a popular gen z name.
Glad this name has phased out, it's so time-specific. Like tell me you were born in late 80s-1999 without telling me. Double points if you're an:
Ashley Nicole
Ashley Lynn
Ashley Elizabeth.
It's weird how so many people consider a 90s name dated. The 90s wasn't that long ago.
As an Ashley myself, while it's a beautiful name I do wish it wasn't so popular in the 90s. I went to school with being one of several Ashley's, even graduated that way too. My advice is if you like this name at least change the spelling from the traditional "ley", or find a middle name to help separate your son/daughter from their classmates. It helps things not be so confusing.
Ashley "Ash" Brown is one of the main protagonists from Until Dawn and she has a crush on Christopher "Chris" Hartley.
I love how this just started as a male name and then just went on to be used as a girl's name for some reason. I think the same thing will happen with James.
Man’s name. Unfeminine.
Ashley. The most beautiful name out there. It's modern and full of energy, yet so vintage and wise, aged perfectly like Pinot Noir wine. Each syllable calls for your attention, beckoning you to call the name, a symphony of vowels, an orchestra of consonants, a harmony of letters. A name so graceful and strong at the same time, the light of a shooting star in the night sky, a bright flamingo standing in the midst of a midnight blue pond. All alone, but not lonely. This name shoots off confidence, natural confidence and boldness, not "fake it 'til you make it confidence". It's a name people will bow down to, a name on its own level. It doesn't need a supporter, no Ashleyanna or Ashley-Marie. It's a name that stands out on its own, a name that paves its own path, a name that don't need no man. It just rolls off your tongue with ease, as it should, given that it's such a powerful name. A name people will fear, a name people will love, a name people will praise, a name people will bear. And the bearing of that name shall never stop, for the beating of Earth's very core relies on the breath of every Ashley's lungs.
(Ash tree, if you see this, you know who I am )Either way, Ashley is an absolutely beautiful name, one so elegant and just so nice sounding that if you say that it is an ugly name, I will throw you off a bridge.
I think this name is good for both genders. I don't love it, but I do like it. On a scale of one to ten, I give it a seven.
I like this name as a unisex name. Personally, I’ve always understood why it was popular. I like the sound of Ashley; it’s really nice.
To me it just sounds like a Karen name, I don't like it at all.
Yes, my mom did actually name me this, because it was popular she told me.
Hello. I am an Ashley. My middle name is Wynne. Like pronounced win. It means purity. I hide behind the name Ashley. To me, my social life is a gimmick of what really goes on in the dark of who I am when I am as allowed to be unique. I feel Ashley sets me up to be threatening toward other females because instinctively it alarms females of a male figure. I believe that Ashley is like starting me off with a surname to be acquainted to first while pursuing statistical levels. I might follow a crowd but it never means I share more than one identity with any other Ashley. I also want to be famous female of whosoever the name given to me is. I have cultural descent not having been raised by blood men to be family. I also am obsessed with pyromania and those trees are ash in what form so am I curious? As to know... Doesn't it produce pink fruit? I am 34 and I have never visited an ash tree meadow. So how come my name would give me origin to have arrived having had exited some meadow I've never set my feet towards? I have a vision of my imagination I had been talking through the trees with some men? But I looked up on Google and it said the ash tree is across the ocean from Florida towards the Africa's. It sure would be nice to know biologically what my father would think of my mom skipping out on informing him of me naming me Ashley?
You guys may think it's dated,
But I like this name to be honest.
I try hard not to make assumptions about the name if I meet someone who carries one of its forms. My only hesitation is due to the fact that the two women I've ever met with that name have been extremely unpleasant human beings.
Love this name for a boy. I have had a lot of customers with it and I'm always surprised by how much I think it suits men.
I know three Ashley’s and all their sisters are named Emily, it must be a popular sibset.
I think that this name is super cute! I love it.
Very outdated.
Ashley Parker Angel (O-town), Ashley Hamilton (actor/comedian), and Ashley Purdy (Black Veil Brides). All guys/All American - so we do exist lol. Just cause a name gets popular for girls, it doesn’t mean the dudes with the name cease to exist.
I’m a guy with this name and it hasn’t caused me any issues. I was born in 87. Very rarely have I gotten misgendered, if it does happen it’s instances where I’m getting mail from someone that doesn’t know me. It doesn’t bother me lol, not my problem. In person I present masculine so I wouldn’t be mistaken for a girl anyways. I get that the name is more common for girls in the USA, but on a guy it’s so unique. And it has a rich history especially in the south. I’ve gotten so many compliments for my name. People usually think it’s hot ;). I’ve never had a girl have an issue with it. I live in a southern state, most people are familiar with Gone with the Wind. Rather than avoid a name completely for your son that you like, why not give him the tools to handle other kids in school? That’s a parenting issue. If he knows how to respond to people he’ll be fine. It's all about confidence. And teaching people how to treat you. It’s the “Boy Named Sue thinking” that’s turned several unisex/ masculine names into “girl names”. It has a lot to do with sexism. We encourage girls to be more guy like but not the other way around. Not saying I never got picked on but it was never for my name. I absolutely love my name and wouldn’t change it, it fits me perfectly. For parents considering Ashley for your son, just do it (it’s nowhere as common as it used to be). I’m 34 now and I turned out fine.
Better than that trendy Ashleigh.
Here in Upstate New York I know eight Ashleys. Two of them are female and six of them are male.
*From an English surname that was originally derived from place names meaning "ash tree clearing"*There is a myth going around on the Facebook that Ashley means "Daughter of Light" and that is simply not true.
I'm an Ashlee and the name is terrible. All I can think of when I hear my name is a white rich brat. And it literally means "ash tree" wtf? When I die I'm going to get cremated and plant my ashes into the ground and grow as a tree so I can fulfill my purpose.
Ash is a good nickname.
Masculine? Hmmm... I've only ever met female Ashleys, but it's a lovely name!
I love the name and would use it if I didn't already have 2 cousins named Ashley and Ashleigh. I prefer the spelling Ashley though. I do tend to like names that end in the "Lee" sound and I think this name fits any age group. I don't really know any kids named Ashley now but I know a 40 year old, 26 year old, and a 15 year old with this name and it fits each of them. The only complaint I have about it, is it was SO common. It isn't used as much now though and I kind of wish it would make a comeback! I know it used to be used for boys more often than girls, but this name sounds way too girly, I don't know how you could call a man Ashley!
I am not sure why- but I have never liked the name Ashley. It sounds so.. eehieaflw ewww.
I love this name. It’s beautiful and youthful. All of the Ashley’s I know are wonderful people.
This is my name, although it’s spelled Ashlee, since I was named for a Lee who is a family friend. I hated it growing up because I had 6 other Ashley’s in my graduating class. With age and maturity, I’ve learned to like it and appreciate my more feminine spelling (I’ve always thought the EY looked more masculine). Now that I’m in my 30s, I never meet “new” Ashley’s, so as common as the name was, it would definitely be a unique choice for children now. I’ve met one male Ashley - older than me by a few years - and it’s a name that fits with either gender. Ironically, I named my own daughter an androgynous name, though not one that exploded in popularity like mine did.
If you want to name you baby GIRL Ashley/Ashlee/Ashleigh/Ashlea/Ashlie spell it this way!
So plain and dated!
Also used in Germany, as female name.
So ugly. It reminds me of a wimpy little girl. If you want a better name, at least go for Ash.
There is no strong sound in this name, sounds so soft and boring. Not a great name.
Hate this name.
Waaaay dated! I’ve never liked this name.
Ashley is a nice name. Don't listen to Anonymous User on 12/5/2020.
I really have never liked it.
Ashley Blazer Biden (born June 8, 1981) is an American social worker and activist.
Ashley Park (b. June 6, 1991) is a Korean-American actress. Her roles include Gretchen Weiners in the Broadway musical version of Mean Girls and Mindy Chen from Emily in Paris.
I used to think it was hideous but it's strangely grown on me - as a boy's name this is, here in England it's a male name.
This is a pretty name. I don’t dislike it, it’s just hard to picture it on a little girl growing up in the 2020’s. All the Ashley’s I know are adults in their 20’s. It’s such a 90’s name to me. Along with Jessica, Brittney, Sarah, Emily, Michelle, Rachel, etc. However the upside to using this name in 2020 could be that it’s not nearly as popular and your daughter won’t have to be Ashley B or Ashley S in her class like she most likely would have been if this were the 90’s.
I think it’s a very pretty name, but it’s very common now! Annoying :(
Basic name.
This name is BEAUTIFUL. It's overused, yes, but that is because it is so pretty. If it wasn't, it wouldn't be used as much.
I graduated in 2003. At that time, there were four Ashley’s in my graduating class of 55.
Plain, boring, and so overdone!
There is nothing pretty about this name it is not musical like my name- I am named after the most beautiful girl in Ireland and it fits. Ashley is such an annoying "American name, like Mckayla, Dakota, Tiffany, Brittany, and a host of others that are so ugly and annoying and have little meaning, no folklore to them. They are either meaningless or made up names. Ashley-who would want to think of ashes when naming a child. Ashes to ashes dust to dust is what I think of or a dirty ashtray or the first thing I think of actually is the ugly looking remnants of a fire- when it is all ashen gray. Seriously, Americans have REALLY bad taste. I am so grateful I got a beautiful name.
In my opinion this is a masculine name ‒ Ashleigh is feminine.
For some reason, I've always adored the name Ashley so much. I just think the sound of it is so pretty. Ashley and Ashleigh are my favorite spellings of the name. Because of its popularity, I don't think I'd use it if I ever have a child, but I do love it a lot. And I think the meaning of it (one who dwells near an ash tree) is so beautiful and peaceful, as well. I think it would work for either gender, but I, personally, would prefer it for a female. Overall, I think Ashley is a lovely name.
One of the nicer '90's names.
I’ve never met a man with this name.
This name screams “I'm a millennial” along with its other ugly competitors- (Brittany, Jessica, Michelle, Courtney, etc). I hope these names vanish without a trace and never come back.
Hate it! Very overused. I cringe when I hear Ashley.
While Ashley is a lovely name, it's somewhat common. If you like the sound of this name, but don't like how common this is, try going with Ashlea or Ashlyn/Ashlynn.
Ashley is a girl's name NOT a boy's name.
