Alisa Xayalith is a New Zealand musician best known as the lead vocalist, guitarist, and keyboard player for the indie electronic band the Naked and Famous.
My name is Alisa and I was born in 1988 and although the name is not very common I like it because it’s unique! I’m surprised to read others comments and the number of ppl with the same name surprises me lol anyway I just wanted to add that I’m proud of my name and the origins from my studies definitely describe me! It’s ironic how that works but it was my destined name in this life!
Alisa Childers (born 1975) is a conservative Christian podcaster and author. She was also part of the popular band ZoeGirl in the mid 2000s.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2023
Very pretty name. I pronounce it al e suh. I pronounce some names differently because sometimes the way it's actually pronounced is not as pretty as it could be if it's simply pronounced differently. I would also spell it like Allisa so people wouldn't pronounce it wrong so easily.
― Anonymous User 12/5/2022
Alisa de/von/of Vamalia is a main character from the German book series "Die Erben der Nacht" by Ulrike Schweikert as well as its TV show adaptation "The Heirs of the Night"/"Nattens Arvinger".
A-Lisa to put it simply the name is so elegant, beautiful, and precious. Such a wonderful name for a daughter cause you already know she's daddy's little princess who can do no wrong and I think all names that start with an A end up in life with an A+ cause they rock-n-roll just like Elvis Presley who's the King of rock-'n'-roll, who's daughter's name is Lisa Marie Presley. Always and forever...
It's very beautiful but she'll spend her whole life explaining "no, not Alyssa, not Elisa, not Lisa, not Elissa, not Alissa, not Alina it's A-L-I-S-A".
Gender: FeminineUsages: HungarianPronunciation: ah-LEE-shahMeaning: Hungarian spelling of the dutch version of ALICE. German origins, meaning "noble".(Information from name #346740 originally submitted by user epresvanilia)
My name is Alisa and has been since 1957. I have only recently seen the name become popular. My mom saw it in the paper but misspelled it. She originally saw Alisha, which is what most people call me. I too have been correcting people. I usually refer to myself as Lisa, but always write Alisa. As far as I know and from what I've been reading, I am the oldest with that name in the US and it seems everywhere. I do like it as being unique when growing up.
Hello, my name is Alisa and I am African American and Native American. This name was given to me by my Godmother who was born in 1901 in Richmond, Va. I have lived with my name for 60 years and still love it to this day. Most people mispronounce my name, but I just laugh and correct them kindly.
Alisa Sadikova is a prodigy classical harpist from Russia. Alisa Sadikova was born on 30 March 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Harpist and family friend Olga Shevelevich first spotted the young girlʼs talent when she showed Sadikova a musical piece that the five-year-old started playing right away on the harp. Shelevich subsequently became her music teacher. Currently, Sadikova also studies at the Special Music School of Saint Petersburg Conservatory, with Karina Maleeva, under maestro Vladimir Spivakovʼs sponsorship.
Alisa Alekseyevna Kozhikina is a Russian child singer, who in 2014 won the first season of TV singing contest The Voice Kids Russia. Later that year she represented Russia at the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2014 in Malta with her song "Dreamer."
This name is my first name, my family pronounces it in the Alyssa way. Though through all my years I have heard many people call me many things by mistake, not knowing my pronunciation of this name. I personally like this name not only because it is my first name but also because of how it sets me apart from the other kids in my class. I have 2 classmates named Alyssa but I only have to put my first name on something for my teacher to know it's me, because unlike them I'm the only one in my grade with this spelling of my name. I have been told many things that my name means. Some say it means joy, which I can see. Overall, I love this name and I hope it is still used in the future.
― Anonymous User 12/31/2016
My middle name is Alisa-Mari. People usually mispronounce it as Alysa-Marie, but it's such a beautiful name and I love it a lot :)
I'm Alisa and it used to bother me to have to correct people on how to pronounce it. I've come to terms with it now though and use it as a tool on figuring people out. I always correct the first time, and share my mnemonic device with them, which is to say that I am one Lisa, A_Lisa. If a person still mispronounces my name after that, then it opens up a further conversation usually, such as if they know someone named Alyssa, Alicia, etc.. and that is where the connection is made in their minds that makes it harder to remember the new info. If they don't know anyone with a similar name and still mispronounce, then it gives me a clue as to their motives or even self esteem. A psychological tactic to passively belittle someone is to continually mispronounce their name in an attempt to prove that they are not worth remembering. Sometimes it's done intentionally and other times not, but it's helped me to see deeper into motives a bit and whether or not I can trust someone. Hope this helps!
