Cute! It sounds super elegant and classy, it reminds me of the name of a French vintage model or that of a princess from a medieval fantasy novel... The only thing that saddens me is that it seems to be a name that everyone has forgotten...
I used to find this name endearing. It seems lush, yet delicate. But then someone attempted to pronounce it and said APPALLING. I'm afraid it may not be very usable in my area. =(
― Anonymous User 1/8/2018
I like how it sounds like Apple.
― Anonymous User 12/14/2016
I really love the combination Apolline Éve. Together the names mean "strength to breathe" or "strength to live" and I personally think that's really beautiful. They flow nicely as well.
I think this is one of those really delicious French names that you can really imagine a French woman being called... Should definitely be used more often in France/Canada and English-speaking countries as well. :-)