Why would you want to name your kid after an evil Star Wars character?
Please don't name your child after such a well-known character, especially one who is the original bearer of a name.
This is my nephew's name and his nickname is Kinney.
It's a good name and I don't care about the movie. I'm not the fan but I like the name.
My nephew's middle name is also Hayden and I love him so much. Anakin is not a wired name.
Every name that you consider normal and accepted today was once awkward, strange and unacceptable to the public and has become established over time. If you like this name, choose it for your child. I think it is one of the most beautiful names I have ever seen. I have never watched any of the Star Wars episodes and I am not a fan. I can only say that it is a beautiful and fancy name.
I can’t tell which is more embarrassing, naming your child this because you’re a Star Wars fan or naming your child this when you’re not a Star Wars fan. Either way, this name seems like a name chavvy people give their kids.
I like that this is a name but I would NEVER use it. I’m excited for when I get to meet somebody with this name though!
This name was given to 425 baby boys in the United States in 2021. It was also last given to 6 baby girls in the United States in 2020.
Also Hungarian.
I personally absolutely love this name. I think it sounds so beautiful and unique but it's also not X AE A-Xii (or whatever Elon named his). We live in a time where everyone wants to be unique, and I've seen some pretty 'creative' names pop up over the last few years as a result, and Anakin is far from the worst of them (and it actually sounds and looks like a legitimate name). If I were to ever have a son I would absolutely name him Anakin (it's honestly at the top of my baby names for boys). I honestly also really love the nickname Ani as well. I see a lot of feedback about this name saying that the nickname is too girly, but I think it just sounds sweet. Also, I think androgynous names and gender-bending names are becoming a lot more popular, so I honestly don't think that the nickname Ani is as much of an issue as some of these older men are making it out to be. I think we'll see this name continue to gain popularity as time goes on, especially as the kids who grew up on the prequels and admired Anakin the hero, and mourned his tragic fall, are growing up now and will be starting families of their own in the years to come. I also think that a lot of the people spewing negative feedback about this name and its bullying potential are over-exaggerating and fear mongering over how horrible children are. Sure maybe your kid may get a few remarks here and there about its connection to Star Wars, but let's also remember that it was older fans that loathed and hated on the prequels and Anakin the character as much as they did when the movies came out, not the kids who watched it (or who are growing up watching it now), so I don't think bullying is as much of an issue as others are making it out to be either. Overall, I say that if you're considering this as a name, go ahead and do it! Again, I think it's an absolutely gorgeous sounding name, and you won't be the first or last to give your kid this name. If you're really worried about it though, maybe use it as a middle name, or use a different variation of the name or spelling (Anniken, Anakah, Anakim).
ANA: Mother in Turkish
KIN: family, Root, RelationMother-familyYou know Anakin Skywalker does not have a father!
Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars.
I feel like a better name would be Anniken. People may not associate you with Star Wars, and you probably won’t be afraid of turning evil, and they won’t bully as much because of your name. In my opinion, it looks a lot cooler than Anakin. They still might hate sand though.
My first name is Anakin. My father named me after it directly from the movies. For everybody saying you’ll get bullied, you won’t. I was never purposely picked on because of my name being from the movie. Yes people recognize it a whole lot, working in retail people would mention it a lot but it wasn’t ever to the point of ruining my name for me. I’m currently 19 while making this comment and my name hasn’t effected my life negatively in the slightest and people actually think it’s awesome to have a name as unique as mine is. It’s a conversation starter. I also want to point out that there were times people brought up star wars to me and I acted ignorant to it on purpose and they stopped and talked to me about other things and completely avoided pointing out my name again. If you want to name your child Anakin go for it, it will not ruin their lives and it will be better than an overused name like Tyler or Alex.
