It's Æþelflæd, peasants. The th sound in Æþelflæd was like 'thing' not 'this'. ð (eth) is voiced and þ (thorn) is unvoiced. You're welcome. This is my daughter's name.
A beautiful, powerful name full of history. I would spell it Aethelflaed or Alfleda.
Other forms include Athelfleda, Æthelflæd,
Aethelfleda, Aelfled, Ethelfleda [noted -ed], Ethelfled and Ethelflaed. (Source:
This name refers to Elfleda, which in turn refers back to ÆDHELFLÆD without a link. This is an error. It seems obvious that this is the original name, and that Elfleda is a derived name.
Whoa.. whoa... This name is confusing D:
Æðelflæd of Wessex (c. 871-918) was the daughter of King Ælfræd (Alfred) the Great of Wessex, traditionally the first King of England. Æðelflæd was married to Æðelræd of Mercia as a teenager, and had one daughter. After Æðelræd's death, Æðelflæd ruled Mercia in her own right for seven years until her death.Æðelflæd did not rule alone: her and Æðelræd's daughter, Ælfwynn of Mercia, was her co-ruler. Both women were titled "Lady of the Mercians". When Æðelflæd died, Ælfwynn ruled solo for one year until she was desposed by Eadweard (Edward) the Elder, King of England.

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