Ali Idow Hassan (born in 1998) is a Somali middle distance runner. He was selected to compete at the 2020 Summer Games in the men's 1500 metres. He was granted an audience with then Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed at the Presidential Palace in Mogadishu along with the Minister of Youth and Sports of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hamse Said Hamse, prior to the event. He was given the honour of being a flag bearer for his nation in the Olympics opening ceremony. He ran a personal best in the 1500m in Tokyo, as he finished tenth in his heat in a time of 3.43:96. He competed in the 800m at the 2022 African Championships and ran a personal best time of 1:49.03 as he qualified from his heat into the semi-finals where he was tenth fastest in a time of 1:49.24. He will represent Somalia at the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris.Ali Radi Arshid is a Qatari Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Ali Al-Nakhli (b. 2000) is a Saudi Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
Abdul Ali is a character in the popular Netflix series Squid Game. He is an immigrant from Pakistan to South Korea, and joins the Game in order to support his wife and baby financially.
If you'd like to use this as a nickname for Alice, Alexandra, etc. Go choose Allie and Ally instead, please. This is masculine and definitely nothing feminine.
I love this name. It's a masculine name with a feminine flair, in the best way. It's simple yet beautiful. Strong and soft at the same time. It ages well. I'd imagine it on a man with the qualities of a leader.
― Anonymous User 3/9/2020
Also widely used as a Dhivehi name; written as "ޢަލީ" in the Dhivehi Thaana script. [noted -ed]
Ali Larsen ('Gross Gore') is a well known steamer on Twitch tv.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2018
Ali ibn Abu Talib (kv.) was cousin and son in law to prophet Muhammad (sav.) He was the first to accept Islam as a young child and was his flag bearer in every war. During the Event of Mubahila hz Ali (kv.) was referred to as self of prophet and when prophet declared Ansar and Muhajir as brothers he took the hand of Ali although they were Muhajir. Shia of Ali also wasn't formed after his death but companions who wanted him as successor existed during his life time too.
Ali He'shun Forney was an African-American gay and transgender youth who also used the name Luscious. He was a peer counselor of and advocate for homeless lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender youth and was killed on the street in the Harlem neighborhood of the Manhattan borough of New York City, New York. The Ali Forney Center for homeless LGBT youth, located in New York City, was named after him when it opened in June 2002.
Ali Dilem is an Algerian cartoonist. On 11 February 2006, he was sentenced to one year in jail and a 50, 000 dinar fine by an Algerian court for a dozen cartoons printed in the newspaper Liberté in 2003 depicting President Abdelaziz Bouteflika. Dilem has been frequently the subject of legal action and condemned to death in fatwas.
I know someone who I absolutely hate with this name so I don't like the name. Also, it's kind of short and boring, not rare, but not popular either. There are like 5 kids I know named Ali, it is just not a good name. I don't know where all this "elegance and beauty" came from. Jeez, it's 3 letters!
Sania just cause you hate someone with this name doesn't mean it's not a beautiful name... your personal experience does not “rule” the outlook in the name... it’s very beautiful and refined whether you like it or not. Keep you personal experience out of judging a name then I’ll believe you're fair but to me this name is absolutely refined and musical... guess you need the full alphabet to give a name “value”.
This is not a good name if you live in the U.S. because everyone will pronounce it as Alley and Alley is already a trashy name which is why I would never use this name.
― Anonymous User 7/5/2016
The personal name of Ala-al-din abu Al-Hassan Ali ibn Abi-Hazm al-Qarshi al-Dimashqi, also known as Ibn al-Nafis (1213-1288 AD). He was an Arab physician mostly famous for being the first to describe the pulmonary circulation of the blood.
Girls named Alexis, Alexandra, Allison, Alison, Alicia, Alessandra, Alana, Alyssa, etc. Spell it Alli, Allie, Ally, Aly, Alley. Boys say it Ah-lee. Girls say it Ahl-ee. Boys spell it Ali.
I wonder if it might be better if there was another section for Ali, just when it is used as a feminine name, to help with the differences, mainly because they come from different roots. Then again, as a name, Ali does have a few different roots depending on what usage a person uses with it. [noted -ed]As a feminine name, pronounced differently from the Arabic name, Ali is often used as a nickname for Alicia, Alice, and Alison. Here, it is pronounced like the word "Alley." Alternatively, Ali has also been a nickname for Alexander-derived names such as the masculine Alistair (and feminine Alexandria/Alexandra) and the masculine Finnish variant of Alexander, Aleksanteri. Apparently within Finnish usage, households near a river may be Ali- ("downstream") and Yli- ("upstream"). As such, Ali may appear in Finnish surnames that are derived from the households. I am not completely sure how the Finnish name is pronounced, however.
