Ahmed Adnan Sharbatly is a Saudi Paralympic equestrian who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Ahmed Al-Bedwawi is an Emirati Paralympic cyclist who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Ahmed Shekha is an Iraqi Paralympic taekwondo athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Ahmed Mehideb (b. 1995) is an Algerian Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Hadj Ahmed Beyour is an Algerian Paralympic powerlifter who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.Ahmed Ben Moslah (b. 1995) is a Tunisian Paralympic athlete who competed at the 2024 Summer Paralympics in Paris.
This is my cousin's name. I personally like it even if it is overused.
Yes. It's the most common Arabic name other than Abdul and Abdullah and Mohammed and Ibrahim and Omar and Hassan etc. It's like John and Paul and Steven and Robert in the Arabic world... this name means HIGHLY PRAISED.. I've met several friendly Muslim guys named Ahmed. One of them is my colleague, another one is my neighbor who is a Jordanian guy of Palestinian descent and another Ahmed is the one whom was introduced by friends... All Ahmeds I've met so far are friendly and sweet men... Sorry, I have to disagree with several comments saying this name is goofy... all I can think of this name is tall and handsome and charming and charismatic Arabic men with good hearts and good sense of humors...
I don’t know about anyone else but it’s kinda goofy.
Feels plain and boring, like some sound is missing or something. It's not that bad, just, there are many better names than this.
Top 10 most common names globally:1. MARIA
7. WEI
10. YAN.
Anyone being disrespectful to this name should be locked up. This is an amazing name, I know a young boy named this and his mum told me he helps around the house when he’s only 4.
According to, there is one person in the U.S named Ahmed Ahmed.
Next to Muhammad, the most overused name in the Arabic language.
This is a good, strong name.
Also widely used as a Dhivehi name; written as "އަޙްމަދު" in the Thaana script. [noted -ed]
This name sounds ugly to me, plus it's one of the most overused Arabic names ever. Ask anyone to name an Arabic name and they will most likely say this. Choose something different please.
Ahmed more accurately means 'the praised one or praiseworthy' which is similar to commendable, however someone worthy of praise is of a higher status compared to someone commendable.
This is a really popular Arabic name. I would go with something a little more unique.

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