I also want to point out that there are less than 1500 people in the US with the name Anakin, I’m one of those people. Unless you have spoken to one and gotten their opinion of their own name then you do not have the right to say that they will be teased or harassed because of it. There was another kid named Anakin in my school, neither of us were ever bullied about it, after our first conversations with people they didn’t treat it any differently than the basic name Zach or James. YOU WILL NOT BE BULLIED ABOUT BEING NAMED ANAKIN.
It sounds alright, although it seems very strange and fictional, but it should stay as a character's name. It's quite silly to name your child after a movie character and it makes a huge statement about the parents. There will be jokes and teasing for sure.
Usage: English (Modern), German (Modern), Dutch (Modern), Swedish (Modern), Danish (Modern), Norwegian (Modern), French (Modern), Czech (Modern), Slovak (Modern), Polish (Modern), Hungarian (Modern), Finnish (Modern), Russian (Modern), Popular CulturePronounced: AN-ə-kin (English), A-na-kin (German, Swedish, Czech), A-na-gehn (Danish), A-NA-KEEN (French), a-NA-kyeen (Polish), AW-naw-keen (Hungarian), AH-nah-keen (Finnish), u-nu-KYEEN (Russian)
Do not name your kid Anakin! Anakin in the Star Wars movies murdered innocent women and children. The Stars Wars prequels are hilariously bad films. Anakin is a dumb, psychotic Jedi. The nick-name "Ani" is feminine and sounds like "Annie." If you have any sympathy for the innocent sand-people Anakin murdered in Attack of the Clones, don't name your kid this!
"It's over, Anakin... I have the high ground!"Spare your kid from bullying and do not use this name.
I love the name Anakin for a girl! It’s a little too feminine for a boy in my opinion, especially with the nickname Ana! But it’s not absolutely horrendous for a boy, but I would still name a girl this but not a boy! I just think this name mostly strikes me feminine!
I always fall asleep when I try to watch a Star Wars film (I saw just the first one) so Anakin is nearly the only character I can remember. As I'm not a fan of the saga I would not use it. Maybe on a pet but not sure... there are better names.
I like the Anakin, you know what I don't like... sand, it's and rough and gets in everything.
In 2018, 5 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Anakin who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 8450th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
Anakin means giant in biblical terms, or could be interpreted as strong or healthy, much like the Japanese form of Ken.
My first grandson was born 3/8/18 and his parents named him Anakin. I tried to persuade them to choose another name. His parents are not huge Star Wars fans. They said they just like the sound of the name, and that it is unique. I think it is too closely associated with the movie (which could be "cool" for a kid, I guess). Also the biblical tribe that Goliath was a part of were the Anakims, which is very similar to Anakin. Interestingly, my son is tall, and baby Anakin is measuring very long for his length, so maybe the "tall" or "giant" meaning of the name will fit :) I guess when he's older, if he absolutely hates the name, then he can go by his middle name: nice, common Blake!
I love the name. My child will be born in December and if it's a boy his name will be Anakin. His father is a Star wars fan. We have 2 other children and no nicknames are used so we won't use the nickname for this one either. Both of our kids enjoy a lot of the same movie and music that we do because we spend a lot of time with them.
Well, let me explain. George Lucas is really curious and interested in the turkish mystical tradition of sufism or tasawwuf. That's one thing. For another thing, he's fond of and an and admirer of turkish WW1 military leader Mustafa Kemal which Lucas named Mustafar after him. So we can tell Lucas keeps an eye on turkish history and literature. Interestingly enough, the word 'Anakin' is the combination of two words in Turkish. "Ana" means "mother, main, master or primary". And "Kin" means "hatred". So Anakin means "main hatred" and/or "primary hatred" which is fitting very well for the character of Anakin Skywalker.
I'm wondering if this name was derived from Anakim, a Biblical reference to a race that vanished from biblical history.
The name Anakin was given to 303 boys born in the US in 2016.
I have also seen this on a male spelled Anakyn.
Anakin Solo also bears this name.