Famous bearer Ashley Burch who voices Chloe Price.
Ashley Wilkes made this name very much unisex for me (it was completely female before I read Gone With the Wind).
Ashley is sort of a strange name. I love how simple it is; how it can be used for females and males. The meaning is wonderful, and no one will get the sounding wrong. Also it’s my name, so of course I like it. But, it can be an odd choice because a lot of people want uncommon names. Personally if you name your child this, then you’re making a good choice. Everyone will know the name, and it will be respected.
VERY common where I’m from. I’ve never really liked it because I’ve always found it kinda boring. All the Ashley’s I’ve met have been nice though.
Ashley being used as a mainly masculine name isn't exactly the case in every part of the UK. Data from Scotland since 1974 shows Ashley ranking within the girls' top 100 from 1977 through to 1999 with uncommon male usage.
Regarding Northern Ireland, based on data stretching to 1997, it hasn't ranked in the top 100 for both genders. However, it does see a bit of usage, though erring more towards females (between 72 to 78 male Ashleys were born from 1997-2018 compared to between 90 and 93 female Ashleys).
Ah yes, the name that took Jennifer’s place for the most overused name award. I just cannot for the life of me understand why you would want to name your child the same name as so many other children with the exception of it being a family name or honoring someone.
I think the name is pretty, nowadays I don’t meet many Ashley’s, however I met a couple Ashley’s who were mean and some of the nicest girls I met were also named Ashley. It’s not the name it’s the person. I personally do think it is a basic name but I don’t hate it.
The fact that people still name their kids this... that's unfortunate.
Ugliest name ever.
My name is Ashley Leashea (pronounced Lashay) and I like my name. My first name is pretty common, but I like it well enough. It was popular when I was born, and apparently so was the name Katlyn (also a lovely name) because you can’t throw a stone without hitting one.
I think Ashley is the most beautiful name in the world. It's extremely pretty and very feminine (no idea how it was a boy's name at one time). Saying the name Ashley encourages you to smile and it's much easier to say while smiling than while not smiling, meaning it encourages happiness. I love the fact that such a beautiful name even exists, and I'm so thankful it's common. I love it when I meet a woman and her name is Ashley, she introduces herself and it's that beautiful name. And it can't be a coincidence that every Ashley I've known likes to smile a lot. I consider Ashley to be the perfect girl's name, it has everything that makes a girl's name pretty all combined into a single gorgeous lovely melodic little name.
Too overused, don't really like it at all. But then again my name is literally Chloe, so what can I really say?
I honestly prefer the much less overused Ashlyn, since it sounds nicer and isn't as overused as Ashley.
Wayyyy too common.
I think Ashley is one of the best names ever. My best friend is named Ashley, and she's amazing. It's NOT a dumb name, so stop saying it is! Everyone's name is beautiful and should be respected. All the people of the world shouldn't have bad things said about them just for their name. Your name is part of your identity, and it should be respected and accepted.
This name is beautiful, all the people saying that it isn’t or that it’s “boring” or a “hot girl name” are clearly just jealous. You know why there are so many Ashleys? Because it’s a great name, for boys and girls. Don’t put it down just because you’re snobby, thanks.
It sounds bland and it comes across as a name for a popular, stuck up high school girl...
As an Ashely, I have not only received comments on the name but also on the spelling. My father changed the spelling as a way to maintain some control over the fact his son would be named Ashley so he switched the 'e' and 'l' for Ashely. So I always have to make sure emails are spelled correctly or it will be lost.
As for nicknames, I often go by 'Ash' with family and friends, and 'Ashley' at school and everywhere else.
As for using 'Lee', I have never really liked it at all, and would think that it's more of a boy's nickname.
Personally, I love the name Ashley. The only problem is that when I was at primary school, (I live in the UK) I was bullied for being called 'Ashley' and not 'Ashleigh'(which is apparently the 'girl's version, whilst 'Ashley' is unisex.). This was because there was also a boy in my class called 'Ashley', spelled exactly like mine!
Also, my parents didn't give me a middle name - I only have 'Ashley' and my surname. I must admit, now that I'm older, I would very much like to have a middle name, but can't find any that fit at all. I do like the sound and feel of Spanish inspired names, and I am considering one like Isabel, Cristina, Rosa, Camila, Clara, Rebeca or Sofia.
32 boys were named Ashley in the U.S. in 2017!
Ashley is the name of a character from the WarioWare series. She is a young witch who lives in a haunted mansion with Red. And one of the reasons why I like this name.
I quite like the sound of this name, however, due to its popularity, I prefer Ashlyn or Aisling. I don't really understand the comments saying Ashley is a strictly feminine name - perhaps because it's more common for boys here in England, but the American novel "Gone with the Wind" features a prominent male character called Ashley.
I love the name Ashley! I like it more for a girl, but it’s unique as a boy’s name right now! Ash and Lee are adorable nicknames! A boy could go by those nicknames! This is just a feminine name that was banned as a male name that is original and different to give to your son, while it's popular and trendy for girls!
I think this name is beautiful. Ashley is a good name for a girl, but not as nice for a boy. Ash is better for a boy.
I love the name Ashley, for a girl. I can’t imagine the name on a boy though! Way too feminine. However, in this time, Ashley is actually unique for a boy and trendy for a girl, so you could name your son Ashley to be unique. But I like the name better for a girl. For a boy, I prefer Ash or Ashton.
When I think of this name I always see Ashley Banks from the Fresh Prince. I'm usually not a big fan of common names but this is one I just love.
In 2018, 23 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Ashley who is registered female with the Social Security Administration. It is the 44th most common female first name for living U.S. citizens. In 2018, 30 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Ashley who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 1, 714th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
Ashley is the best name that I always dream of naming my baby boy or girl in my life, I love the name.
Ashley is a cool name. It's very well known, but I like it.
For some reason I don’t like any women called Ashley! I know a few and dislike all of them. It’s not because of the name, the ones I have met are just mean and rude and very unsophisticated! Funny how that goes!
My name is Ashley. I don't really mind as much, but it is a little boring.
The WWE Wrestler Charlotte's real name is Ashley.
My name is Ashley myself, but I've never seen someone else named Ashley.
It's also an Arabic name. I know a girl named Ashley who is from UAE. She was 100% Arab and both parents are Arabs.
Ashley Victoria Benson is an American actress and model. She is known for her role as Hanna Marin on the teen drama television series Pretty Little Liars. She has also portrayed Abigail Deveraux on the NBC soap opera Days of Our Lives, Mia Torcoletti on the supernatural television series Eastwick, and Brit in the 2013 crime thriller film Spring Breakers.
Ashley Judd is an American actress and political activist. She grew up in a family of successful performing artists as the daughter of country music singer Naomi Judd and the sister of Wynonna Judd. While she is best known for an ongoing acting career spanning more than two decades, she has increasingly become involved in global humanitarian efforts and political activism.
Ashley Nicolette Frangipane, known professionally as Halsey, is an American singer and songwriter. In 2014, she signed her first recording contract with Astralwerks and released her debut EP, titled Room 93. Her debut studio album, Badlands, was released in 2015. Her professional name, Halsey, is a reference to the Halsey Street station of the New York City Subway in Brooklyn as well as an anagram of her first name, Ashley.
A fine name for a blonde, pretty young adult (around 18-25). I'm not a fan of the 'hot girl' names and this is one of them. However, I despise this name on a boy.
Ashley Gardner, YouTuber (Gardner Quad Squad).
Ashley Argota is an American actress and singer. She is known for roles on television, such as Lulu on the Nickelodeon sitcom True Jackson, VP, and Kelly Peckinpaugh on the Nickelodeon sitcom Bucket & Skinner's Epic Adventures. Argota's first acting role was an appearance in the 2007 independent film Schooled. In 2008 Argota was cast on the Nickelodeon comedy television series True Jackson, VP, playing the role of Lulu one of the best friends of True Jackson (Keke Palmer). As a singer, Argota has released two independent albums Dreams Come True (2006) and Ashley (2008). Argota was cast in the 2014 Disney Channel Original Movie How to Build a Better Boy in summer 2013, playing the school rival of the film's leads. In December 2013, she starred in the show Aladdin and His Winter Wish at the Pasadena Playhouse playing the Princess. This same month, she was nominated for the Libby Award by Peta2 for her work with adoption practices. Starting in 2014, Argota has played the recurring role of Lou Chan on the ABC Family drama The Fosters, and had a recurring role on the Disney XD series Lab Rats as S-1.
Ashley Graham is an American model. She is best known as a lingerie model for the plus-size clothing store Lane Bryant. She has appeared on the cover of Elle Québec. Graham appeared in fashion magazines such as Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Glamour, and Elle. In addition, she appeared in several Levi's campaigns. Graham has appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Entertainment Tonight, and CBS News and was interviewed by NPR about plus-size modeling. In 2016, she became the first plus-size model to appear on the cover of the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. In 2017, Graham became the first plus-size model to appear on the covers of British and American Vogue.
Ashley Rae Maika DiPietro better known by the stage name Ashley Alexandra Dupré, is a former call girl. She has worked as a sex columnist for the New York Post, and as a singer. She became a public figure when it was disclosed that she was the woman at the center of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal. In that capacity, she was known as Kristen, the name she used as a call girl.
Ashley Kaufmann is the alleged half-sister of Lindsay and Ali Lohan. Kristi Kaufmann, Ashley's mother, had a brief affair with Michael Lohan in 1995, and she alleges that Ashley is the product of that encounter.
This is my favorite name for a boy because it will always remind me of the honorable Ashley Wilkes. I could never imagine naming a girl Ashley, it would be revolting to me to give a girl such a masculine name.
I think it's WAY too common, other than that it is a pretty name.
It's nice, though I would never name my daughter Ashley.
It's just a name honestly, I don't see why people are fussing. Though, all female Ashley's I've known have an attitude of a stuck up high school girl. I don't really like this name. I think it would fit more as a nickname or something.
My best friend is named Ashley. I like it, and just don't see the fuss over the name not aging well. I think it will age just fine. I like the name Ashley for a female, but it weirds me out as a male name. I just can't picture a boy or man named Ashley, even if that used to be the case. It sounds very feminine and pretty to me. Sure it's a common girl's name, but speaking as someone with a weird/uncommon name, that's a good thing because they'll never be teased about their name! (Unless they are a boy?)
