I live in the US and named my daughter Anara. I’ve always been a fan of switching out M with N in names: ie Nia, Nichelle, Naya. Amara is ranked #123 on USA’s SSA baby name list, so I didn’t think Anara would be too “out there.” Despite the popularity of Amara, the SSA website states five to zero babies were given the name Anara in 2023. I’m here to promote the name to get more baby girl Anaras because I love it so much. While most websites state that the meaning is either pomegranate/pomegranate flower (usually in Kazakh), I’ve been researching the root of the name and have fallen in love with my findings. Below is what I’ve found so far about variations of the root:Nar - pomegranate in Turkish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Azeri, Bosnian Anar - fire in Arabic
Pomegranate in Farsi, Urdu, Hindi, PashtoNara - mermaid in Latvian, city in Japan with hundreds of deer Nari- Lily in Korean (just thought this was a cute nickname)If this posts influences anyone to also use the name please leave a comment :)And just a warning, this name is also a suppository brand in Central/South America.
This is such a pretty name! It's uncommon and can't really be bullied that much. Not many nicknames for it but it doesn't really matter because it's already short and nice! The meaning is also very natural and I love the way this name rolls off the tongue. It's so simple yet bright!
Pretty name and I love that it means pomegranate, that's so nice.
Yummy meaning :)
Gender: FeminineUsages: KazakhMeaning: Possibly meaning "pomegranate", from the word anar.(Information from name #185355 originally submitted by user the dying daylight)
Very nice name. You don't hear it that often, I have never heard it before, but I am American, and "pomegranate" is a pretty meaning.
Anara Atanes is a pop singer as well as a model who has worked with the famed fashion company Victoria’s Secret. She garnered a lot of global attention when she went on a foul-mouthed tirade on Twitter against France football team manager Didier Deschamps for omitting Nasri from the FIFA World Cup squad.
This has been and is currently one of my all-time favorite names. I love the way it rolls off your tongue when you say it, how beautiful it sounds, and how it isn't a common name. Not strange-sounding, yet it has this foreign and exotic ring to it. I personally pronounce it as 'ə-NAR-ə'. Such a gorgeous name.
Another one of those beautiful names that isn't too common, but also isn't too weird or pretentious. Anara could suit a woman of any age easily. (I pronounce it 'ah-NAH-rah'.)

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