Pakistan, and some other places with lots of Muslims (but not all), usually pronounce this ə-lee (think of the word about, it's an unstresssed uh.) It's good for differentiating this from Allie. (Which some pronounce Ah-lee, though I personally pronounce it Al-lee).
It drives me nuts that people do not pronounce this correctly here in the states. It is NOT a females first name. Ali is not Ally or Allie. It is pronounced like Ahh Lee. It is my last name. It is a VERY common surname in the Muslim world and that is where it came from, it dates back to the split of Islam into Sunni and Shi'a. It is also a very popular first name for males. I wish that when Americans wanted to use a foreign name, they'd take the time to learn the correct spelling and pronunciation. Seriously, to anyone thinking that it's cute to name their daughter Ali, please don't. Name her Allie, Ally, Alli, or Alley. Ali is a highly respected name, stop abusing it.
It isn't pronounced uh li as in the boxer but more of an o sound. It should sound like Ollie. Like the nickname for Oliver.
― Anonymous User 8/16/2008
It's pronounced UL-LEE not ALLY.
― Anonymous User 12/6/2006
The Arabic name "Ali" is only [misprounounced] ah-LEE by Americans and African-Americans who are most familiar with it from Cassius Clay, who although he took it as his surname did not pronounce it correctly himself. Neither should it be pronounced AH-lee. The name in arabic is pronounced 'A-lee, with the "A" preceded by a glottal stop and pronounced like the short "a" in "cat", and the second syllable "-lee" unaccented and equally short.