The name Ashley was given to 26 boys born in the US in 2015.
I prefer Asha, but I don't find this to be a bad name for a girl. It's boring, common, and not super pretty, but it's not a terrible name. For a boy it's unfortunately lost a lot of its masculinity over the years, and while I don't actually think it sounds bad on a guy, I don't recommend it because he'd be mercilessly teased.
Other names with similar sounds:
Ashlynn/Ashlyn (f)
Ashtyn/Ashton (m&f)
Ash (m&f)
Asha (f)
Ashden (m)
Ashia (f)Pronounced:
Ash-leeAlso spelled:
US, Australia, Canada- mostly feminine
England and Wales- mostly masculinePet names:
LeaAlso used as a surname.- Don't pair with names containing Lee, like Liana or Leslie. Ashley Liana (or another name starting with a lee sound) would be called Lee-Lee. Ashley Leslie (or a name ending in lee) sounds just plain stupid.
Males get the original name Ashley as well as females, but females use other spellings. Ashlea, Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashli, Ashlie, Ashly, etc. More creative spellings are used for girls with originally masculine names to feminize them. Boys usually spell it Ashley. Goes back to people being more creative with girl's names. I also know a girl with this name (pronounced ASH-uh-LEE). I also know a Ashli. (pronounced Ash-lee) It is mostly a girl name except for in England. Ashton (boys) is a good alternative, or Ashlyn (girls) if it is too common/ you don't like it.
I just don't see why people find this name nice. To me, it's lackluster. The only time it's ever interesting these days, is when it's used as a boy's name.
I don't understand why people are bothered by the name Ashley when Emma is currently number one where I live. I know about nineteen Emmas and two Ashleys. Sure, they're both pretty popular, but that doesn't explain why there aren't any bad comments on Emma compared to Ashley. Emma is unisex too.
Personally, I believe the name Ashley is beautiful, including all other ways it is pronounced and spelled! I know an Ashley, and all I have to say is those stereotypes aren't as true as one would think. The popularity of the name shouldn't cancel out the fact that it is beautiful. So what if it sounds unprofessional? It's the personality that counts. It shouldn't be the name that describes someone. Don't judge a book by its cover. Many Ashleys would make incredible friends if you just give them a chance! :)
The Recess character Spinelli's first name is Ashley.
"The Ashleys" are the recurring antagonists in the television show Recess.
When my son was born in the mid 80's I named him Ashley. Why? Because it's true origin is male and I loved the name. We were not prepared for the thousands of folks over the next 2 decades who did all they could to inform me that I'd made a major mistake naming my boy child a girl's name. Let's just say lifelong learning is critical. Back in the 80's with limited access to computers I felt like I was out there alone trying to defend the truth. I spent a lot of my time educating people who often stared back at me with a look of pity, disdain and/or disbelief. But time has empowered me! Now that the world wide web is as accessible as a toothbrush, when the misinformed step forward to inform me of my faux pas in choosing a girl's name for my son, I save my efforts and mutter two precious words to them "google it". No more historical text, no more recalling the character from "Gone with the Winds" and no more explanations regarding the fact that I am from Charleston, SC a very old city with lingering name references tied to its English heritage (I'm African American so they really wouldn't get this one). Nope, I save all of my efforts and energy and rely on the power of the web.
There is a curious thing that almost all names ended in -ey are masculine and feminine names, but names like Stanley are just masculine.
My given name is Ashley Lauren and I hate it so much. It does not suit me at all. I am 24 and plan on changing my name to Sheba as I feel it suits me far better that Ashley. My mom hates that I want to change it but my husband agrees with my opinion of the name and I don't really think my dad cares (I mean he wanted to name me Charlie anyway). So now I get to research and figure out what I need to do to work on my legal name. I'm most likely just going to add Sheba to it and have a really long name, that way I can in some way appease my parents while still having the name I want. I find that Ashley as a first name is far too common and I grew up having to be called on by my last name in class because there were usually at least 3 Ashley's.Growing up, the name was associated with hyperactivity, and the mentality of a valley girl, and being kinda crazy. It was so irritating, constantly having to prove my intelligence due to that annoying first impression.
Ashley Purdy. Bass Player AND backup vocalist of Black Veil Brides.
I don't like this name very much. I do like Ainsley and Ashlyn. I feel like people have squeezed the last of what they could get out of this name, and now they're just beating a dead horse. It's over, okay? I guess you can say I'm fed up with this name :P.
My name is Ashley I love the name and don't want to change it. Maybe later on in life when I'm like 70 I will. Just as a nickname though and I do find it weird on a guy I don't like it as a boy name as a girl name...ok that is better.
I love the name Ashley. It's wonderful for a girl. It's not bad for a guy either though I prefer it for girls more.
I personally love the name Ashley! Yes it is over used but it is still a beautiful name! I would love to have this name! It's beautiful. I don't know why everyone is so hateful about the name Ashley.
I used to like this name for a girl but now I like it for a boy since a girl in my grade who is very annoying and loves boys ruined it for me for a girl.
I think this name is trendy and won't age well. I went to school with several and they were all nice. So nice people seem to have this name:)
Ashley Hammond was the second Yellow Ranger in the TV series Power Rangers Turbo, and also the Yellow Ranger in Power Rangers in Space. In Power Rangers in Space, she was the love interest of the leader and Red Ranger Andros.
My name is Ashleigh and I quite like my name. I know a boy called Ashley but to me I think it's a girls name and it's quite silly on a boy. I don't like the spellings 'Ashlee and Ashlea' I think the best spellings for this name are Ashleigh and Ashley.
My name is Ashley and I absolutely hate it. I had three girls named Ashley on my cheerleading team as a preteen, and I've had someone tell me to my face, "I normally think of girls named Ashley as out of control until I met you." Also, on an article online for the Top 25 "basic" names, mine was #5, "Ashley: She likes PSLs, selfies, scarves, and snapchatting all of that in her story. She is the epitome of a beautiful, basic bitch and she feels totally #blessed about it." I'm actually considering a legal name change when I get published because I get way too upset about this than I should.
I for one was born when the "Ashley Lynn" trend was very popular. So you can guess my name. Any other Ashley's I've met, if not named Ashley Lynn were Ashley Nicole's. I HATED my name when I was younger. Other than it being so common that there were about 7 others in the same grade as me, it always sounded so... bland.
Now, it doesn't bother me. I don't love it nor hate it. And there aren't too many Ashley's around where I live, now. And my friend's son calls me "Mrs. Ashley" and it doesn't sound odd to me. Growing up, my uncle had a friend named Ashley (male) and it seemed to suit him better than me.
However, I will say that having been named such an unoriginal name caused me to be somewhat creative with my children's names.
All in all, it's just a name. And it doesn't define who you are as a person. And anyone who tries to define you based solely on your name is obviously someone who thinks far too highly of themselves.
This name is ALL boy to me, however, my friend's name is Ashley, and she's a girl. But I do like Ashlyn.
Most tired, overused name ever. I have 5 friends with some variation of this name (including my girlfriend). It gets confusing.Seriously, please don't even think about adding another Ashley/Ashleigh/Ashlie/Ashlee to the world. It's over. Let it die. Be creative and show your kid you care.
I think this is a very cute name for a girl, but all the people bitching here about how it was originally a boy's name and how "masculine" it is (LMAO!) is irritating. There is NOTHING masculine about this name, except maybe the nickname "Ash", but you could also get that from Asher.
Ashley Madison is a dating website for married people looking to have extramarital affairs. Although it sounds like a person's name, it was called that after two baby names that were trendy in 2001 when the website was founded.
Sounds like a naughty little girl who hides sweets in her bedroom, lol.
Ashley is a wonderful name! My Jack Russell terrier is named Ashley and it fits her perfectly, sometimes her barking even sounds like the name Ashley. It would sound weird as a woman's name though. If I heard it, I'd look around for a dog, no offense.
Ashley is from Old English for "ash" and "meadow."
Ashley is a perfect example of a name that became so trendy so abruptly that it's equally abrupt decline was inevitable. (I'm referring to its recent use as a girl's name. Obviously it was known as a male name long before recent decades, then it became one of the most popular dogs' names in the United States starting in the 1970s, and only recently did it rise and fall on the list of names for human girls. Girls' names seem to be much more susceptible to short-lived trends than boys' names.)
This is MY name so I think that people shouldn't be offending it.
When I grow old I think I will still suit this name because, well, I rock everything.
So stop hating on my name.
I don't see how Ashley is a bad name. I am a male with the name Ashley and it is a typical boys name but I am in Australia and yes, girls have this name but we don't have many girls here that have the name Ashely spelt like that. It's usually Ashleigh there for it is a good name regardless of it being over used. The simple fact of the matter is this: we don't get to choose our names.
Ashley Benson, an American actress.
Anyone else grew up with this name being strictly female?
I don't really understand how it used to be masculine. I know that ash and ley (lee) are masculine but together, makes me picture a girl.
I picture this name on a loudmouth, not shy type of girl.
Hi, I am Ashley, and I am a Man born in 1967. There were no women named of any note until I was near to 16-17 years old, when I discovered that they had named a woman, on "The young and the restless" soap opera Ashley. Much to my dismay, little girls, started running around being called by their mothers in shopping centres, with my name. I was stunned at first, but that explained why, whenever I told a girl my name, it was her favourite name... I should have seen the writing on the wall. Foreshadowing of every girl on the planet being named Ashley. If you go to wikapedia however, you will see many famous Male Ashleys around the world, and only a few Females born before 1983.
It gives a background, but not extensive. Ashley as a name, does however, go back into antiquity, and the Ash, a tree, has been associated with the Male, far back into Norse mythology, as the Ash tree is the symbol for men. No stopping it now in the world, as a woman's name however, that ship has sailed, and is now very popular.
Remember who Scarlet Ohara was in love with in "Gone with the Wind". Yes, it was Ashley Wilks, who married another, so she had to reluctantly turn to Rhett Butler. That's from the 1930's and one of the worlds most famous books and movies.
I used to have the most original name in the world... until the little girls started growing up, and entered the media world. Still, it is original, and Unique for a man, so that's just fine by me at 47. ;)
I Think the name Ashley is not for every girl but a few.
I happen to know a girl named Ashley and it fits her to
a tee. She's 24 years old very sexy and smart. And I think,
That her name will age with her. But most of all she is my,
Girl friend. And I love her not for her name but all of her.
