Amir Levi is an Israeli Paralympic badminton player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Amir is an awesome name. In Hebrew, it connotes the top most branches and leaves of the tree. As long as the "Amir" remains the tree will grow upwards. Therefore, the name Amir symbolizes the ideal person who strives to reach upwards towards the Almighty and encourage others to do the same. Handsome name.
There are 2 names in Hebrew, both spelt Amir in English. The one you are missing is "òîéø", which is pronounced with a gutteral "A", and means "wheat" (actually, "pile of wheat")
Amir Blumenfeld of College Humor fame. He's not technically famous.
You missed a name that in English also will be written as Amir but in Hebrew will be written like that "òîéø" and mean sheaf.

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