You can use this name, but as long as it's not in the US. Otherwise, everybody is just gonna be thinking about the beef every time they hear or say your name.
So many immature people in these comments. Shame their underdeveloped brains immediately go to the most childish things. This name is lovely.
― Anonymous User 12/12/2021
Angus is a very handsome name. It was my great, great grandfather's name who was from Inverness. I like it besides that fact, however. It should be used more. The beef doesn't make me turn away from it.
I like this name. In Australia, where I am, it's one of the rare names that doesn't carry a tag of a given socioeconomic group (other than having likely scottish heritage or a like thereof). Angus, or Gus could be anyone... bus driver, teacher, actor, lawyer, criminal.
I do like the pun that has arisen from the English spelling variant of Angus, in that Angus means one choice, one strength or special choice which is precisely what the Agnus dei (Latin) is in the Judeo Christian tradition. Agnus dei refers to the flawless chosen lamb of Passover that is our salvation. A case of convergent linguistic evolution.
Not only is this name bluntly dated, you remove one letter and you get "Anus" ANgUS. And the name makes me envision a grumpy old man. Honestly, who in their right mind would name their kid this anymore? Classics are always nice, but none that are past their expiration date.
― Anonymous User 8/23/2015
Sorry, but this name is really bad and rather unfortunte. You are essentially naming your kid, "anus".
― Anonymous User 6/11/2015
My Scottish-born wife and I have just named our newborn baby Angus. This name for us is steeped in his heritage and feels strong and earns attention. It isn't easily twisted into similar words and any reference to anus is far-fetched at best. The black Angus breed of cattle is the backbone of Australia's beef industry and certainly isn't something to be ashamed of. I do feel however that use of the traditional spelling, although respectful, would cause lifelong need to correct incorrect pronunciation.
Angus Stone is a singer. He's pretty good and all, but I don't really like this name, it reminds me too much of Angus beef or a name someone would give their bulldog.
― Anonymous User 1/11/2013
I used to not like it, but now I think it's really, really cool.
If it bothers you that Angus is the name of the a breed of cattle, you'd better also eliminate Devon, Randall and Kerry, as they are also breeds of cattle.And Jacob is a breed of sheep - better get rid of that one too!Also note: Angus is AN-gus - anus is AYN-uhs. They sound quite different.
If you are concerned about the beef reference or a spelling error (omitting the g) then I would just use the nickname Gus almost exclusively. I feel the nickname Gus and Angus Young give this name potential. The downsides? I may like Gus more than Angus, and if Angus ever catches on, it could get really trendy and dated. Some people may feel it is ok to put Gus on the birth certificate, but I’m mot so sure. With the trend of Celtic names, this name seems seems trendy while remaining rare.
I think this is a good Scottish name. Besides, Angus Young? Awesome all around.Bringing up sheep for a Scottish name? Innocence wasn't my first thought.
― Anonymous User 7/22/2008
When I was younger, I though this name sounded embarrassing, awkward, and geeky, but now I actually think it's a really cool name. I generally don't like names ending in 's', especially male names like that, but this is a great name. I'd use the nickname Gus. Luckily the name is so short that it doesn't really require a nickname. I guess if the other kids decided to hate the boy, they'd call him 'anus' and cover the 'g', but that behavior tends to end when people grow up. If he goes by Gus, they'll probably not even think of it.
What kind of name is this? Sorry if this is anybody's name but I don't like it at all. Is this like some kind of meat?
― Anonymous User 1/26/2008
This is a nice name, and I've got nothing against it, but make sure your child knows how to spell it correctly as soon as possible because if you make a spelling error, that creates an embarrassing issue.
I like the name, but you have to be very careful. A boy in my sister's class with this name had the misfortune of it being misspelt in a school newsletter - they had omitted the G.
I actually like this name; I think I immediately became a fan of it when I watched The Three Lives of Thomasina since one of the characters is named Angus.Unfortunately, I cannot use it in the US because it is a popular brand of packaged meat and a common restaurant (Black Angus).
In Australia, as has already been said, Angus is usually shortend to Gus. My brother gets Gussie, Gus, Angie (sharp G, not like the girls name) and sometimes, when I get mad at him, it's ANGUS COOK!
― Anonymous User 10/24/2006
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