Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds cute as a nickname, but I'm not sure what it would be a nickname for.
Ridiculous, I'm sorry but why name a child a fruit... No offense to anyone.
It's a little strange, but I actually don't mind it.
I think this is actually a very cute name! Fruit and plant names aren’t uncommon, Clementine, Cherry, Olive, Lemon, Juniper—I don’t see why not Apple :D
It has a cute, youthful air, charmingly eccentric. Though it’s a shame there’s no really good nickname, it’s short and sweet enough to not need one. Not for everyone, but I rather enjoy it.
I mean, it can't be that bad naming your child after a literal object... right?
She's the Apple of my eye? Guess it could work.
I personally think there's something a little weird about naming your kid after a fruit but do as you please.

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