My name is Alisa. Pronounced ah-lee-sa. I love my name. I used to think I was totally unique when I was younger but now I have met more people with it. Yes, some people mispronounce it but I don't take it personally. I just joke.. call me whatever you want, just don't call me late for dinner. I have used the stutter explanation too on how to pronounce.
― Anonymous User 5/3/2016
I like it, except it looks like it would be pronounced like Alyssa, which I'm not too fond of. I like it as "a-LEE-sah".
― Anonymous User 4/22/2016
My name is Alisa. I love the name. Often people confuse it with Alicia. I do sometimes shorten it to Liese, or Li. People are always saying however, that it is such a pretty name and that it is sweet. I like the fact that it is both Russian and Hebrew. It means joy and noble. I love this too.
My name is Alisa. I was born in the late 60's in the US. During my younger years (through high school) most people mispronounced my name and it was embarrassing and I actually just had people call me Lisa. After high school I realized it was a name to be proud of and I have been proud of my name ever since. Yes, people mispronounce it and want to call me Alisha, Alyssa, Alicia, etc. I just politely tell them how to pronounce it and move on. If they want to know how to remember how to say it I tell them to stutter before saying Lisa ( ahh Lisa), it's worked for almost everyone who's tried it. I think it's a beautiful name and I am proud to call it mine.
― Anonymous User 12/30/2015
I love this. My best friend's name is Alison and I have a cousin named Allyson so I can use this to honor the both of them. I only like this pronounced Ah-LEE-sah not Ah-LISS-ah. I hate Alyssa.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2015
My name is Alisa, and in all honesty, I hate my name. I was born in the 60's (USA) and can tell you that it's been mispronounced and misspelled nearly every day of my life. The issues with my name have undoubtedly contributed to my overall shyness and hampered my public speaking ability. I would strongly advise against giving your child this name if you live in the U.S.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2015
My name is Alisa. My mother's middle name is Alicia, and my mom has always liked that Alyssa, Alisa, Alicia, etc. My mother wanted to name me Alicia, but without the Hispanic sound. She didn't want people to get the wrong idea because growing up she was considered uneducated as a Hispanic girl. Anyway, she tweaked the name to Alisa. After I was born she met a waitress at Applebees with the name and decided it was perfect.
My name is Alisa, I love my name, but constantly correct people. "Alyssa" seems to be the go-to. There are so many similar variations my best friend in high school was Alicia, we also had a friend named Lisa... confusing mess.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2013
Every Alisa I met has been brilliant. Ayn Rand's original name was Alisa (although I'm not necessarily endorsing that writer's ideas). It's not part of the overused 'Elisa, Elyssa' family so there's a bit of cachet.
Alisa Soto is the best friend of the main character's little sister who later finds out that she is a half-with with full blood-with powers in the Wiccan "Sweep" book series by Cate Tiernan. Alisa was afraid of witches long before she ever knew she was one. Her mother renounced her powers before Alisa was born, and somehow, Alisa ended up inheriting them, so she ran away to her mother's hometown to find her maternal family.
I think this name sounds great! Plus, it's not common in the United States yet (knock on wood). My name is Allison and I was named after my great-grandmother Alice. I would consider naming my daughter this (If I have one). It would be a nice way to pass my great-grandmother's name and my own name to my little girl.
This was the author and philosopher Ayn Rand's birth name. Ayn Rand was best known for her philosophy known as Objectivism and her books Atlas Shrugged, The Fountainhead and We The Living.
The name Alisa became popular in the 80`s in Russia after the science fiction author Kir Bulitjev wrote a whole series of (children`s) books about a girl living in the future who was called Alisa. Afterwards a movie and a cartoon were made, based on these stories.
The first woman to ever win gold at the winter Olympics for Australia is Alisa Camplin. She competed in skiing in 1998 and won gold. In Torino she won Bronze. Quite a big achievement.
I have a friend named Alisa (born in late 1991). At school, she is always called "Alyssa" by teachers. She gets fed up with it sometimes, and says she sort of wishes that her name was just "Lisa". I can't imagine her being anything else, though!
Alisa is a very pretty name. I like both this spelling and the spelling "Elisa".
― Anonymous User 9/12/2006
I have known two people with this name, one of my friends and the mother of one of my brother's friends, and I think it is really cute! It can also be a different spelling of Elisa (as is the case with the mother of my brother's friend), or an elaboration of Lisa (as is the case with my friend).
― Anonymous User 9/10/2006
This is not only a Russian name, but an English one as well. On the website, it is the #603 most common U.S. female name.