My name is Arden, born in 96’. I have never met another Arden but do have a friend whose child was named after me. I have actually encountered a couple movies/shows that have incorporated the name - it’s on the rise. The name is used in ‘Naturally, Sadie’ (2005), ‘How to be a Latin Lover’ (2017) and the show ‘Working Moms’ (2017). Typically people think of it as a male's name, in my experience, but after they meet me, they only see it as a females name. I did not like the name as a child, but now value the name as I feel that it makes me stand out - especially when it comes to applying for employment. It is a strong name for a female.
My son is a third-generation Arden. His aunt is Leslie Arden and his grandmother is Maureen Arden. It was our default girl's name, but after the ultrasound, we needed a boy's name. My wife was bummed about not getting to use the name, so I said why not name him Arden too? She immediately agreed and was so excited to finally pick a name. Arden James, named after my mother and father.
― Anonymous User 5/29/2019
I used to like this name A LOT... until I met someone who had named one daughter Arden and her sister Mckayla. It really down-graded it for me if it appeals to the same group of parents; I would hate to use Arden and then have it blow-up as an-overused name.
― Anonymous User 2/25/2019
Arden is a very masculine sounding name. Not your average Joe.
― Anonymous User 9/23/2018
The name Arden was given to 121 boys in the US in 2017.
Arden Cho is an American actress, singer and model, best known for her role as Kira Yukimura on Teen Wolf. She starred in the 2011 feature Mega Python vs. Gatoroid. As a model she worked mostly in Asia while she released an EP called My True Happy in 2013.
Named my daughter Arden. I love the name because it's not common and easy to spell. I do think it's unisex but because it's so close to garden sounds feminine and softer IMO. 3 cheers for Arden :)
I named my son (born July 2016) Arden Alexander. (Partially because of the input on this page!) He has an older sister named Arya and an older brother named Arthur. This wasn't planned in advance; we just really liked each name as the children arrived. I could see the name being used for a girl also but our Arden is a big strong looking boy and I feel like his middle name will help if anyone is confused... I love the name and it suits him SO well.
I love the name Arden for a girl only! Can't picture this femmy name on a man.
― Anonymous User 8/24/2016
I'm a man named Arden and have met a few Ardens of each sex, but not many. I agree with the comment about people not hearing the name right (Art, Artie, Arlen, Alan, Alden, etc.) I like my name. My last name is just as unusual, so I consider myself one of a kind.
My daughter, born in 1995, is Arden. I found it in a baby book. I wanted her to have a name that was all her own, having never in my life been in a room of girls or women without there being another Pam. I liked the sound, the suggested meaning, and very much the Shakespeare connection. When she was born, someone in the delivery room (section so lots of people) asked if we knew her name. When I said Arden, the doctor starting quoting the line about the Forest of Arden from As You Like It. As a little girl she didn't like her name, partly I think because you never find it on personalized knicknacks. Now she loves her name.Someone has told me of another female Arden a couple of tears older than my Arden in a different part of Canada. A couple of years ago we met an older woman (perhaps 60) at a local craft fair called Arden. She said she had never known anyone else by that name. It was a reasonably common man's name in New Brunswick in the 20s and 30s. I have family there and when Arden was born I got a lot of "but that's a man's name".
My name is Arden, and, though I love my name, I always find it irritating that I have to repeat myself several times. One of my old teachers went half a year thinking I was Aiden, before I realized her odd pronunciation was not due to her accent but the fact that she actually thought my name was Aiden.
― Anonymous User 2/29/2016
My mother spelled my name "Ardyn" rather than "Arden" because I"m a girl and in English, the letter "y" usually has a feminine connotation. I am 19 and I love my name and receive compliments on it all the time! I would totally suggest the name to anyone (male or female). It is a beautiful name and I am proud that it is mine.
I was born into the Arden name and have always loved my surname; finding ancestors through my paternal side was quite easy. I gave my children Arden as their middle names so it will carry on, it works well for male or female.
The name Arden is beautiful and refreshing. It suits both genders perfectly fine. :) I think of the Forest of Arden & I believe it's used as a setting in William Shakespeare's play As You Like It which is pretty awesome. :D.
― Anonymous User 6/14/2015
As this is my middle name, being born in the south far prior to the 'Information Era,' I believed for at least a bit more than two decades that I was the only living person with the name "Arden." I will readily confess as a child up to at least the end of junior high school, that I VERY much hated my middle name. All of my friends, especially through elementary school at best thought it was a very strange name, at worst made a joke of it. Though beginning in high school, I began to actually come to embrace it, ironically because of its rarity. First name being Joshua, my high school friends began to call me Josh-Arden and I very much liked it. I was given it as a middle name to honor a Scottish uncle far up the family tree. Every generation since him has had an Arden in my family. I began University as 'Josh-Arden' and that is what I am generally called by now. I only have known of one other male of the same name. I now only get compliments when I meet new people. It has oddly often been a great conversation starter. Now very fond of my name and am grateful I was given my generation's slot of the name.
My great aunt was called Rachel Arden. I was fascinated with her middle name, and always wondered where it came from, as it was so unusual! Her grandfather came from Cheshire, and wondered if it was a place name or related to the forest of Arden. She was the eldest child and only one with a middle name!
