Alena Kánová (b. 1980) is a Slovak Paralympic table-tennis player who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
There's a saint called Alena: [noted -ed]
Alena Wicker is an American 12-year-old girl who has just joined university. Her dream has always been to work at NASA. She also wants to be an example for girls, women and black people like her, so she founded her own Internet website, "Brown Stem Girl" to support and encourage girls who are keen on astronomy.
Pretty! I quite like it! It sounds so gentle and harmless!
Allegedly also an archaic English diminutive of Magdalen:
Alena Kostornaia, born 24.08.2003, is a Russian famous figure skater. She is the winner of the 2019 Junior Grand-Prix Final, which is really a big competition in figure skating. Also she is two-time national senior bronze medalist. She had silver medal at 2018 Junior World Championships. Although she hasn't lots of titles, she owes a world record in junior short program and skates consistently, with lots of grace and musicality. Watching her is real joy. Her "Angel" program is even considered by some specialists to be the greatest ever!
Alen is not a masculine form of Alena, Alena is a short form of Helena and Magdalena, feminine names. Alen is a form of Alen. Still, both names are nice.
The name 'Alena' or in Poland it might be called 'Alina', means 'bright and beautiful', specifically in the Polish language.
It can be derived either from the Old High German word for "precious" or from the Irish language term "a leanbh"" or "child", in English.In Gaelic Alannah as itself is the term for "beauty" or "serenity". It's sometimes considered a feminine form of Alan.
I was named Alena after someone from the former Czechoslovakia. Alena pronounced it
Oll-in-a and because I was her namesake she always called me Alenka pronounced Oll-inka. I have always thought my name was beautiful and different.
Alena Seredova is a showgirl, actress, sports manager and model from the Czech Republic. She began her modeling career at 15 years old and went on to represent Czech Republic at Miss World 1998. She got married to the Italian keeper in 2011, and the marriage lasted three years. They have two sons, Louis Thomas Buffon and David Lee.
Alena Seredova is a Czech model and actress currently living and working in Italy.
Very beautiful name. Has a unique worldly beauty to it.
Alena Pitts, a young actress in the film War Room.
Alena Shishkova is a famous Russian Model.
This name is from Greek origins meaning Light.
Very pretty name. Sounds like the name of a goddess.
This name is beautiful and unique. It is different without being weird. The meaning I have found related to this name is Light from Greek origins.
This name is more common in Europe but it is getting more popular in the US.
We named our daughter this and we pronounce it uh-Lee-nah.
Kevin Jonas and his wife Danielle (nee Deleasa) named their newborn baby girl Alena Rose.
I love this name. It sounds so feminine, sweet, and slightly exotic. How can you not like Alena?!
I love this name. It reminds me on a young and happy girl. Perfect. I also love the masculine form Alen.
Also Croatian.
Pronounced AH-lenn-ah.
The only way I've heard this pronounced is uh-LEEN-uh. I think it's lovely.
Alena Leonova is a famous figure skater.
Wonderful name. :] I have an honest love for this name, and I would name any child this in a heartbeat.
Masculine from Alena is Alen.
Famous bearers:
Model Alena Šeredová
Make-Up Artist Alena Šedová
Actress Alena Karešová
Actress Alena Vránová
Actress Alena Antalová
Director Alena Procházková
Director Alena Šimíčková-Hynková
Director Alena Činčerová
Actress Alena Sasínová-Polarczyk
Actress Alena Mihulová
Actress Alena Martinovská
Actress Alena Kreuzmann
Actress Alena Jančaříková
Pronounced "ah-leh-na".
Czech pet form is Alenka, which was used instead of "Alice" in the translation of "Alice in the Wonderland" (probably because Alice might sound rather rough and foreign in Czech.) Alenka by itself is also quite a commonly used Czech name.
Alena is a fictional character from the Filipino telefantasyas - Encantadia, Etheria, and Encantadia: Pag-ibig Hanggang Wakas.
Alena is very popular name in Czech Republic and Slovakia (Central Europe). [noted -ed]
I wish more people used this name. Because I love this name not only because it is my name, but because to me, it sounds very beautiful.
Alena is also a variant of Helen or Helena which is usually translated as "light."
German Pronunciation: aw-LEH-nah
The name is neither overly popular nor rare in Germany. It can be considered as a fresh, modern name.
Alena is very popular name in Belarus (Eastern Europe), it originated from the Greek name Helen.
I do not remember what website I got this information from but I had read that Alena is the Greek version of Helen, and therefore has the same meaning as Helen, some interpreting it as "torch" and some interpreting it as "light".

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