My name is Annelies! I pronounce it Ah-nah-lees It is the Dutch pronunciation! Which makes sense because Im dutch. My parents didn't name me after Anne Frank but I love the fact that I share her name. She is such an inspirational person and I am proud of having the same name as such an amazing, brave girl.
Annelies Marie "Anne" Frank was a German-born diarist. One of the most discussed Jewish victims of the Holocaust, she gained fame posthumously following the publication of The Diary of a Young Girl, in which she documents her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II. It is one of the world's most widely known books and has been the basis for several plays and films.
Beautiful name which belonged to an inspiring young lady.
This spelling may be usable in the US, if you can pull it off. It is a bit strange looking to people in the United States, but the right person can pull it off. Anne Frank is also an excellent name sake.
Actually, I quite like this spelling. Many names spell out words. It is a name derived from the classic Hannah and Elizabeth.
This was the real name of Anne Frank. Because I myself am Jewish and thought Anne Frank to be one of the most inspirational people ever, I named my daughter after her.
Very pretty, but unusable in the US because it says "Anne lies."
The Dutch pronunciation for Annelies is: ahn-nə-LEES. [noted -ed]
It's beautiful, but I could never give my daughter *this* spelling of the name. In English, it says "Anne lies."
I L.O.V.E. this name! Though I probably wouldn't have before last week, because I was watching a program about Anne Frank all last week, and I never knew her real name was Annelies - so I fell in love with it! It's a great name, and I use it all the time in my imagined family.
Pronounced: Ah-ne-LEEZ.
Annelies is a combination name of Anne and Elizabeth.
I think this is a beautiful name! Plus I would love to name my daughter after Anne Frank.
Anne Frank's full name was Annelies Marie Frank.

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