I have Arden picked out as a the name for my first boy, his name will be Arden Wayne, since I love the name and for me it is the 'To Raise Up High' meaning.
― Anonymous User 9/27/2014
I am a female who has had to bear the burden of Arden as a middle name for 54 years. I despise it and tell people my name is Anne! It was supposed to be my 1st name and I am glad that didn't happen. I'm also a huge Shakespeare fan, have visited his house yet cannot embrace it no matter how hard I try. How did my parents learn of this name back in the 60's? It was the name of a hospital.
Arden is the name of a 6 year old genius who is a frequent guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live!
― Anonymous User 5/31/2014
Although not a real person, nor particularly famous, Arden is a spunky, rule-breaking girl in Anna Carey's novel Eve. She is an… influential character, escaping with Eve and attempting to travel to Califia with her.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2013
The name Arden was given to 221 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
We named our daughter Arden after seeing it in a baby name book. It's Latin origin meaning "burning with enthusiasm". She fits her name. Beautiful, strong, driven, and definitely enthusiastic. Had many comments on her name. All love it.
When I first heard this name, even though it was on a girl, I thought it sounded like it was supposed to be a boy's name. I'm surprised that it was used as a girl's name so long ago, it seemed like it was modern to me. I like it for both genders, but since its more traditionally used for boys, I prefer it on boys.
― Anonymous User 1/24/2013
Strong, feminine, and lovely - this is on our short list.
My name is Arden and my middle name is Blake. I, being a female, cannot see this as a masculine name. And no I didn't get named after the store.
― Anonymous User 12/23/2011
"Arden" is also the name of a forest in England. William Shakespeare used it as a backdrop for one of his books 'As You Like It". It was a mystical, magical, and romantic place. Arden was also the maiden name of Shakespeare's mother Mary.
This name sounds like it should be specifically for a woman. I can't imagine a man being named Arden. I can imagine a woman being named Arden though. I'm not a fan of gender neutral names but this one I can tolerate.
Arden is the surname of the children Edred and Elfrida in E. Nesbit's time-travelling novel "The House of Arden".The surname is suitably ancient and is locational, coming from three different places and two possible meanings.The place in the North Riding of Yorkshire is from the Old English, meaning "eagle valley".It can also be from a place in Cheshire or the Forest of Arden in Warwickshire. These appear to be linguistically identical to the Ardennes in France and Belgium, from the Celtic for "high".The noble Arden family can trace their ancestry back to the year 1000.
I like the name Arden. I had picked it out for a boy name, but husband thinks it sounds too girly thanks to Arden Myrin from MadTV. Still I like it for either a boy or a girl. It's quite unisex but I would like to use it for a boy.
― Anonymous User 1/29/2010
I could see this working well on a young boy today. :)
Arden is also the name of an important female character in James Ellroy's "The Cold Six Thousand". Also I must say I can't picture this name for a boy, Arden sounds female to me. But that could be because I first heard it in the book.
Arden is related to both the Forest of Arden in England and the Ardennes region of Belgium and France (in Latin Ardennes Silva). The Ardennes region was associated with the Celtic goddess Arduinna, which also comes from the same root. Ardennes Silva translates to 'high forest' referring to a forest on a mountain or hill.
Shakespeare’s mother was Mary Arden (named after the Forest of Arden in England). The Forest of Arden was mentioned in Shakespeare's play 'As You Like It'.Elizabeth Arden was the founder of a cosmetics company. She was born Florence Nightingale Graham.
It's an okay name for males, even though I prefer it as a surname. I don't like this name for females. It's okay on tomboys and androgynous women, but it sounds far too masculine on all other females, including the unconventional indie types. As a surname, it sounds cool, but as a first name, it's surprisingly dull, but not bad, as long as it's used on guys.
I like this name better for a boy, but I can see it for a girl too.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2008
I think this is rather a beautiful name, and very rare at that, but rare names are always good names (unless it's "Snorri" or something. Er, no offense to you Snorris).
Many sources say the name derives from the Ardennes, home to the Goddess Arduinna. She was a goddess of the forest and the hunt often depicted riding a wild boar. This came from the Celtic 'Ar Denn' and was mentioned by Julius Caesar in his 'War of Gaules'.
I like both meanings: "eagle valley" and "great or high". I also like the similarity to ardent, "passionate, strong enthusiasm, devotion". I much prefer it on a boy.
Arden Lowe is a character in the V. C. Andrews novel, My Sweet Audrina.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2007
Arden is the name of a not so nice suburb of Glasgow where I live, hence I haven't heard of any Ardens round here! Although they have taken to pronouncing it Ar-DEN as in the Belgian town, perhaps to make the place sound more continental!
This is a great name! I like it more for a boy, but I don't think it would be bad on a girl. It's quite elegant and strong.
― Anonymous User 2/24/2007
My brother has this name. I have never known a girl whose name is Arden, but I know of another male whose name is also Arden. I think it's a great name, and I have yet to meet an Arden I don't like!
I love this name, but I think it sounds more feminine then masculine but then I've never personally know an 'Arden' so I don't have a picture in my head of what personality might go with it.
― Anonymous User 5/5/2006
As this is my name, I believe it contains a spiritual meaning of freedom and quite frankly is very damn right neat.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2005
In ancient Greek, "arden" means "to lift up high". Compare it to the "eagle valley" in Old English.