AH! ME! MY NAME! Y'know it feels very weird being some guy living in the middle of nowhere with a name like Adonis. A lot of people tend to assume that I was named after the Greek myth of Adonis and Aphrodite, but I was actually named after the flower. Adonis Flos, Phesants Eye. I guess in a way I'm named after the myth since that's what the flower is named after. I have a book on Victorian Flower Language and it says that Adonis Flos stands for painful recollections. Although, flower meanings are very subjective. Adonis' are generally associated with death and love.
It’s a bit much. Imagine your average joe Walmart employee or a bum on the street named Adonis. Oh well, at least it’s a cool name unlike Brayden or Hunter.
The word 'Adonis' is defined by the Cambridge dictionary as 'a very beautiful or sexually attractive young man': She walked in on the arm of some blond Adonis. This comes from the Greek myth.Disagree if you like, but I think it's tacky to name your child a term for a sexually attractive man.
This name makes me think of a dimwitted, muscular, arrogant male model who parades around in white speedos and dates multiple women at once. It's not a name that sounds very dignified or respectable.
Interesting how people think this name is pretentious or a high standard to live up to, yet there are names that are more commonplace like Emmanuel, even Jesus that are more accepted.
I'm not even going to sugar coat it; I flat out do not like this name. Referring to the name as pretenious doesn't even cover its problematics. Perhaps with Donald Trump in office, any "Don" containing name will plummet down in popularity. I'm not saying they will, just a theory. Though in my honest opinion, as long as Donald Trump is in office, I would highly advise for anyone to stay away from any name containing "Don" in them, especially as the first name.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2017
Pretentious and a lot to live up to. If you really must use this name (if you love it so much) having it be the middle name would be "safer" and less pretentious.
― Anonymous User 6/24/2016
I do like the sound of this name! Does it really matter if your kid isn't super beautiful? Maybe they will grow into a handsome man (ugly kids usually do) or maybe they will be beautiful on the inside. If you like it use it.
While I do think that Adonis is a very handsome-sounding name, I think that it would be heavy-handed to name your child a word that its universally associated with Beauty (capital-B). One could refer to a handsome male as an Adonis, and his name could be Fred for all it matters. Better to let him earn this term on his own.
― Anonymous User 10/6/2012
I love this name, I could name my kid this. This reflects my desire for my kid to be badass and attractive. I am shallow... and righteous.
I don't like it. It's pretentious as hell. I know a boy named this, and he is probably the most stuck up, idiotic, self-absorbed, vain, all-around vile person I have ever met. The name is a self-fulfilling prophecy: name your kid after a god, and the kid will grow up to be either an unattractive boor, or a handsome, but shallow, boor.
― Anonymous User 5/21/2011
This name sounds ridiculous on a real person. It makes me think of arrogant pretty boys. It's also too heavily attached to the Greek myth. I wouldn't recommend it.
I don't think it really matters what your soon will turn out looking like. Once the other kids find out the history of this name, they'll tease the poor thing relentlessly. Of course, if the boy happens to be a bit awkward, he'll be going through hell in school. Even I would laugh at someone having this over-the-top name.
You know what comes up when you search "Adonis" on google images? Greek statues and gay porn. Imagine the teasing!(If you're going to give birth to an immortal, attractive man in the prime of his life, this is the perfect name. If you think you might be carrying a normal human being, I'd look for something with less of a reputation to live up to.)
― Anonymous User 4/14/2008
The Adonis I know pronounces it a-do-NEES. He's 1/2 Arabic.