Alditha (which is in the database), Aldithe, Eldieth, Eldith, Elditha and Eldithe are other forms. (Source: S.L. Uckelman. "Aldith". In S.L. Uckelman, ed. The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources, Edition 2023, no. 1.
This was my Grandmother's middle name. She was born to a Matron and a WWI POW in Jamaica. I've often wondered how they came up with such an unusual name. I thought it may have been Germanic due to her father but I see clearly now it is an English name. I have never heard it since. It's still a mystery.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2019
Ally/Allie, Addy/Addie, Ace, Dee, Didi and Dita could be nicknames.
Some people might think this is a weird name, and I will admit that when I first saw it I thought that too. But after researching it further, I actually like it a lot.