I think Ashley is a pretty name for a girl, but not for a boy.
Ashley is the Canadian singer-songwriter Alyssa Reid's middle name, who is famous for her single "Alone Again" (that is based on the lyrics and music of the 1987 Heart song "Alone").
I found this site today. I've been thinking of names all day for story characters. Then I got curious about my own name. I found that a lot of people don't really like it, which is okay cause it's just an opinion. But it's been my name for 22 years and well I guess you could say I have a love hate relationship with my name. It is very common. There were three other girls in my grade in elementary school with the same name. Then I also found out that my mom wanted to name me Zooey which is way cooler. Also cause I love Zooey Deschanel and we have the same birthday. But it's my name and I'm stuck with it. I love my name, especially with my middle name Renae.
My dad spelled my name Ashlei.
You know, I find it funny that people are so mean about names. You give your child a name that is common and nice, and people don't like how common it is. They're sick of hearing it. You give your child a much less common name, or one that starts to gain popularity when it was very scarce before, and people will harass you about how "trendy" it is. Let's face it: people are going to gripe no matter what the heck you do. If you like a name, use it. I personally find this name to be common, but there's absolutely nothing wrong with that or it. It's pretty, simple, and sure there aren't many women with the name Ashley that are past 30 right now, but you have to give these names time to age. With time it will be the norm. Maybe not in your lifetime, but in the next...
I have a friend named Ashleigh (a girl). You're right that it's not really a name that will suit someone their whole life. I personally think it is great on a boy or a girl. Ashleigh is the girl spelling and Ashley is the boy spelling. I like this name.
I love this name as boy name. There are a lot of girls named like that so it's original to give it to your son.
Ugh. I hate male names that are being used as female names but this name doesn't fit either gender. It's way too overused. I'm only 21 and I've honestly met close to 100 people named Ashley (male and female). I wish people would just give this name a rest and move on.
Whenever I hear this name I immediately think of the character Ashley Tisdale from that movie high school musical!
Unfortunately that makes me think that the name Ashley sounds like a spoilt, and really girly name! No offence to any Ashley's here!
In response to the comment above, Ashley Tisdale was the name of the actress. The character that she played in "High School Musical" was named "Sharpay."
I know this was years and years ago, but since the name Ashley is most likely to remind you of teenage mothers and stuff, it's quite obvious why people kept saying how strange it would be for older women to have this name.
Actually, to my surprise this still is a popular name. It's currently #42. That's a higher position than Mary. So sad... People today, I tell ya. This name is horribly uncreative nowadays since its pretty much an automatic stereotype for a teenage girl along with Brittany (which is equally horrible). This name doesn't really have any history to it either, at least not for a girl. I honestly don't think I'll ever understand why it was and is still so popular, the sound isn't even pretty.
I am one of the few people who absolutely love this on boys,
I loathe it on girls though, terrible.
If you're thinking of naming your child Ashley, I think the people who are referring to this name as common are not considering that the name is NOT common right now. Yes, it was common in the 90's but there are very few girls being named that today. So, you're likely thinking about your friends names who are your age... not new babies. It's a cycle.
I used to think it was a young name too but considering its long history it's good to use it now because by the time they're older there are going to be a lot of Ashley's in their 40's and 50's making this an old name. So I like it.
Well, I think this name is very beautiful. I have both a teacher and a sister with the name Ashley. It is a very wonderful name, but I think it is more of a girls name than a boys name. If I had a baby girl, I would name it Ashley.
Ashley Purdy is a graphic designer and bassist for American hard-rock band, Black Veil Brides.
I was very close to being an "Ashley". Although I actually like the name, also the nickname "Ash", I think this name is incredibly too common. Plus there were several Ashley S's in my school, and I was almost another one. My name is pretty rare, so I'm thankful that Ashley isn't my name.
I've gotten sick of this name a long time ago. I can't believe people are still using this! It doesn't sound refreshing. Plus it's got the dumb cheerleader/mean popular girl stereotype attached to it. I'll pass.
I think this is an overused ugly name. No offense to the people... just the name.
I actually find this name quite pleasant, because the meaning, ash field, makes it sound like a royal park or something. So it would have been nice had it been used in the Victorian times, but it this day and age, it's too cheap and common.
This is a good name for a girl... I would definitely name my daughter this! :)
Honestly, you can't go anywhere these days without hearing someone call out to an "Ashley!" I personally don't like this name at all.
I have only met one guy named Ashley, my 9th grade gym teacher. He caught a lot of grief over his name. It's a terrible name for a guy. For that matter, it's just a terrible name for anyone. It's so overused and makes me think of a pile of ashes and leaves. I've never met an Ashley I liked. It's #3 on my "Hate These Names" list.
Every time I hear the name "Ashley" I think of the sketch from "All That" called "Ask Ashley" where after the announcer would say her name or she read "Dear Ashley" in a letter from a viewer she would point to herself and say "That's Meeeeeeee!"
I don't really like this name because it doesn't really roll off my tongue, and I don't like the nickname Ash.
I consider this spelling of the name to be better suited as a boy's name. The variants, such as Ashleigh, Ashlee, Ashlie, they're all better suited to girls, but I would consider Ashley to be a boy's name, rather than a girl's.
Ashley Cooper (b. 1936) is a former tennis player from Australia, who was World No. 1 in the late 1950s. 1958 was his big year where he became one of only ten men to date to win three of the four Grand Slam events in the same year - he won singles at the Australian, British, and American championships and was a semi-finalist at the French championship.Ashley Wood (b. 1971) is an Australian comic book artist and illustrator who is well known for his cover art, concept design and his work as an art director.Ashley Fisher (b. 1975) is an Australian tennis player. The right-handed doubles specialist reached his highest doubles ranking of World Number 19 on 22 June 2009. Ashley Callus (b. 1979) is an Australian sprint freestyle swimmer, who won a gold medal in the 4 × 100 m freestyle relay at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. He is of Maltese descent.Ashley Harrison (b. 1981) is an Australian professional rugby league footballer for the Gold Coast Titans of the National Rugby League.Ashley Graham (b. 1984) is an Australian rugby league player for the North Queensland Cowboys in the National Rugby League competition.
As you can see, in Australia Ashley is still accepted as a very masculine name, even though feminine usage has overtaken it.
Even though it's overused I still think it's a beautiful name.
I love Ashley on a boy. Ashley on a girl just gives the wrong associations. And the nickname "Ash" is very masculine.
Ashley is one of those names. I don't think it's ugly or anything but it's way too overused. I've met a million Ashleys in my young life.
I never associate this name with blondes - always with brunettes. And, regardless of hair color, my impression remains consistent with the other posters who have negative things to say about the personality traits associated with the name Ashley. I have never known a sincere, honest, and likable Ashley. I'm sure there are some out there, but I've never come across one who isn't a user or a cheater/wh**e.
I've grown to like this name for a boy, I think it's handsome like the name Wesley. But I would never use it because it is so overused on girls.
I know there is some people out there who want to give this name a comeback by giving it to boys. My warning: Don't do it. Not unless you plan on homeschooling the boy. Some kids are cruel, and your son would never hear the end of it if he had a name as feminine today as "Ashley". Besides, this name suits just fine on a girl. It flows, and it's very pretty.
I know 3+ Ashley, Ashlie's etc. I think this name is overused and it confuses me how it got so popular all of a sudden. I have mixed feelings: it's not a good name, but it's not a bad name.
My mate's name is Ashley and it is a popular name and he is popular himself!
I commented a *long* time ago on this name, but merely called it "overused" (along with some other names) and never elaborated. In hindsight, I don't think that was very mature of me, so now I've returned to explain myself more clearly.In the year I was born--1991--Ashley was the #1 name for girls. In fact, that year was the name's peak. It was consistently in the Top 5 from 1983--1998 (more than a decade), and in the Top 10 Names from 1983--2005 (more than twenty years)! All my life, I have met so many Ashleys, it's insane. Seriously.Aside from extreme popularity, I've never really liked the first syllable of this name--ash. I know it's supposed to come from Ash Trees, but it actually makes me think of an ash wasteland. Not a pretty picture, unfortunately.It is interesting that Ashley (in America) has sort of fallen out of use as a male name. I think I would actually like Ashley better as a male name, since I think "ash" is much more masculine than feminine in sound (in my opinion), even with the "ley" ending. I put Ashley in the same category as Robin--names I don't really care for as of now, but I might like better if they reverted back to their masculine roots.
This is my name, and I dislike it. It's far too common and plain. It reminds me of a snobby, spoiled, rich girl, which does not describe me at all.
US figure skater Ashley Wagner is a famous bearer. Wagner has won the US Bronze Medal twice and the Junior World Bronze twice. She was the first alternate for the 2010 Olympic team.
Ashley is stylish and pretty - too much of 'pansy boy' name for a male though!
Ashley J. Williams, more commonly known as Ash, is a famous male bearer. Played by Bruce Campbell, he was the star of the 'Evil Dead' trilogy.
In 1986 the year I was born, my mother was going to name me Teresa, but my dad was really into Young and The Restless soap show. In that show they have one character named Ashley Abbot, by then she was already older, my father's reasons were that he thought it was a powerful successful name. I guess that was before it was too common and seen a little more sophisticated. I do like my name, and I also do not know many Ashley’s even in school there was not too many, I feel that my name is more unique then Amy or Kim. The one problem I have is every time I hear someone say actually I think they are saying Ashley. :)
This spelling, Ashley, is male to me and many others outside of the U.S.A. Ashleigh and Ashlee are female equivalents.
As an Ashley, I go by Ash. And I hate how people expect every single Ashley in the whole world is blonde, blue-eyed, rich, snobby, popular, and a cheerleader. They aren't. I never even knew a blonde Ashley! I'm a brunette, with dark brown eyes, and I was never a cheerleader. And you people hate this name but some of you like EMILY? THAT is a common name way more common than Ashley.
I personally can't stand this name. It's nothing against people named Ashley, or even the fact that it's so popular, I had three friends named Ashley growing up. The reason I dislike this name so much is that my name is similar, and people see the first three letters and assume my name is Ashley. As a result, I've come to associate this name with increasingly strong feelings of annoyance as I am forced to correct people all the time.I think it's overused as well, but that doesn't necessarily make it a bad name. (If it was bad, it wouldn't have become overused in the first place, right?) I think it would be better used as a middle name than a first name, though, if you're really set on using it.
