Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I personally like the name. I like how it sounds and how it looks, very good name.
It's cute as a full first name but it suits better as a nickname for Ariana/Arianna. 8/10.
The meaning of the name "Aria" is heavily intertwined with tunes/melodies, with the direct dictionary definition being "a long accompanied song for a solo voice, typically one in an opera or oratorio." I love music, so I love this name.Kind of outing myself as a nerd here, but I think of Persona 5's "Aria of the Soul" OST, technically meaning "Melody of the soul," so that's pretty fun!Simple yet refined, and very gorgeous. Sounds smooth off my tongue. Also one of the names I wish I could've gotten. I did not expect it to be so common, as I only know one Aria personally. Wish I knew more Arias so I could say the name more often.
Kinda boring ngl. It has all the basic sounds of like a million other girls' names. Alia, Adia, Atia, Laria, Ariana, Ariane, Ania, Amia, Claria, Daria, Arina, Taria, Oria, Aurea, Arisha, Arima, Ayra, Iria, Eria, Caria, Maria, Faria, Arila, Varia, Aroa, Afia, Naria, Arielle, Ariela, Arinda, Zaria, Amaria, Arita, Areya ect. I don't think it's terrible, though. It is pretty, just uninteresting,
Not a fan at all. Feels like it should be short for a formal name.
Is it uh -rya or air - ya? Weird looking name for sure.
Absolutely gorgeous!
I absolutely love this name, my parents named me Aria, and while it did get really tedious to constantly correct people that it's AR-ee-a not area while growing up, it's such a pretty name and I love it so much. According to Wikipedia, the name also has a brief history in Greek mythology, which makes me incredibly happy and love my name even more.
I’m going to be honest here. This name is slightly overrated. I don’t have a problem with it, Aria is pretty enough I guess. But the name is very sweet and cutesy. It actually used to be unique and different, even unusual; but 10 years ago it had a skyrocket in popularity and now it’s having a slow but steady decrease. Aria is soon to be one of the prime examples of a dated name.
This is like my name Arya which I HATE! I GET BULLIED ALL THE TIME! They say are ya FAT ARYA? Are ya UGLY Arya? Are ya STUUPID Arya? I ignore them and they say WELL? ARE YA? Are ya fat and stupid?! They also call me diarrh-arya which is just plain dumb! I HATE MY NAME SO BAD. DON'T NAME YOUR KID THIS UNLESS YOU WANT THEM TO HATE YOU FOREVER!
Melodically beautiful. Aria rolls off the lips softer than velvet. Gorgeous name.
What a lovely name. It is both feminine and strong and not too common. The meaning is also really pretty.
This name was SO trendy for a short period of time. The average age for girls named Aria in the USA is between 3 and 8 years old. I wouldn’t choose Aria, but it isn’t a bad name.
Really, really pretty name.
Lovely and feminine. Names inspired by music sound quite beautiful, including this one.
I really don’t see the appeal. Nothing special.
Great name! I like it a lot! Aria feels like a really stable, mature, strong name! Has class and quality, what else do you need for a name? Actually, I feel like Aria is one of the best female names. It's not overused, somehow still in balance. Nice name!
Such a pretty name.
Names that have musical meaning are beautiful! ❤️
I love this name!
I used to think it was pronounced Area and didn't like it. Now, knowing how it's said, I still don't like it. It sounds like a name that a spoiled girl would have.
I don’t see the appeal. Just ugly!
Aria is such a pretty name :) a cute nickname would be Ari.
My name is Aria and I love it! But WHY DO PEOPLE THINK ITS PRONOUNCED AIR-ia? I don’t know. But I really like my name and would never change it! And, for all haters, I feel the name Aria is elegant and beautiful. And I’m Italian so it fits! And seriously my name means Lion AND Air. And who wouldn’t like a name that means lion and air?
I named my daughter Aria. The name suits her very well. Not many people have heard of it and are always commenting on it saying it's beautiful. I don't really understand why anyone has an issue with it or what the problem with it is. It just seems to me that you people that seem to have an issue with it must have too much spare time on your hands which gives you plenty of time to go round sites like this and troll. I am here to find the "original" meaning of the name as I am going to do a cross stitch design with the meaning for my beautiful little girl. Maybe you guys would find it more useful to put all your negative comments into something more creative. Just saying.