Yeah, I also get the strong impression too that parents are overplaying it with the name Anakin and clearly projecting. It tells something about the parents, who are naming someone after an evil fictional character. You might as well name your kid Bowser, Ganon, Wario, Kylo, Jabba, or Dracula. Or you might pull the vibe off with “Damien” or "Adolf".*Snickers at the comment a few back; yeah such a strong pillar of the community with a high midichlorian count, that is till the teenage years, LOL!
If it’s such a great sounding name, for the sound of it only, why don’t we see any young Annequins running around!
CLARIFICATION, so people don't kid themselves:"Anakin didn’t exist as a name until George Lucas invented it for Star Wars."'t see it in Sanskrit, nor "Native American" [there exists way more than 1 Native American language btw; Native American is a category, not a specific language]:"ANNEKEN" is a GIRL'S name, not associated with "Anakin" - which is exclusively created from pop culture."Warrior" has been ascribed to "Anakin" in recent years (as Anakin Skywalker is a warrior) ONLY in America:
Well, my son's name is Anakin and he's never been teased for that. To the contrary, he is very popular, respected and loved by his friends. He is a leader within his friends and a strong young man.
People will just assume that his parents were major Star Wars obsessors for the rest of his life, regardless of whether he was actually named after that or not. And if you did use this name or plan to because of Star Wars... don't at all expect your child to be into it as well. Plus, I can see teasing potential with this name such as "Ann\Anne" "Ana\Anna" or even "Annie" as feminine names, or in his case, feminine nicknames.
Reminds me of Arabic names like Basim, Qasim and Amin. This name sounds very feminine and sounds more like a surname than a first name!
Anakin is my mother's maiden name and the last name of a Canadian Olympian (Gold medalist Doug Anakin, 1964 4 man bobsleigh, her cousin) It also seems very rare. I would have loved to pass on the name to at least one of my kids, but with advent of Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars, people would think I named them that for the wrong reasons. So much for that idea!
Anakin was used ever since 1995 with 5 boys who were named after Anakin Skywalker.
This name could also be the name Anniken ( with the spelling changed.
I feel sorry for any males out there who have to be addressed by this name. What would his nickname be; Ana, Anna, Annie, Ani? Yeah, because that won't cause any snickering. *sarcasm* those are all feminine names.
Evidently when Ken Annakin died in 2009, George Lucas gave an interview where he denied naming the character after that director. However, since both Lucas's spelling of the name in early drafts (Annikin) and Anakin, which he finally came up with are only one letter removed from Annakin, I still think it's likely he was at least unconsciously influenced by that surname.
My friend's little brother is named Anakin, and he was born after the first Star Wars movie... They even use "Ani" as a nickname for him. Although I don't like the name myself, I fully understand that a parent hears a new name in a movie or book and that they like it so much they want to give it to their child. Then they are not necessarily naming the child AFTER the character, that character is just where they heard it.
I mean my name is Anakin. And I haven't been teased about my name, everyone thinks it's a great name, so name your kid Anakin it's a good name.
May come from Greek goddess Anánkē. The goddess of inevitability, compulsion, and necessity. Something Anakin from Star Wars is.
I think this is an incredible name, for either gender. Also, this was the name of my beloved kitty. I honestly think that everyone here badmouthing parents for using this name need to shut up. Kim Kardashian named her daughter North, Anakin is far from the worst name a kid could have.
I think Anakin Solo should also be referenced.
Our son is 18 months old and we named him Anakin. Not necessarily "After" Star Wars, although my wife is a huge SW fan! All of our kids have A & E names. We have gotten nothing so far except positive feedback and "Oh that is SO cool!" "Love his name!" etc... And who cares what anyone else thinks? Kids are cruel and a lot of adults are also, but ya know what? They will always find something to pick on someone else about. Name, hair, looks, weight, accent, clothes etc. We adore our sons name! :)
George Lucas has said his friend's name being Annakin is simply a coincidence, and any connection between them should be treated as unsubstantiated rumour by this website.