I used to really like this name and think it sounded sophisticated, till I realized how insanely popular it is and that it often seems to belong to snobby ditzy cheerleader types. It also seems really generic on girls these days; I can't believe it's still so insanely popular! Wasn't it already cliché and passé 15 years ago? I do however like it on a boy.
I HATE this on a girl! All the Ashleys I've known are boys, one went to my school (and there were no girl Ashleys), one of my university tutors is called Ashley and there's Ashley from Gone With The Wind - sigh. It's for guys! Love it on a guy!
I like this for a boy. I really do.BUT:I've known about a million Ashleys, and they're all girls. This is widely known as a girl's name, so a boy named Ashley would be teased and taunted to no end. Maybe someday, as people grow sick of this name, Ashley can come back again for boys. But right now, save your little boy a lot of teasing and don't name him Ashley.
My name is Ashley, and personally I hate the name, I think it is a very pretty name, but overused. It goes great with any name, so middle names are very easy. I wanted to have a very uncommon name, a cool name with many nicknames, and plus I am a black haired- tomboy with brown eyes, so tell that to the snobby blonde cheerleader.
Love it for a boy! Still usable in some parts of the world without too much hassle.The Ashley Wilkes connection is a bonus. I love Leslie Howard.
Can't think of anything but Scarlett O'Hara whining "Oh, Ashley!"
For a guy, yes. For a girl, too popular. And, I do not like the stereotypes for this name at all. I knew both snobby Ashleys and compassionate, smart Ashleys.
Pick up your stereotypes, through them in a hole, and let 'em die. :)
Not trying to sound rude or bitter, but can you all please stop being so hateful towards this name? For goodness sake, it is a NAME. You cannot judge a person based on their name. Yes, this name is extremely popular and overused, but the child, male or female, should not be criticized by ignorant, shallow people, who have nothing better to do than insult the child's parents whom obviously liked this name enough to name their child Ashley.I think this name is lovely, and graceful. To any Ashley's out there, ignore the ignorant people on this website, who take the time out of their day to make you feel bad about your name.
I know a lot of people with this name, including myself, lol. Ashleys are a ton of fun and we usually have a definitely energetic and light-hearted personality- but sometimes- I don't think your persona has a lot to do with your name. It's a safe name, and I go by the name 'Ashers' more than 'Ashlie' because 1) I act like a guy a lot and 2) I like being called Ashers. It's playful.I don't think it's fair to judge all Ashleys/Ashlies/Ashleighs/Ashlees by their names. There are just as many compassionate Ashlies as there are Dorothys or Kendras.I like it, but I would not name my own child it. And not just because it's my name either, lol! Look at it this way. More t-shirts for the Ashley club! I'm seriously gonna start one sooner than later!
Despite all the ridiculous overuse on girls, it's still doable on dudes in some countries like England and New Zealand. Thank heavens for some level headed folks.
Okay so first off my name is Ashley. I am okay with the name. I however don't think that it is the right name for an adult.
I'm sorry to those who have this name, but I cannot stand the name Ashley. I don't like the sound and it's way too common. I know so many Ashleys, I also know many Ashlees and Ashleighs.
Ashley is such a horrible, generic, ridiculously common name. I've met at least 8 Ashleys in the last 6 months. And its popularity aside, it's not even a good name. Maybe it's not fair to judge a person by their name, but I can never take anyone named "Ashley" seriously. It instills an image in my head of an incredibly ditzy, immature, airheaded type of girl. I get the feeling it's kind of a name that parents just fall back on at the last minute due to their lack of planning and originality.And don't even get me started on naming a boy Ashley. It's way too feminine (in my opinion) to work for most males.
Ashley Greene is the actress that plays Alice Cullen in the Twilight movies.
To all those people that talk about names and say they can't picture a girl carrying a name at a certain age - well, honestly, people grow to names. So if you picture only teeny-boppers named Ashley, Jessica and Brittany - someday all the kids from this generation will be grannies. Yes, and that will seem NORMAL then, as normal as Ernestine, Carolyn and Edna are for granny names now.
I do not agree with some of the posts who feel the name "Ashley" is not a name someone would want when they are older. I named my 1st born child "Ashley". At the time of her birth in 1985 I had hardly ever heard of anyone with this name. I must agree though, a lot of girls born in the 80's, bear this name. I think it is a beautiful name, but of course at the time; it did not occur to me that their would be so many other girls named "Ashley." I named my daughter this because at that time it was rare, and I wanted her to have a diffrent, yet pretty name.
It's strange how so many people say bad things about the name Ashley, while other people stick up for it. Has anyone ever considered the fact that it's a name? You can't judge people on their names, people just use them to refer to us.
You know, I was thinking about something a friend of mine was saying about how much she hates her name with a firey passion because it is so common. Many people hate the name Ashley also because of the stigmas it carries. But aside from the fact that I love the name and am obviously partial, why not think about it this way? The name Ashley covers a huge area of people. I have seen quite a few Ashley's in my day; some mean, others kind. Some girly, others tomboyish. Some smart, others dumb. And some of the characters I have witnessed have been any combination of the above stereotypes. But isn't everyone like that, no matter what kind of name she has? For me it's just fun to observe all the Ashley's. I think the only blonde Ashley I've seen is Ashley Tisdale; and never have I seen a cheerleader Ashley. Doesn't mean they don't exist. I'm just saying that the largely small portion of the Ashley population I've encountered has not fit their begrudging stereotype. Just my random musings LOL.
I think Ashley for a girl is ugly, obnoxious, and way too popular. For a guy it is an awesome, strong, romantic name, but then idiots went and started naming their kids Ashley. If a girl has a guys name, they're "unique" "clever" names. But let's face it, if a guy got the name "Ashley" he will be teased relentlessly.
I hate this name very much. It sounds terrible.
I don't like this name. Who wants to be named after an ash tree clearing? It also reminds me of ashes.
I think ashwood is beautiful. But then that's because I'm a guitar freak and ashwood sounds pretty amazing on guitars.
Man, I know there can be jerks named Ashley. There can also be jerks named Melissa or Matilda. Doesn't matter the name.
Ashley, Emily, Hannah, Sarah, and Tiffany all have one thing in common: overused.
It's a nice name, but it's played out, although on a boy, maybe not so.
While I think Ashley is a little too popular, I like it as a middle name, particularly with Lauren.
Probably my favorite name for a boy. It's versatile and works with a multitude of middle names. But I would NEVER use it for a little girl.
This name sounds very feminine, girly, and cutesy, and I absolutely cannot imagine it on any other males than underaged, blond boy band members with a bit of a feminine look: cute curls, chubby lips, and curvy eyelashes around their beautiful, moist light blue eyes. The trouble with the name is that it has a bit of a bimbo/spoiled brat reputation, and sure enough, the first image that pops into my head upon reading or hearing this name is a pretty blonde girl who speaks in a squeaky, nasal voice and says naive things to appear dumber than she is because she thinks guys find that cute. I picture a girl with long, straight, blonde hair, trendy outfits, and I can imagine that she talks a lot about the importance of sexual purity and abstinence before marriage, but isn't exactly prudish in her outfit choices, coz a girl's gotta be sexy. The name sounds a bit too youthful for a grown-up anyway. I can't easily imagine a 40-year-old woman named Ashley.
I think the name Ashley is way overused. I am an Ashley and went to school with 6 other Ashley's. It was confusing to walk down the hall and hear your name called and not be sure who the person wanted. Also in class, we had to go by our last names so the teachers could identify us. While I like my last name, it may not always be nice to be known almost solely by that name. Now I am in law school and feel that my name is counting against me. I feel almost as if some of the professors and attorneys I am in contact with view Ashley as a name commonly associated with dumb girls. Couple this view with my blonde hair, and I have to work so hard to overcome this interpretation.
I must say that this name has attracted a great deal of controversy, and confess that, until I watched "Gone With the Wind", I thought this name was given only to girls. I quite like it as a masculine name, and rather dislike when little girls are given boy's names, especially like Parker or Kimberly or Mackenzie--they make it feel as though the parents wish to condemn their child to life as a tomboy.Yes, I really have seen Parker used as a feminine name and Kimberly as a masculine name.
My name's Ashley (as if the username wasn't a dead giveaway). I'm only fourteen, and I can tell you, I personally hate the name. I still answer to it of course, but everywhere I go there's four or five other Ashley's. In my classes there's another Ashley, and that gets confusing. I don't know why people went on a craze and suddenly named every other kid in America Ashley in the 90's (not seriosuly just making a point) but I don't like the name. No offense to anyone who likes the name, but I honestly think names should have been more unique than anything.
I don't see how my name is young, old, silly, or will give me any problems when I turn 40 (in 3 months)! Nothing personal folks, but those who know me attribute MY characteristics to me, not my name's "characteristics." I was not named after a glamorous soap character, but instead in 1968 my mom liked the last name of actress Elizabeth Ashley. The other famous Ashley of similar age, Ashley Judd was apparently named after Ashland, KY.

Up until about 1985 conversations would go like this: "Hi, my name is Ashley" "What?" "Ashley" "Leslie?" "No, ASH-LEY" "Isn't that a boy's name?" Even today I'm trained to answer to Leslie. So I don't mind that the name is a little more mainstream than it used to be, but I admit it is overused. It was also quite surreal to go from having a name no one heard of (besides Mr. Wilkes) to having almost every mother yell out in Safeway "Come here Ashley!" or "Ashley, stop that!" I like my name and have always liked it, even when it was "a boy's name."
This is just my opinion and I do not mean to offend anyone in anyway. But I have to honestly say I hate this name! How could anyone in their right mind name their child this?
Female - I think of a spoiled, bratty, trashy, mean girl, who stays out til the crack of dawn doing what no one knows.
Male - I could never imagine a boy with this name! It's just so girly sounding.
Ashley is horrible as a boy's name. It sounds elegant on a girl, though. I recommend it for a girl.
