I love the name and want to give it to my future son, it is very masculine and also a religious name, after Adam the first man, and all the Adams that I know are lovely. ❤️ If you're a boy called Adam then you have a lovely, handsome name, and will be successful.❤️.
It's nice, strong, classic, solid, versatile, handsome, distinguished, lovely, masculine name that can't go wrong with any age group males whether it's young boy, teenager, men in 20s and 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s etc.. Adam is basically first human being that God has created on this earth along with Eve. Sure, the name itself comes from the Bible. In my humble opinion, it doesn't strike me too religious at all nor does it strike me as super Christian and am pretty over the notion that any name that appears in the Bible or other religious text is biblical/religious name. Sure, Noah (most common baby boy name) is probably going to be heavily associated with religion for most folks taste, but so many of names have evolved pretty far beyond being associated with one thing.. Unlike Noah, it's not overused by kids these days and ignore the haters for this name... Adam is one of my favorite masculine names on my list.
The name of the first man - God has good taste, it’s a wonderful name. It’s my father’s, and I’d use it to honour him. It’s classic (the most classic you can get!), timeless, and a fine, trustworthy name that will fit someone throughout their life.
This is one of those "unsafe" names in my opinion. It's moderately unattractive and will not be taken seriously, but it does sound stuck-up or pretentious.
This is one of those "safe" names in my opinion. It fits any guy, at any age really well. It's moderately attractive and will be taken seriously, but it doesn't sound stuck-up or pretentious. Personally, it's not my style, but I can see how it appeals to so many people. I've known several Adams who are vastly different from one another, yet they all fit the name to a T.
I think Adam is a good strong name. Although simple, it's still classic and beloved. Also, I really like that it has a biblical association. Beautiful name.
To all those people who are saying Adam and Eve lost paradise for us (on a name forum): 1. It's okay to have religious beliefs and ideas, but you don't need to shame people for having the name. 2. The story of Adam and Eve was a parable with the moral not to give into temptation. Not to fiercely offend anyone, but in my opinion, (IN MY OPINION) since there is no evidence (scientific/historical) we can call it a parable of Jesus, or whatever divine universal being you believe in. Hope I didn't make you mad, please don't go all ranty, all of this is MY OPINION, and if you believe otherwise THAT IS OKAY.P.S I am religious.
― Anonymous User 11/6/2020
Strong, classic, timeless. A cool, awesome name.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2020
I was looking for some Biblical names that are familiar and easy to spell. Name "David" was my initial choice, but after some consideration I realized that the name "David" often gets misspelled and becomes "Dave" which is a complete washout to what it actually means to be a Biblical "David". Name "Adam" seems like a very strong name.
― Anonymous User 9/25/2020
Adam Lanza is the Elementary School Shooter of Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown, Connecticut. He shot and killed 20 children between the ages of 6 and 7, and 6 Teachers, including the principal. This took place on December 14, 2012. Before he went to the school to kill people he shot and killed his Mother, HIS MOTHER. He shot her 3 times, one to kill her, one for his father, and one for his brother. When he heard police coming he shot himself in the back of the head at the school. I was 7 (2nd grade) at the time, I live in SC, far away from Connecticut, but it really had a mental impact on me. As, the same week we had a lock down for a robbery in the area. My class had nowhere to hide. School shootings were my worst fear from 2nd-7th grade. I just got out of 9th, and I still am afraid of them. But they aren't my worst fear anymore. I didn't ever have a school shooting, but I did have some lock downs with shooters in the area. Most of the time I wasn't properly informed, so I'd sit there in fear while I was hiding. Most of the Adams I know were born before Sandy Hook. I really hope Adam Lanza is burning in Hell as we speak. Anyway, despite Adam Lanza, I really love this name. Also, Adam and Eve were the first humans on Earth. Adam is such a cool name, and I would love to use it. I really like the sound of it. Sandy Hook shouldn't make you not choose this name because the name doesn't make the person.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2020
Classic and very handsome!
― Anonymous User 4/25/2020
It’s a classic. And modesty has reserved its mark.. Adam is a straight-up cool name!
My deepest apologies to those who had negative experiences with any Adams. As I am an Adam myself, and want to leave a great impression and reputation of myself before I leave this earth; may you all be blessed with longevity, and forever evolve until our red planet no longer exists. Try not to hate every Adam! We are only responsible for our own actions, which mine is to evolve, save the planet, plant trees and food for the future, and leave a positive impact to everyone around me. No matter what our name is, we have a choice, I will be careful and wise with mine.
