ALF is also a character from the TV show ALF (September 22, 1986, to March 24, 1990)ALF is also an acronym for Alien Life Form.
Bleh, prefer alfred.
Alf Landon (1887-1987) was a former Governor of Kansas (1933-1937) and the 1936 Republican nominee for President of the United States. He lost to Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Democratic nominee and incumbent. His first name was Alfred, but he was best known as Alf.
ALF (Animal Liberation Front) is a terrorist organization, however, they spell it "Animale liberayshun thrunt".
Alf Stokes is one of the main characters in the British TV series 'You Rang, M'Lord?' (1988-1993).
There's also the Animal Liberation Front, commonly known as ALF. Since they are considered eco-terrorists, it kind of kills the name.
In the 1980's there was an alien on a T.V. show and both were named "Alf." It stood for "Alien Life Form."

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