Ashley is really a surname, but I think most people have forgotten that because it is so common. I would hate to share my name with anyone so it must be horrible for Ashleys. I wouldn't want to give my child (please don't take any offense this is just my opinion, not a deliberate insult) such a boring and predictable name. It's gotten far too common for my liking. All I can think of is Ashley from Gone With The Wind. Who is a guy! And what exactly do you want to make people think of when they see your kids name? There are so many famous Ashleys who are totally out-of-control-across-the-tabloids. I could never see someone named Ashley and not think uh-oh. So maybe that is stereotypical, but that doesn't change my reaction.It isn't really a good name anyway, in my opinion. I think of crying, the color gray, and funerals. Well I guess basically death, which doesn't match my chatty, spirited cheerleader image.So to conclude, if your name is Ashley and you can deal with all this adversion to the name, then good for you, because I certainley wouldn't. And to everyone else out there who isn't too partial to Ashley, I agree with you completely!
I've met lots of Ashleys, and they were all male. I've never come across a female Ashley, so it sounds odd to me as a girl's name. (I'm in the UK)
I love the name Ashley, but I have to disagree with the above poster. I hate Ashlyn and all it's spellings. Name your daughter Ashley or no Ash-name at all.
This name is nice, but way too overused. If you really like Ashley but are afraid of its popularity, name your daughter Ashlyn, Ashlynn, Ashlynne, Ashlin, Ashlinn, or Ashlinne. They are great variants that aren't that common. I'd say my favorite would be Ashlinne. It is SO cute!
It's so rude of you to say that the name Ashley is a bad name because it's preppish. First off, there's nothing wrong with being a prep, and secondly, the name Ashley is quite a beautiful name. I love this name and I think that people shouldn't judge names by popularity.
Eh. It's okay, I guess. On a boy, it sounds exotic, while on a girl it sounds boring and preppish. Mas o menos for me.I saw a little boy in the play room named Ashley. First boy I ever saw with the name Ashley (although I know the name is both masuline and feminine)
Dumb, dumb name. Shallow, flighty, trendy, materialistic. When I hear "Ashley", I think of dopey 14 year old girls who care only about makeup and Teen magazine.
This is an awesome name for a boy, but it's kind of stupid on a girl. And unlike most people, I can barely imagine a blond Ashley. One of my best buds is a female Ashley and she's anything but the stereotype of a blond cheerleader. She's brunette, funny, and likes manga and guitars. So that is what I picture when I think Ashley. Oh well, good name for a guy, overused on a girl.
To the comment about Ashley and the significance of ash trees: The ash tree has a tremendous significance in Norse mythology. The Norse believe that Yggdrasil (portrayed by an Ash tree), connected all of the "9 worlds", and that the first man, Ask (which means ash in old Norse), was made out of an ash tree. It was also commonly believed in Europe that snakes were repelled by ash leaves. Ash trees have also have many medicinal herbs. So, in Europe, ash trees signified a source of healing, origin, and protection, meanings which could easily be passed onto the name.
Although it's true I don't usually care for common names as much as unusual ones, I don't think it's very fair to decide what you think about a name just because of its popularity. You have to LOOK at the name, you know. Its flow, its meaning. And after I did that to the name Ashley, I decided I don't like it. But not because it's too popular. I just don't find anything very intriguing about an ash trree or whatever.
You are all being extremely ridiculous. This is my second favorite girl name EVER and it is my sister's name. It's a very beautiful name and it's immature, rude, and stupid to say that you don't like a name just because it's popular. Shame on you for saying such stuff about such a pretty name. It's beautiful and deserves respect. I love this name to pieces and it's very offending and irritating for you to say all this stuff. It's okay if you don't like it because you think of a certain person every time you hear it, but if that's not the case, try to show respect for this absolutely sweet name. Anyway, it'll be okay for an old lady as time passes. Also, I dislike the spellings Ashlee, Ashleigh, Ashlei, Ashlea, etc. Her name is ASHLEY!
Goodness! All this fuss over people's opinions of a name. If I said I didn't like the name Kasie or Emily or Ashley because either they were too popular or I had a bad encounter with people with those names (which isn't true but just an example), why should someone else be offended over that? It's merely an opinion. That's like getting mad at someone because they don't like chocolate, which makes me laugh. See my point? I actually love the name Ashley myself but honestly don't care who likes it or not. If someone likes it, power to them. If not, I'm not going to get offended over it. To me it's actually kind of immature to get all railed up about it. But that, too, is just an opinion.
Actually, I won't get offended if someone doesn't like a name because of a person they know. I think that's okay. For instance, I hate Ashton because of an absolutely rude person I once knew. That's not my fault. However, I honestly think it's ridiculous to hate a name because of popularity. Sure, you can name your kid Ekenedilichukwu (which really is in the database) or Neveah, and you'll get:"How do you spell it?"
"Did I pronounce it right?"
maybe even
"Cool, is that made up?"Which MIGHT be a TAD embarrassing for SOME people. And also, lots of kids might want keychains or something like that that have their name on it and they won't find it.Anyway, I don't care if my child has a somewhat popular name, because even if there is at least one other kid with that name, the child still has:a) a name they won't get made fun of for
b) a very pretty or handsome name that is REAL
c) parents who are smart and decide they want to use a name because they like it, not because no one has heard of it before.Also, the reason someone might get offended is because maybe they have a sibling, best friend, or parent with that name (probably not the case with Ashley though, only because it started being popular in the 90's, and most people with a mother named Ashley might not be old enough for BtN.) Someone also might get offended because it is their own name, or perhaps they named their child this. Ashley is an absolutely beautiftul name and I will use it when I am older because you know what? Your comments aren't making me change my mind. Just because Ashley is popular doesn't mean it's a bad name. In fact, why do you think it's popular? Well duh, because people use it a lot. But why do they use it a lot? Perhaps it never crossed your mind that they too love this beautiful name?
I found this website that lists Bible verses in association with each name. The actual denotation of each name is nowhere near as accurate as BTN, but I thought the verse thing was cool. Verse for Ashley is Psalm 24:1. See result by searching for Ashley at or, for an easier translation of the Bible verse, search for Psalm 24 on
I think the name Ashley or Ashlee is beautiful, but it is overused and too common for me.
This is a great name! I love it, and would possibly even use it someday to honor my sister, and just because I like it a lot. I would use it for a girl of course. This is a great name, and I don't think people should hate it just because a lot of people like it and want to use it.
I actually think it's a very pretty name. There aren't a whole lot of Ashleys at my school, so I don't think I hear it as much as other people. I, personally, think it's elegant and I like it.
There's a guy at my school called Ashley. He doesn't get teased about his name. I don't really think of Ashley as a girl's name.
Whenever I hear this name I think of a preppy girl from the valley talking loudly on her cell phone.
In my opinion, this just sounds more like a male name. Obviously in today's society, a boy named Ashley would be ridiculed to no end, since it is now a "female" name. I really don't like this name at all, since it is so common and boring. This is probably because I have never met anyone named Ashley (all girls) that I have even remotely liked. I think it's a classic boy name, probably because of the character Ashley Wilkes from 'Gone with the Wind.' There are lots of girl names that used to be boy names and are absolutely adorable now, but I don't see this as that kind of name. Just my opinion.
This name has become way too popular.
People keep saying "this is more popular for girls", but I'd like to point out that in America, Canada and Australia it's more popular for girls, but in England (where the name originates from) it's still more popular for boys. Also, it's much better for a boy, and I'd say most English people think of it as a boy's name.
How about bringing it back to a boys name?! Well. The poor boy may get made fun of. I do like it as a boys name though!
I can't believe what everyone said about this name! It belongs to my sister, and I love it. It isn't way overly used, I believe I only personally know two Ashleys, my sister and a girl in my grade.
Ashley is my middle name, and I like it, like the nickname Ash, too. I do think of Ashley from "Gone with the Wind" whenever I hear this name though. I've never known a boy Ashley and I think a boy with this name might get teased, but it works as both a male and female name.
It's a beautiful name, don't feel bad! Personally I like it better spelled Ashlea but we all have our opinions, don't we?
I like this name. It is very pretty, on a girl only. No offense to boys, but I like this name only for a girl even though it was originally a boy's name. The combination of "Ash" and the suffix "ley" make this name more feminine to me. Plus, Ashley is more popular as a girl's name.
Ashley Marie Hanigan - main character in Prom by Laurie Halse Anderson
Ashley Putnam - main character in Tightrope by Gillian Cross
Hi, my name is Ashley and I just wanted to say that even though the name is very popular and what not I still love my name. You all say you don't like it because of it's popularity. Well, don't most names go through a period of popularity? As for the name not being pretty or beautiful. I think it is very pretty and beautiful. Can't be any worse than Mackenzie, which was originally a surname and a boy's name just like Ashley and is now pretty popular for girls. And to me Ashley sounds more feminine than Mackenzie (even though I like the name Mackenzie a lot). Basically, it's just an opinion and it's not going to do anything. Same goes for everything I've just said but I wanted to defend my name. So I did. BTW, if my name wasn't Ashley, I would gladly name my daughter Ashley. I like it, who cares what anyone else thinks? And if she didn't like it when she got older, well, we would cross that brigde when the time came but it would be what 16 + years or so down the road yet (I'm 17, I don't know how my life will play out yet) and who knows how popular the name will be then? But this is all hypothetical because I already have the name.P.S. Isn't it funny how defensive and opinionated people can be over such a simple thing as a name?
I think Ashley is a perfectly lovely name. However, I would not personally use it, and would advise others not to do so---the year I was born, it was the most common name given in the United States, and while I am not all about "your name makes you unique," a name that is so incredibly common loses most of its beauty. I am not sure how popular it is in recent years, but because it was so common, when it falls out of favour it will be very dated, and associated with people of a very specific age and time because it was so very popular at a certain period. I don't think most children would appreciate having such a common name, although it does deserve its popularity about as much as any name can.
My secondary name is Ashelley (I'm from Brazil, spelled differently), and really wish it were my first. As a guy, I think it sounds pretty neat, and the nickname "Ash" is a killer. For a girl's name it's definitely over-used, but not for men, and can surprisingly be very masculine.
I would love to name a boy this name - I love Ashley Wilkes, even though at the end Scarlett views him negatively (as does the movie portray him so). But I live in Long Island, New York USA. And thus, he would be mocked to no end. I'm thinking of living in Paris though. How is this name used in France? Anyone? Anyone? Beuler?