I think this name is decent but rather plain. I prefer it as a middle name, I see it being paired with a lot of other names.
― Anonymous User 8/22/2019
Yeah, name's cool. I have some personal problems with it but yeah, I like the biblical connection.
― Anonymous User 6/9/2019
I like this name. Makes me think of a brave, strong, handsome, intelligent guy. I also like that it fits all ages. I can picture a baby Adam, a child Adam, a teenage Adam, a young Adult Adam, and an old Adam.
My son was born on the day of Animation on The Secret Language Of Birthdays and he has this name.
― Anonymous User 9/11/2018
I would like Adam if I’d never heard of anyone else named Adam. My ex, Adam, cheated. I knew another Adam in high school who turned out to be a total tool/douchebag. There’s an Adam who shot up an elementary school. I want to like the name, but I just can’t get over my personal experiences and that school shooter. Even Bible Adam wasn’t great. In fact, the ONLY positive person I associate with the name Adam is Adam Levine from Maroon 5.
― Anonymous User 4/30/2018
Two thumbs down for me. Don't like the name, or the person it tends to produce. So I would say... avoid if possible, but at the same time, I kind of want as many as possible with that name just to wear the name down and make it less common.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2018
I suppose that men who have identical twin brothers named Adam must often be subjected to jokes about people not knowing them from Adam. (Could be worse.)
This is a very powerful and masculine name. I truly enjoy it every time I hear it. To have this name is something to be proud of and to never be ashamed of. To have the first man's name ever is such a gift and is the oldest name above all. I'm Adam Meadows and I approved this message.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2017
The name Adam will probably end up becoming taboo in the United States due to Adam Lanza, or at least in the Northeast.
― Anonymous User 8/17/2017
Adam is such an ugly name and the thought of the bearer of this stupid name being a child murderer involved in the tragic Sandy Hook shooting makes me sick to my stomach.
― Anonymous User 8/17/2017
My name is Adam. I don't like it much. It can easily earn annoying nicknames from kids like A-dumb, A-damn. Plus, it's a very common name. There are 5 Adams in my grade, including me. I try to see the name as the first man on Earth, but then I also think that I doomed the rest of humanity in that sense. Plus, it's comparable to the smallest unit of matter, an atom. To me, it's common and boring.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2017
I think that Adam is a bum name to have, and I think it's over used. Also there's a flash game called Adam's Gay. Just saying.
My name is Adam Levi (LEE-vi). I'm not Jewish, but rather Native American. I couldn't have a cooler name. Period. Thinking of naming your son Adam? Just do it. He'll love it.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2016
To me this name is too boring and reminds me too much of the word "atom" so because of that I'm put off of using it.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2016
A good name from the Good Book! Note: How could a name that means "man" be interpreted as feminine? Tsk tsk, such perversions of names are becoming all too common.
― Anonymous User 7/3/2016
My name is Adam and I'm of Polish descent. At first I didn't like it, but now I'm starting to discover all its pros!Adam was once used in Poland as a noblemen's name and it had many excellent bearers such as Adam Asnyk (Polish poet and dramatist), Prince Adam Jerzy [George] Czartoryski (Polish nobleman, statesman and author) and the ever-famous Adam Bernard Mickiewicz (Polish poet, dramatist, essayist, publicist, translator, professor of Slavic literature, and political activist), with whom I happen to share the first and middle name.What's beautiful about this name is that it's technically the first name ever, and it's incredibly widely used all around the world! You can be of any religion and of any descent with the name Adam - maybe you are an Arabian surgeon, a French painter, a Polish scientist, an Australian journalist, a teen living next door, or a dad playing tennis with your kids - the possibilities are endless. If you're planning to travel or move homes a lot it's one of the best names to choose, because its pronunciation is very simple and, as I've said, it's used in many countries.A great thing about Adam is that it fits almost anyone with any middle name / surname combinations. It's one of these names that just suit everywhere. Plus, it doesn't have an obvious nickname, which is good, since not everyone likes certain nicknames.Also, it gives you cool flirting options like "Hey, I'm Adam, wanna be my Eve?" or "I'm Adam and I'd eat an apple if you gave me one.". Aaand it has its own subreddit! How many other names have it, huh?So, all in all, if you're considering naming your child Adam, go for it! Hope that it helps someone.
Adam is my middle name. I've always liked the name, I think it's a really nice masculine name. It isn't too common of a name either, I rarely encounter anybody with the name Adam where I live.
