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Annunciata Astoria Cocchetti (1800 – 1882) was an Italian Roman Catholic professed religious and the founder of the Suore di Santa Dorotea di Cemmo - an order dedicated to the educational needs of the poor in Brescia and the surrounding cities. Cocchetti assumed her vows as a religious in 1843 and was close with Luca Passi who established a congregation similar to hers.Cocchetti received beatification in Saint Peter's Basilica from Pope John Paul II on 21 April 1991. She remains the patron of her order and of educators in general.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi's full name is Annunciata. Nancy is a common nickname for Annunciata.
Very Catholic and pretty.
Annunciata is a small village in the municipality district of Piancogno, in Lower Val Camonica, province of Brescia, Lombardy, Italy.
This is my name. I think it flows well with my middle name which is Maria. I love it although people have mispronounced it and misspelled it my whole life. But overall I get "wow that's a pretty name, or that's different never heard it before". People call me Nuncie or Nancy for short.
Means "born on the day of the annunciation".

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