I absolutely adore the name Ashley, no matter how popular and stereotyped it is. But since I was born in 1990, though, I cannot see it on a boy and rather don't fancy the idea. Sure, I have known a great many Ashleas, Ashlees, Ashleighs, Ashleys, Ashlis, Ashlies, and Ashlys who fit the stereotype, but I don't let that get in the way. I liked it as a child, then decided I didn't like it, and I have only just recently fallen in love with it. You see, I have quite a history of Ashley. I don't even remember this, but my mom said her best friend's kid was named Ashley, and she and I were really good baby friends. When I was four or so, we moved into a condo, and our landlord, who also owned a bed store and went to my grandparents' church, had a daughter named Ashley, who was my best friend. When I was in first grade, I had two other friends named Ashley, and we all dressed up as tripplets on twin day--the two Ashleys and the one Melissa (AKA Mel now). Sadly, they moved, I don't know my baby friend anymore, and my once best friend Ashley and I drifted apart. Now, I have had many problems with friends recently, and a sunshiny Ashlee waltzed her way into my life and wormed her way into my heart in a time of distress, so the name, as you can see, has a lot of meaning to me. But anyway, my favorite combo for this name is Ashley Elaine, after my friend Ryan Jordan's girlfriend. I am using this in my novel--the Ashley is indeed a cheerleader, but very quiet, clumsy, and even tomboyish at times. She befriends Sarah who in some ways represents me. I could go on and on about this name because I love it so much, but I fear I may put you to sleep with my rambling. So toodles!
I think this name is far too popular and I think it's to bad it has become a girls name. I think it is a lovely name for a boy. It makes me think of someone tall, kind and handsome with great conviction in his beliefs. Even if Ashley in Gone With The Wind is a spoiled wimp.
I'm going to try really hard to like this for a boy. If only I could shake the image of cute little girls in pink dressies. Don't get me wrong, I do like this on a girl, but I think it could make a comeback (someday) as a boy's name.
Sweet, popular, tomboyish, smart, funny, devious. Every Ashley I’ve ever known had at least one of those characteristics. Of course it’s not ‘Ashley’ that makes a girl either one of those, it’s the person! I have nothing against the name Ashley, this is one of my good friend's names!
Ashley Parker Angel is a popular (male) singer-songwriter, and is currently in the Broadway musical "Hairspray".
Don't stereotype Ashley as a dumb, snobby, preppy, blonde cheerleader. For your info I am a brunette and my name is Ashley thank you very much.
I think that all Ashleys should stop being so sensitive. Jeez, my name is always being poked at too, but I don't say anything. It's only that the name is extremely popular, originally a boy's name, and totally not unique.
Okay to all of you bashing the name Ashley, you are wasting your time. Sure Ashley is a popular name but that doesn't make it bad. Also people here are categorizing people with the name Ashley as snobby, preppy, dumb blonde cheerleaders. Sure there are people with the name Ashley who act this way, but there are many of us who do not. It is the same with any other name. Another comment that is constantly being made is that Ashley is a very young name and you wouldn't think it was right for an older person to have this name. Of course this name is young now, becuase this name only became popular recently, so the people named it are young. When names like Ruth, Gladys, etc first became popular people said that these names were for young people and no one would think that an older person would be named this. This is not the case anymore, typically now we see older people have those names. So for people who judge a name, wow that really is a waste of time!
This name is very common, and is far from unique. Ashley was originally a boy name, and I think it should stay that way, because it sounds so hideous on a girl.
Ashley sounds so much more better on a boy than a girl. I don't like the way some mothers snatch a boy's name and make it a girl's.
This is my name and I can't even explain how annoying it is to be in school and know twenty other Ashley's, especially if they are all in your classes.
Ashley is a nice name on both boys and girls, but since it was originally a boy's name it should switch back that way. It would be awesome to meet a boy Ashley!
Ashley is my first name, like many of my fellow commentators here. I have always disliked it because of its popularity and its overly childish sound (for me, it's not so much to do with the fact that it's a relatively new name, but the "lee" sound that bugs me). Like many people, growing up I was always one of several girls with this name in both the classroom and at work (when around my peers, that is). I've learned to keep walking when someone calls out my full name (anyone worth talking to merely calls me "Ash", my personal preference) and when someone new asks my name, I cringe when I say it because I hate the way it sounds on my tongue. Overall, I do NOT like this name at all. My mother had planned to call me "Kayla Elise" all throughout the pregnancy, but at the last minute caved into my Catholic grandmother's request for "Ashley", not because of its popularity but because of my being born the day before Ash Wednesday (so, I suppose I should be thankful that while some may be the victim of a god-awful name trend I do actually have a story behind mine). I can't say I'm too happy with the general portrayal of ladies named Ashley in the media. As previously stated, they're more often than not shown as snobby, conceited blondes (and sometimes redheads) concerned with little outside of their own image and the acquisition of material things. Also, they're almost always shown as being 22 years old and younger, helping to perpetuate the "youthful" stereotype associated. When you hear someone's named Ashley, what are some thoughts that come to mind before meeting them? Childish, snooty, an airhead, perhaps? I thought so. As someone that is neither blonde nor a redhead, neither childish nor snooty, and someone that would sooner don black clothes and boots than a pink "baby T" and blue jeans, the name has always been a source of frustration for me. However, given some of the "older" alternatives, like Anne, Barbara, Susan etc, I suppose things could be much worse.
There was the not so famous (at least outside the UK) Ashley on the X Factor who mucked up his words and Simon Cowell, Sharon Osbourne and Louis Walsh, as well as the voting public, kicked him off the show.
Ashley is an OK girls name but totally rocks for a boy.
Personally, I prefer this as a boy's name. Where I live, it is generally only used as a girl's name, and it's pretty common. I would consider naming my son this. It's a handsome name. I disagree with everyone who says it's childish. I think it would work fine for any age.
My name is Ashley and I absolutely love my name. I'm 13 and up until this year, there's never been another Ashley in my class. Of course, my school has about 2,000 kids and I only know 2 other Ashleys other than myself. I think it's a wonderful name and I love, love, love my name to death!
The name Ashley (or any name for that matter) isn't going to sound odd or weird as you age. You are who you are and that is how others see you. I named my daughter Ashley in 1963; thus the person on this board who was told by her mother that there were no little girls named Ashley before 1982, was wrong. In 1963, the name was almost unheard of and seen as "odd" then. People had to ask me to repeat her name when I told them, because they had never heard of it, except in "Gone with the Wind". Now it is widely used, peaking in its popularity in the early 90's, and even at the age of 43, my daughter still receives positive feedback on it. Actually, she is more comfortable with the name now than she was as a child because of the unfamiliarity of the name back then.
No offense to anyone named Ashley, but at this point I think it's far too overused for girls. It might have potential as being reclaimed as a male name.
No offense to you Marauder but where in the world are you? I live in New Zealand and this name is still used on males in healthy numbers. It is considered tired and dated on girls. I also hear that it continues to be used on boys in the UK also.Personally, I think it is one of the more handsome boys names.
I'm in the United States, where any boy named Ashley would probably have a really hard time of it. I've met various female Ashleys but no male ones. I like it better as a boy's name, though, so glad to hear there are male Ashleys in other places.
This name is incredibly exhausted and needs to take a very long break. On a girl it has just become way too common. A boy*, on the other hand, would make a great Ashley considering it was the original sex of the name.
*Ashley Parker Angel is an example.
Much better as a girl name.
This was a guy's name and a surname.
What a divine name for a guy!
I wouldn't advise anyone to name his or her kid this. Period. Don't even try to come up with some unique spelling or shortening, because trust me it's still going to be annoying (the nickname Ash, or Ashi annoys me to no end). Being an Ashiley myself I can tell you it really wears on ones nerves to be called by your full name during a class because there are 14 other people with the same name as you in the room. Despite this, I find it funny that this name was originally a boy's name, as not only is my name Ashiley, but I also have a brother named Kelly, whom, when we where younger, I loved to tease constantly about his 'girly name'. I would also like to point out how narrow-minded it is to judge people with this name simply because of someone you've met who was snobby and had the name as well. We're not all bad, and you need to remember when we were born they didn't ask us what we wanted to be named; it's not my fault I'm stuck with the most unoriginal name on the planet.
Ashley Laurence is a talented American actress and a wonderful painter.
I couldn't name a child Ashley, and here's why: 1) It is very common these days; 2) It was originally a boy's name but now it's a girl's name so either way it wouldn't really fit. Otherwise, I like the name.
On the show Degrassi the Next Generation there is a character named Ashley Kerwin.
Ashley to me is much more a girl's name than a boy's name. Maybe that's because the only Ashley I know is a girl, and she's my cousin. Still I wouldn't name a boy this. Most people now it as a girl name. And he would be made fun of for that.
Ashley is more popular in the US than it is here in England. It can be pretty but isn't very mature or glamorous.
I like the name Ashley, but I think it's overused. It's nice how it's spelt Ashley.
Many people say that the name Ashley is not suitable for someone over 40. Most people when they hear the name Ashley they think of a snobby little cheerleader, or some dumb blonde. Like the old saying goes don't judge a book by its cover. My name happens to be Ashley and I'm not a snobby cheerleader or dumb blonde. Blondes are not dumb, they might have their moments. You might think that Ashley isn't suitable for a 40 year old, but come on neither is Susan, Kirsten, Alyssa, or any modern names. I love my name. There's nothing people can do about the name so just drop it. I have to admit that it is a popular name. Most girls with the name Ashley got their name off of "The Young and the Restless." That is basically how the name became popular among most Americans. I really dislike that people think of girls with the name Ashley snobby. Most people would get offened if we thought of them as snobby cheerleaders. I don't appreciate people talking like that about my name or anybody else's name. It hurts certain people when you talk about their name. So that's what I have to comment about on my name Ashley.
Ash Lady? What was someone thinking? This name is pronounced Ash-lee, not Ash-Lady!
In the UK and Ireland, there are two characters from two British soap-operas, "Coronation Street" and "Emmerdale" called Ashley and they are both male! I don't think Ashley is a very popular name in Ireland, either for a boy or a girl!
I'm sorry, but the name Ashley is going to become the Ethel, Mildred, and Gladys of our generation.
To the person who said Ashley was not a good name - it is a pretty name and there is nothing wrong with the name Ashley for a girl. Otherwise, why not argue that Hayley is a boy's name, as they both end in ley?