I like Ari and Arianna but I hate Aria.
Aria looks more like a nickname to me. If someone told me their name was Aria I would assume their full name was Ariana.
As a musician, I personally don't understand the appeal of this name. When I hear 'Aria' I will always think of the form of music, not a person. Don't mean to offend, that's just me...
I'm not a fan of this name, though I do really like Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars.
This is my middle name. Since my first name is sorta weird too, I guess I kinda like it. I actually kinda forget I have it, and I'm a little glad it isn't my first name, because it doesn't fit me that well.
My name is Ariah. As said like Mariah without the m. I personally love the name Aria too. I love all spellings or pronunciations of the name. It's beautiful either way.
Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars has this name! Also, I don't get why so many people think it's getting popular just because of Game of Thrones. The person from Game of Thrones spelled it Arya, not Aria, a name from Pretty Little Liars. I think Aria is a better spelling than Arya, but that's also a pretty name.
Good name. I love Aria Montgomery from Pretty Little Liars. She is a strong, loyal character throughout the show, therefore that's how I picture an Aria to be. Aria Montgomery's middle name is Marie so I think that goes well with the first name Aria.
Not a fan of this name, sorry. I'm also not a Game of Thrones fan.
It's short, sweet, simple, and pretty, but I don't like how common it is becoming on baby girls today as a first name. I think it might make a more interesting choice for a middle name.
Uncommon in Italy probably because it would be like calling a child "Air". That's the most obvious meaning of the word before the musical one.
I love this name, I am a fan of Pretty Little Liars but not particularly of the character Aria. My husband is a big Game Of Thrones fan, and we decided to go with the spelling Arya. I think it's unique without being too out there and in our opinion Arya Stark is such a strong character. She's a fighter, loyal, resourceful and cunning. I think it'd be an honor to be named after someone like that even if it's fictional, we chose the middle name Elizabeth. I think Arya Elizabeth sounds beautiful together and Queen Elizabeth is another wonderful person to be named after. Can't wait to meet our little princess this spring.
I spell my daughter's name Aaria. I just wanted it to be a little different.
Aria is like one of my top 10 favorite names! It has such a nice sound to it. Only downfall is that it sometimes can be hard to pronounce.
I know of a little girl named Aryana. I thought it was a lovely alternative to the more common Aria/Ariana/Arianna. I didn't hear of the Hitler reference until a couple months ago. I think all of them are lovely names nonetheless.Also - Aria is a word, and whether a form of something else name wise, it's still a legit spelling. I can picture an older Aria more than I can a Bella, so I don't exactly know where you're coming from that you would think it wouldn't work. Arya is in GOT, not Aria. I think you may be mistaken - that's Pretty Little Liars. And being a fan of the show only would make someone like it more. Even if they chose it solely for the show with no other meanings, they obviously were captivated by the pretty melody of the name and beautiful meaning.
This is a beautiful, mystical, enchanting name.
It fits the meaning. Sounds very melodic.
Dumb, dumb name. Undoubtedly propelled by Game of Thrones. What does it say about you? My parents were ignorant TV watchers with no culture.
The epitome of trendiness. It shot up from #157 to #91 in a year. I'm not sure why, but I think that tv show has something to do with it. I'll give it some credit- at least it's not a surname or something cutesy ending in -ee. But still, it just sounds... Made up. Fantasy-like. Tacky. It's a little dragged out to tell the truth, arr-ee-aaah isn't exactly the most pleasant sound. And also, its an Italian word. Yes, Bella is a name that's also an Italian word, but its also an element commonly found in other names like Isabella. Parents, naming your daughter 'Aria' or any other kre8tiv spelling is not unique, at least not anymore. When everyone thinks they're being original, they end up with the same 'unique' idea. I don't completely agree with what Francesca is saying, but I do think this will sound strange on a grown woman. Maybe add an m, name her Maria, and call her Aria? Just a suggestion, because Maria is currently less popular than Aria. Sorry about the rant, I just don't like names that come out of nowhere and shoot up the charts at an alarming rate, then disappear altogether. This name could end up being very dated in a few decades, along with all the kaylas, Madison's, and Ava's. But who knows.
