As a bearer of that name, I feel really proud to bear it, especially since I was named after my grandfather (may he rest in peace).
Andrzej Duda (b. May 16th 1972, Cracow) is a Polish politician and the current president of Poland.
With 661 873 bearers, Andrzej is the 10th most common masculine given name in Poland (2014 Data).Source:
Andrzej Sapkowski is a Polish writer best known for his fantasy book series The Witcher. The books have been adapted into a trilogy of RPG video games and two TV series.
My favorite boy's name.
The given (basic) pronunciation bothers me because "drzej" is not an equivalent of "jay". "D" and "rz" are two separate sounds, /d/ and /zh/ (like "s" in "vision"). They kinda blend in together, but /d/ is still audible.
Andrzej Wajda - famous film director.
This is my [Polish] priest's name & he tells me it's pronounced exactly the way Andrew is pronounced.
Famous bearer: the great Polish filmmaker Andrzej Wajda.

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