Ali is the name of my sister and it's not short for anything. Just Ali. I relate it to a pretty girl and a happy girl and very warm. It's a really feminine name. Pronounced Al-ee. Not All-i.
This is one of the few names I hate when people make feminine. Allie is the correct spelling for the girl's name. Ali is not short for Alison or whatever. It's a name extremely popular and extremely religious tied to subcontinental Asia and Arabia. Most people who use this name for girls don't give a damn about Muslims, so what gives you the right to use this name?
Pakistan, and some other places with lots of Muslims (but not all), usually pronounce this ə-lee (think of the word about, it's an unstresssed uh.) It's good for differentiating this from Allie. (Which some pronounce Ah-lee, though I personally pronounce it Al-lee).
It drives me nuts that people do not pronounce this correctly here in the states. It is NOT a females first name. Ali is not Ally or Allie. It is pronounced like Ahh Lee. It is my last name. It is a VERY common surname in the Muslim world and that is where it came from, it dates back to the split of Islam into Sunni and Shi'a. It is also a very popular first name for males. I wish that when Americans wanted to use a foreign name, they'd take the time to learn the correct spelling and pronunciation. Seriously, to anyone thinking that it's cute to name their daughter Ali, please don't. Name her Allie, Ally, Alli, or Alley. Ali is a highly respected name, stop abusing it.
I agree with the comment above, this is *supposed* to be pronounced ahh-lee, and it's a male name. If your name is Alice/Allison/Alexandra/etc., I'd suggest going by ally or Allie or even Alli, but not Ali. It's just confusing. Also, I was surprised to see that this was in the top 100 for Australia, do they have a large Indian population?
The name actually originates in Ethiopia. In Amharic it means noble, sublime, elevated, exalted. It then reached the middle east and other countries later on.
― Anonymous User 10/14/2009
My sister is named Ali. It's not short for Alice or Alison it's just Ali. Al-EE. I know a girl named Alexandria that goes by Ali, and an Alison. I don't know any guys named that.
I pronounce it just like Allie, but I'm a girl, and my name's Allison. I used to spell my nickname Allie, but there was a girl I knew who I didn't like who spelled her name and nickname the same way, so I took to spelling it Ali.
Ali May Michel an Actress/Dancer/Writer/Musician. She is known as Ms. Entertainment. She is Nigerian/South African/African-American. She pronounces it A-LEE which is African meaning noble, sublime, elevated, exalted. It is a popular female name in West and South Africa.
Ali means something high, and something really inspiring. People named Ali are usually very loving and have very big hearts. Usually they're very courageous, dignified and independent thinkers who follow their own path.
― Anonymous User 1/28/2009
Ali is a relative of Muhammad. He was killed by Muawiyah.
It seems that whenever Westerns need a Muslim name for something or the other, they always choose Ali, which is only pronounced ah-LEE and never AH-lee.
Ali is not just a boy name because I am a girl and that is my nickname. In fact I do not know any boy that has that nickname! They always go with Alex!
― Anonymous User 7/21/2007
Extremely minor Harry Potter character - Ali Bashir, who tried to smuggle flying carpets into Britain.Also, Disney movie Aladdin?
― Anonymous User 5/6/2007
A female Ali is the young girl in the Doctor Who book, Nightmare of Black Island (2006). It's really good, Ali's a lot like me!
The Arabic name "Ali" is only [misprounounced] ah-LEE by Americans and African-Americans who are most familiar with it from Cassius Clay, who although he took it as his surname did not pronounce it correctly himself. Neither should it be pronounced AH-lee. The name in arabic is pronounced 'A-lee, with the "A" preceded by a glottal stop and pronounced like the short "a" in "cat", and the second syllable "-lee" unaccented and equally short.
The Shi'a are not actually people who followed 'Ali in his lifetime - no such group existed; ALL living muslims followed 'Ali (as khalifa) in his lifetime. The Shi'a are a sect who developed ideas and beliefs about the spiritual stature and political leadership of 'Ali and his family AFTER his death and who separated from traditional Islam at that point.