In my opinion, strange names like this one are refreshing and entertaining... but pronouncing this name would be quite difficult to normal English speakers.
The first syllable is definitely pronounced as EEV and not as AYV!It even says so on this site and this is a reputable etymology site and not some online forum or bad baby name book.If you pronounce the first syllable as AYV you obviously don't speak Irish, even if you claim you do! (and yes, there are plenty of people in Ireland who don't speak Irish!).This reminds me of the people who pronounce Aisling as ICE-linn, goodness :(Downvoting comments because someone with actual knowledge explains the correct pronunciation (that you don't like apparently) is so immature. It is even anglicized as Eavan which should tell you that pronouncing the first syllable as EEV is correct.
― Anonymous User 6/16/2021
The pronunciation is pretty. The spelling is complicated.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2021
It's pronounced EE-van. The other pronunciations given in the comment section are incorrect. Aoibhe is EE-va in Irish, not AY-va! So it's not pronounced AY-veen or like anything that starts with AY.Aoi sounds like EE in Irish (see Aoife) not like AY.Éabha is AY-va.
― Anonymous User 2/21/2021
The name spelling vs pronunciation made me jump on the spot out of shock. But the pronunciation is very pretty indeed.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2020
I find these names that look so strange very entertaining! This has an absolutely beautiful sound to it.
I also think it's a very pretty name, but I would definitely suggest the Anglicized spelling, "Eavan," particularly if you live outside the British Isles.
Woah! I don't mean to sound offensive to anyone, but this is a bit of an eyesore. It sounds like Eve Anne though, which is pretty. Not saying everything has to be anglicized to suit American tastes though.
― Anonymous User 6/18/2013
I love this name! I love the meaning, the pronunciation, the fact that it's Irish and I would absolutely name my daughter this. Who cares if the wonderful spelling will break her teachers' necks?!
The name is quite a difficulty for anyone outside of Ireland. For one that uses the pronunciation (see comment above) "AY ven," go with Aven. It's short, sweet and won't have the problems that Aoibheann would.
I think this is such a beautiful name. I would probably would use it if it weren't for the hard spelling and pronunciation. A clearer spelling like Evann just doesn't have the same charm to it.