Though this name is a bit plain and used in a lot of languages I like it. I see it as being a nice traditional name that will fit all ages and is slowly decreasing in popularity.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2016
My name is Adam and my last name starts with a I, causing me to have a cool nickname which is A.I. (Artificial Intelligence). Although I used to be teased and called A-dumb which was okay as it grew off. Adam is also a universal name meaning that it is multi-religion and multi-cultural, so everyone more or less knows how to say it and spell it.
This is the perfect name. It's short, easy to remember, has almost no spelling variations, and it will give you lifelong alphabetical dominance over everybody you meet.
It's interesting that this name is sooooooo common in Eastern Europe, particularly Poland, but hardly ever in the Western Europe and the US.Obviously it's a Biblical name and Poland is very Christian, and had a history of Jewish influence, but so did America. Yet, in America, such Biblical names such as Joshua and Seth are very common, but in Poland they're pretty much non-existent. Reversely, Adam and Judyta (Judith) are very common in Poland, but quite unheard of in the USA. Strange...
Love Adam. Strong Biblical name. Timeless--not dated to any certain decade. Great for all ages toddler through adult. Not a sissy name -- no bullying in school! No nickname needed -- yay!
My brother is called Adam, he is pretty camp, funny and good looking but I wouldn't say he is strong and manly like some of the other comments say. Also, I don't think I have ever met an Adam like that.
― Anonymous User 4/11/2015
ADAM is such a beautiful name! When I think of Adam I think of a bloodthirsty sexy beast... That was awkward, but I love the name.
Adam is overused though very respectable and decent.
― Anonymous User 9/5/2014
I've always liked this name. NOTHING wrong with it. =)
― Anonymous User 4/20/2014
There isn't anything that strikes me as remarkable in this name, but considering that I am a long-time fan of Bonanza, Adam is one that I can see potential and subtle charm in when used well. It is a tried-and-true name; sturdy, functional, and with a nicely sooty and determined sound.
My first love's name. ♥ So it really has a special place in my heart. It's not a name that will shock everyone with it's originality, but I still think it's a wonderful name.
Sorry, but this name sounds and looks kinda like A-Damn like you don't give a damn, so I don't really like it, and it's just ugly, I don't even like the sound of it. Oh well.Also makes me think "Up An' Atom". Sounds like Atom: the basic unit of matter that cannot be divided into smaller units, therefore it's the smallest unit of matter.
― Anonymous User 8/31/2010
It sounds sexy! I love it! ;P
― Anonymous User 8/18/2010
Well, I always think of sexy Adam Cartwright from Bonanza. Yeah, yeah, he was mentioned, but he needs mentioning again. Most of the Adams I've encountered were nice, well-liked guys. It's a strong name that works on a kid and ages well.
My name is Adam, and I personally love the name. For years I hated it, but finally I got older and looked at it objectively and I realized I liked it a lot. It's traditional but I've only ever known a handful of Adams, so I disagree with those of you who say it's too common. Maybe at one time, but it hasn't been on the most popular list for years. It's a good, solid name that was nice to grow up with. I'll probably use it as a middle name for a son, and I'm glad my mother named me Adam.
You people! I can't believe you actually like this name! 1. A-dumb (nickname) 2. Adam and Eve (can be teased) 3. It's WAY TOO POPULAR THESE DAYS! Please make it stop!
My name is Adam, and I never was called A-dumb, nor was I ever teased with references to Adam and Eve, so using that as a basis for disliking the name isn't very reasonable; unless your name is Adam and you're speaking from experience. Normally I was called Addy growing up.
This name is a very pretty name for a boy. It's a name for a boy who's strong and handsome and grows up to be a romantic gentleman. I had a brother named Adam, but he died at 9 months. I would love to give this to my boy if I ever have one. It would most likely be a middle name.
For the one who said that Adam didn't sound "old-fashioned enough," what about the other Biblical names that were given at about the same time as Adam? There's Eve, Cain, Abel, Seth. In the centuries that pass in the Old Testament, and especially as differing languages developed, of course the naming styles changed! It just happens.
I think it sounds simple, strong and masculine. And that makes it one of my favourites.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2007
I can't believe this was the first human name ever, it doesn't seem old-fashioned at all compared to other biblical names. Anyway this is the name of my brother-in-law's brother, well stepbrother. People with the name Adam like to be silly but are funny.
I gave this name to my 5th son, he is Adam John. It is such a solid boys name. He is 5 1/2 and loves the biblical reference to his name. He often gets the nickname Addy, and I don't know of any other boys named Adam.
― Anonymous User 4/25/2006
It would be funny if you came across a couple called Adam and Eve.