Such a wonderful name, its strong and beautiful. But sadly I think its unusable, at least for this century.
Nicknames with the suffix -kin seems to have been used in medieval English (at least according to this site). Wilkin was a nickname for William, Hopkin was a nickname for Hob (Robert), Larkin was a nickname for Lawrence, etc. So I guess Anakin (well, Annakin) could have been a nickname for something in medieval English. A diminutive of Andrew, perhaps?
I think naming your child this would give it as much a Star Wars connotation as Leia would (probably not Luke since that's a regularly used name regardless of Star Wars). I like the name and it's very strong. Plus by the time I would have a kid in 20+ years Star Wars would prolly be not nearly as popular, it's even starting to lose popularity now. It would probably end up on par with Jaws.
I wish this name wouldn't be associated with Star Wars for the rest of it's existence. I absolutely adore it, and I would love to name my son that if he wouldn't be teased.
One source says that Anakin may come from "an akin" - as in "peerless", or "without equal".Love the name BTW, but just because I'm such a Star Wars-nerd, I could never use it. It would just be too strange.
Name your kid Anakin and he's bound to be a mouth breather.
Please don't use this on a child! He'll be teased about Star Wars until he loses his mind, plus people will think of his namesake instead of the person that he is, and then there's the nickname "Ani". Why name a child after movie characters instead of after a friend or a relative?Anakin Skywalker should be glad at least that his name wasn't "Heinekin" and nicknamed "Heinie"; that might have sent him to the Dark Side sooner!
Please do not name a child this. Naming a kid after the "Star Wars" trilogy is absolutely ridiculous.
The kid will get Star Wars jokes for his entire life! And I've always thought that the nickname Ani is too feminine for a boy.
I think the name sounds cool, but it does seem silly to name your kid after a Star Wars character.
I really like the way this name sounds, but I would never use it for a child. Imagine the teasing!
Anakin is Sanskrit for "warrior".
I like it. I wish I could use it without the Star Wars connection.
You may as well name your other kids Chewbacca and Darth while you're at it.
Gorgeous name for a little boy and handsome on a grown one. I would use it.
I believe the nickname they use for 'Anakin' in the films is 'Ani'.
I adore this name. I am a Star Wars fan, but even if I wasn't I still would like it. It's strong, and different. I would love to use it as a first name for a son. So far I only have it used as a possible middle name.
Someone told me that in Latin or something, it means "without family" which is fitting for the character of Anakin Skywalker.
Probably the most embarrassing name you could ever give your child. Since it's pretty obvious you named him after Star Wars.
I adore this name for a boy! It is very masculine and strong, yet easy to say and very different. It also reminds me of the gorgeous portrayer of Anakin Skywalker in the "Star Wars" films, Hayden Christensen.
According to the Free Online Dictionary, the name (not the surname) means "warrior."
While we know the origin is from a friend of George Lucas', it should also be noted that there was once a group of people the Jews defeated named the "Anakim" or "Anakims." These people were referred to as giants. (Deuteronomy 2:10-11 – "10. The Emims dwelt therein in times past, a people great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims; 11. Which also were accounted giants, as the Anakims; but the Moabites call them Emims.") Ironically, Anakin Skywalker (or Darth Vader) from Star Wars was also referred to as a giant of a man in many of the books. Therefore, the name could be used to mean a giant-like or generally tall person.
According to A Dictionary of English Surnames by Reaney & Wilson, Annakin is a surname from Yorkshire, England, that goes back to the Norman French name Anketin, itself a form of the Old Norse name Askell or Asketill, "divine cauldron".
Anakin Solo, third child of Princess Leia and Han Solo, was named after his grandfather.
Anak means child. Name Anak Krakatau has been given to a vulcano that rose after part of the Krakatau Island was anihilated.
The inspiration of the name is not from a biblical tribe, but a friend and fellow director, Ken Annakin, of George Lukas. [noted -ed]

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