In the late 80's and early 90's when Soap Opera's were much more popular than they are now, I think a lot of mothers got their name ideas from them. During that time there were two prominant characters on highest rated "The Young & the Restless" "Lauren & Ashley" - I think those characters contributed greatly to the wild popularity of those names, among others.
Ashley Cole (born 1980) is a male soccer player. He plays for Arsenal and the English national team.
It’s not that I dislike this name, it’s just that I don’t understand how it suddenly became so popular out of completely nowhere. There’s nothing special about this name that may make everyone name their child (especially their daughter) Ashley, especially this spelling of it. I prefer the spellings ‘Ashli’ or ‘Ashlee’, since they look more feminime. In my grade of about 200 girls, there are five Ashley’s. With thousands of names to choose from, five is quite a lot. If I were you, I would only name my child this after its popularity has dropped.
"Ashley" isn't a common name where I come from (Singapore), and is used equally for both males and females. I've always thought of it as a good, strong, traditional name.
Of course, there are two sides to that name. Sometimes, when someone hears that my name is Ashley, they'll say "good name!" or "isn't that a boy's name?" I like those comments. Those are the people who appreciate "Ashley" as I think it should be.
Then there are those, usually younger people, who say, "Hey, like Mary-Kate and Ashley!", or "Ashlee Simpson". It does have a reputation for being a preppy, trendy name, and I dislike that. Despite being only 19, I'm somewhat old-fashioned. I really wonder how "Ashley" became a fashionable girls' name, at great odds with its true nature rooted in history.
I like to think of my name as being up there with other common but traditional names like "Peter", "William" and "Hilda". There's not much we can do about the fact that the other side of "Ashley" is more well-known and popular, but it does have a good reputation, and we can all try to bring the "good" side of Ashley out.
I don't really like this name, but I like it when people spell there name, either - Ashli, Ashleigh or Ashlie. I think Ashli is a name for a down-to-earth kinda girl, it's cute!
There is another beautiful spelling of the name: Ashlye.
Ashley is a very pretty name. Definitely overused now. But there is nothing wrong with the name.
I like Ashley -- for a guy. I'm not sure if I'll be bold enough to use it, but my big sis probably will. We'll see how the tides turn, I guess. I've got a while. :)
My cousin's name is Ashley. Even though a lot of people have that name I still like it. A lot of Ashleys I know are preepy, but not all of them. Some are just bossy like my neighbor. But in the end it's an okay name.
Ashely is another one of the overused names I don't favor. When I hear the name Ashley I want to picture some snobby little cheerleader for some reason. In grade school one of the lower classes had three or four Ashleys in a class of thirty. That shows how popular that name alone was in 1984-1985.
Two famous bearers are actresses Ashley Judd and Ashley Williams.
I personally adore the name Ashley and I hate when other people are so mean to say things like the name Ashley means you are superficial or it is too young for a older person. Sorry to tell you people who hate this name, complaining will not do anything about it. This name is way better than some other names as well. I may know 8 Ashley's, but it does not matter. It is their name, and if you have this name and hate it, then change it and don't complain/belittle others with the name. (Note: My real name is Ashley by the way.)
Just a point: nothing can be 'very unique' or 'not very unique'. It is either unique (there is only ONE) or not. So, a unique name is one that there is only ONE person in the world with that name. And I would prefer a common name that a RARE one (RARE is more accurate that UNIQUE). So lots of people like Ashley? And?
I think Ashley is a good middle name. It's mine (Lauren Ashley). My parents picked it as a sort of compromise between my mom wanting me to have a feminine, fashionable sort of name (so Ashley), and my dad wanting something classic and adult (so Lauren). This is a good name to pare with a traditional names, because it is both trendy and classic.
Famous bearer Ashley Tisdale, who portrays Madeline "Maddie" Margaret Genevieve Miranda Catherine Fitzpatrick, (good night!) on Suite Life.
My name is Ashley and I am 21 and a lot of comments on this name are that when we Ashleys get older the name won't fit, but you have to think that maybe 50 years ago that Linda or Janet weren't popular and look at them now. I think it will suit me just fine!
I want to defend myself. I may be only a teenager with the name Ashley but I am proud of it. Many people think that Ashley is a bad, gross, and just plain icky name that is not unique at all. People also say that Ashley is too youthful but I actually take that as a compliment because I can be young forever unlike everyone else. It also might sound weird at 40 years old but did you ever stop to think how bad your name might sound at 40? If not you should because people sometimes think things but don't say them. I mean a 40 year old Kirsten? Now that is weird. And I was born when the name Ashley wasn't so popular but now it is and so when I am 40 it won't sound weird like everyone else's. Also if you have anything to say then say it. I am named Ashley and I am blonde. That means that people think that I have a bad name and that I am a dumb blonde but I'm not. So anything you have to say I've already heard. Oh and I forgot to say this but anyone who says anything bad about the name Ashley must be jealous of the people who get to have such a beautiful and unique name.
Where I live (in the south of England) Ashley is primarily a boys name (I know at least 5 male Ashleys) and it is virtually unheard of for a girl to have this name!
Another name that just bothers me uncontrolledly! It's not a pretty name to begin with and then everyone named it is superficial and self-centered.
Famous person -> Ashley Simpson.
Jessica Simpson's sister spells her name Ashlee, not Ashley.
I think Ashley is a beautiful name. Unfortunatley, it's so beautiful that it's very common. I would also like to say to the people who think it's too youthful and is not suitable for older people, that it's because the name wasn't popular until the 80's! DUH! Therefore, most Ashleys are under the age 25! When Ashleys get older it will be more common for 40 year olds! The name Susan wasn't common for 40 year olds 40 years ago because it was just getting started, but now look how common it is for 40 year olds!
Actually the name Susan has been used since the 18th century or so. I think Ashley will do fine, but made-up names and names with weird creative spellings will probably not. I think all the others will do okay.
"Ash(-tree) field". That's pretty much what the name means. I'm not wild about this name, although I've grown to accept it like it is. But it conjures up the image of a little girl for me, and it's just a little too common for my liking. Names like "Tiphanie," "Kelli," "Christie," and the like are just a bit too youthful and too common, however lovely they would be if there wasn't such a rise in popularity over such unique names.
My name is Ashley, and I'm 19. Now, I must comment on all these comments about the name Ashley not being a good name and not being a suitable name for anyone over the age of 40. Well, DUH! Of course it sounds like a young name. It's popularity didn't skyrocket until the 80s, thus the vast majority of anyone named Ashley is younger than 30. But, in 20 years, we will all be much older, and everyone will have adjusted to the name being fit for much older ladies. So, what's the point of going on about how weird it is for anyone to be named Ashley at age 40? I'm sure that 40 years ago the name Sally wasnt fit for 40 year old women, but today it is.
I do think Ashley will transition perfectly well into old age, but I think there are others that simply will not, and not just because they weren't used previously. What you said about Sally specifically is incorrect because it goes way back about a couple hundred years I think.
I really dislike this name. It's definitely not a girls' name, and, if a boy was named it, he would be made fun of because most people do think it's a girls' name. It's definitely not a good name.
Well, while I do know lots of girls and guys called Ashley, I still think it's a nice name for a boy. It's weird that it started out as a guys name but is now most commonly seen as a girls name. Because the reason I like it so much is that I really like guys with 'girls names' such as Ashley, Lee, Kelly etc. I always find that those are the hottest type of guys.
I think it is interesting that this name comes from a surname, as I have rarely met or heard of any other people with Ashley for a last name. (It is my last name.) I wish I knew where the Ashleys came from.
It's highly overused, not pretty and plain icky! I HATE MY NAME!
Honestly, I think my name is kind of boorish. I have been nicknamed "Raine", because of a mishap in writing my full name on a mirror. Yes, and no I act regal, but that does not matter. Anyway, I agree with anyone that Ashley is overused, and an extremly young name.
Ash Lady = Cinderella ?
I find nothing wrong with the name, and it is only common in the US with girls. My middle name is spelled "Ashelley" and pronounced differently, less feminine then "Ashley".
If you think Ashley sounds weird for an adult, try imagining a 30, 40, 50, etc year old named something like Raevyn or Tiphani. But, I do agree that Ashley does sound rather young.
I was always told that as with Leslie and other unisex names, it should be spelt with -ie for a girl and -ey for a boy.
This name was used in Margaret Mitchell's famous novel about Civil War era Georgia _Gone With The Wind_. Ashley Wilkes was the man Scarlett pined for even though he was the polar opposite of her; he was honorable to a fault, without much gumption, and bookish.
My name is Ashley and my mother swears in 1982 when she named me, there weren't any other little girls name Ashley until the following years. I kinda have to agree with the person about being an older person with the name Ashley. 40 isn't bad but maybe like 70. It's also like the name Mackenzie, who can picture an 80 year old woman with that name?! With that said, I'm stuck with it and I'm not going to change my name to Esther when I turn a certain age.
While I know many people named Ashley and am friends with a few, I find this name to be very overused to the point where I'm not really that fond of it. In my year alone, there are 7 Ashleys. All spelled the same way, not that that really matters. This is out of approximately 200 kids. When you think of how many names there are out there, 7 is quite a bit. I know many of the Ashleys find this frustrating when someone calls their name in the hallway only to find it was for another Ashley. Personally, I think you should name your child Ashley after its popularity has dropped.
I've grown to like this name, but I'm still not so wild about it. And besides, it seems associated with children; it might just be me, but it seems a bit odd for an adult to bear that name. The two just don't seem to fit in my view.
How would you like to be a 40-year-old woman named Ashley? Sure it's okay for a child, but children grow-up. And I can't think of any decent person I've ever known named Ashley.
I don't know, I think surnames make very valid names for adults, they often seem mature and sophisticated. But Ashley is so widely used that it's sophistication is quite lost.
Well I think it's rude to say there are no decent people named Ashleigh and that it doesn't suit anyone over the age of forty. My name is Ashleigh and I'm a decent person. I also think that the name will do me quite well throughout my life.
The name Ashley was not adopted as a female's name until much more recently. Originally it was a completely masculine name.
The name is far overused and extremely common. While its roots aren't as ancient as some names, it was extremely popular in the 80's and 90's, and thus many people in the age group of 5-25 carry it.
Famous bearer: Actress Ashley Olsen, sister of Mary-Kate.

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