I must admit, ever since I was a child I have found this name somewhat alluring (although, its draw has lessened over the years.)
It holds an air of ethereal beauty; I can easily see it the subject (or title) of poetry.Now that I have said that, I must proceed to the negatives.
People preach of it's uniqueness, of the uncommon decision to dub a child "Aria"... I now point you in the direction of the chart which lists and numbers the most popular-- take a wild guess at who has secured a considerable spot... indeed: "Aria."I also am unable to see it aging past the teenage years... it will likely function decently as a young adult, middle-age it will appear out of place, and I cannot even begin to picture it on a person of advanced years.With the generic simplicity births pretentiousness; unprofessionalism and nature of an infantile are ever present.
It's very telling Francesca when someone makes a demeaning comment about a beautiful name. The name Aria sounds beautiful even as it is spoken. It is a name/word that can mean melody and many intellectuals would associate it with music... which again is a lovely comparison. To suggest this is a new word/name is would be extremely unfounded, in fact two composers that I know have said how beautiful and old school it sounds. This, to me puts the name on a par with Olivia, Isabella, Arabella etcEach to his/her own of course... but this name is far from deserving of negative comments... that's my opinion.
I agree with freespirit's comments.
My granddaughter, who is 1 1/2, was named Aria Francesca and in the western United States, it is an uncommon name. I think it is beautiful, I think of music every time I hear it. As far as how an adult will be perceived who is named Aria, I honestly expect my granddaughter to grow in to a confident, poised, intelligent woman with an independent nature. To me, Aria will be the perfect name for such a woman.
I'm automatically suspicious of names that get popular out of nowhere. I completely agree with Francesca's comment. This is not a name that will suit a grown woman. Sure it's cute on a baby/little girl but your little girl will grow up and have to be professional and she'll be stuck with a little girl's name. Oh, and changing the spelling to be "unique" and "creative" only adds badness to an already tacky name. And to the anonymous user that was offended: I hate to tell you this but people are in fact going to judge your child based on her name. That's just how the world is. People REALLY need to take that into account when naming their children.
I actually take offense to Francesca's comment about this name- "With the generic simplicity births pretentiousness; unprofessionalism and nature of an infantile are ever present." That's very condescending and RUDE. Ariah is my daughters name and the way people see her name could not be any more the opposite of what your opinion of it is. People COMPLIMENT her on it ALL the time. "Pretentiousness" and "unprofessionalism" AND "nature of an infantile" are all qualities made up by a persons attitude and demeanor... not based on their NAME. But... with a name like "Francesca" maybe you are used to stereotyping people based upon their name.
This is currently my FAVORITE NAME EVER! It's so cute. I also like it because it's modern and feels like a breath of fresh air. So sweet. I am all for naming my first daughter Aria. I just need a good middle name... :)
My Persian friend has this name, but thank god she spells it Aria. How can anyone think that Arya is a nice spelling? It's one letter away from Aryan, and that's not the most loveliest of meanings or connotations.
This is my name and I love it, although sometimes, I wish I had another one. My name is suddenly popular and I wouldn't change it.
This is a beautiful name. I can easily imagine it on any age girl or woman.
Beautiful, I want to name my daughter this!
I think it's a really pretty name! Although you could spell it as Ariah.
I love this name, in fact, it's my name! People are always telling me how pretty it is. Although, I must warn you that if you want to name your child this that some people mispronouce it as Airia pretty often. It doesn't particuarly bother me, though.
Also, some of the spellings the people who commented before me suggested were really pretty and I agree with the person who said that Aria and Cameron would make really good names for twin girls.
This is a beautiful name, and though I think the spelling Arya looks better, I would use Aria to keep the original musical reference there. I think that Aria and Carmen would make good names for twin girls.
This is my 2nd cousin's name! I really prefer it spelled Arya. It's a really pretty name.
I like Aria, although I think it's prettiest spelt 'Ariya.' It makes me think of a dark haired, pale Elven wanderer. Also, in Christopher Paolini's 'Inheritance' trilogy, Arya is an Elven princess. She's tougher than the guys and she rocks!

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