Boundless, reveling in its starry pool of shine and glitter, I look up at the arched crescent of the moon, my eyes reluctant to wander from the splash of white beauty, the name dances in front of my eyes and writes its poetry with the silk of the moon. How indescribably gorgeous! If you are fortunate enough to bear the name, exercise its power with caution -- suppose it becomes a common name? You could go by 'Lia,' which does not subtract from its charm and grace in the least.
Aelita Schaeffer from Code Lyoko is the series' most central protagonist.
I love this story. Everything about the name Aelita is magical.
"Starlight seen for the last time".
This name is really nice, and I definitely think it's usable.
Love the meaning.
Aelita is a main character from the cartoon Code Lyoko.
This is awesome. The meaning is fantastic.

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