Alexus Oladi is a dancer known for starring on “Dance Moms” with her mom, Tiffanie.
― Anonymous User 5/21/2019
My mother very nearly named me this and I probably would not have liked it if she did. I don’t like the fact that it’s the brand of a car and the teasing risk of being called, “Alexa” is just too high.
DOCTOR: "Congratulations, sir, you've just become the father of a Lexus!"Ugh, seriously. This is as bad as naming your kid Porsche or Alease (the latter is actually a name on this sight). I don't know anyone with these three names. Which is a good thing.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2010
I've had the misfortune of seeing this butchering of Alexis more than a few times. It looks ignorant and trashy, and makes me want to pronounce it A-leks-US instead of A-LEKS-iss. Vowels do mean something; they're not just put in there at random to look cute or creative.
Likely, Alexus is just a "creative" alternate spelling of Alexis, which is now used predominantly for girls, at least in the U.S. And the Lexus part comes from the vehicle brand name.
― Anonymous User 12/5/2007
With the ending of -us it gives the impression of a masculine name to me.
― Anonymous User 6/20/2005
Latin form for the ancient Greek name Alexos (m) Alexo (f). Bearer of the name was the poet Alexos.