Not a fan at all. Mostly bc I’m 100000000% Ellie in the Last of Us franchise. I don’t like Abby one bit. But honestly the name is just kinda boring. No offense if your name is Abby bc I’m sure there are nice Abby’s out there. I prefer Abbie for some reason but still not a fan.
My name is Abby but I think this is a cute name! But people call me Ybba, which is Abby said backwards!
― Anonymous User 12/3/2021
I changed my mind on this name, this isn't my actual name but it's my nickname. But still a cute name! And I like the backward spell of it, which is Ybba!
My name is Abby and I have had a good experience with the name.It's easy: I've traveled to 25 countries and people find it simple to pronounce and easy to remember. I am often one of kids' first words which is fun - even if I've barely met them.People seem to enjoy saying my name. If someone is calling a roster they usually smile when they say my name (before they even know me). I also get the feeling that people intentionally say my name more than other people's - it must have sounds that are fun to put together.It's youthful and playful:I am quite verbally quick, competitive and questioning of peoples' opinions and ideas. Most of my (now) good friends and colleagues said that I was intimidating when they first met me. Abby as a name takes a whole lot of the edge off and makes me sound more approachable in first impressions.Downsides: Occasionally get called "Abigail" or "Abs" or "Dear Abby" which I dislike. I redirect them to "Ab" or my initials if they don't want to call me by my already easy-to-say name. It is an interesting screening of people. In general it is done by condescending, dismissive older white dudes. I was called "Ab the crab" by my parents as I am a real grump in the morning (fair play) but was never teased for my name by other children. Maybe I was an intimidating child? No idea.When I was a tween I longed for a name that sounded more mature.Sometimes misspelled on work emails to Abbie/Abbey. But... people can misspell just about any name and I don't think it's worth taking it personally.Overall: Would not trade it in - I get the impression that it in general works to my advantage and has been a little plus in my world travels, friendships and career.
My name is Abby. Just Abby. I've seen so many comments on how people named just Abby get annoyed by people assuming or always asking if their full name is Abigail. I swear everyone always asks me that and I'm like nope it's just Abby and they go wait, really? Like do you think I'm lying about my name?!?!?! My honest opinion about it is that I actually love my name. I can understand how it can seem like a kid-like name but then again I can see myself being an old lady with that name. I also love the nicknames my friends and family give me. Ones like crabby, slabby, abs,and for some reason abbalina lolol.
My name is Abby, not Abigail, for which I am glad. I agree with other Abbys who have posted here that it's quite annoying when people assume Abby has to just be a nickname for Abigail. I haven't known many other Abbys, except for an Abbey in my fourth grade class. My parents had a hard time agreeing on a name for me and didn't decide until after I was born. They both liked Abby and both disliked Abigail. They wanted to give me short first and middle names because my last name is quite long and commonly misspelled. I like my name and prefer the spelling of it over other variants. Nicknames like Flabby Abby aren't so great, but kids will find a way to make fun of any name. I prefer other nicknames I've been given by people, such as Abs, Abbylicious and Abbles. As another poster said, people do sometimes call me Amy. I've never understood why because the two names aren't that similar. It also kind of annoys me that so many people name their dogs Abby lol. But dogs are sweet, innocent fur babies, so I guess it's okay.
My name is Abra but I go by Abby because to me it’s the ultimate cute girl name. It’s pretty and feminine but has a tiny edge to it and makes me feel confidently girl next door with a smidge of manic pixie dream girl and I really like it. I only go by Abra for work and other professional occasions or with strangers.
― Anonymous User 12/19/2019
My name is Abby and I think it is very beautiful. The only time I hate it is when people go "OH! Is it a short form for Abigail? Is your full name Abigail?" Well no people, my full name is Abby, just Abby, not Abigail, Abby! This name is not really that common so I don't get mixed up with people, well, I'm not SUPPOSED to be mixed up at least.
I'm named Abby and I hate it. So my family and friends call me "Ab's". I like this A LOT better than Abby. My uncle even made up a song about the name.
This is my name, but because my parents like to be "unique", I'm stuck with a misspelling of it: Aby (my full name is Abygail, but I absolutely hate it). I'm surprised this spelling isn't more common, but I suppose people like to spell things correctly. Anyways, this name is a bit common and gives me the impression of a girl that has 10k followers on instagram with only like 11 posts, but it's my name and I'm stuck with it. If you're a parent-to-be looking for a unique name, please don't just make up a new spelling of a popular name like my parents did, because it's very annoying to have to spell out your name every single time, since everyone assumes how it's spelled so you have to specify it, and anyone who reads it will automatically assume the child's parent is a special snowflake. Instead, either use the normal spelling, a relatively well-used variant of it, or an uncommon name altogether because at least your child will be asked how to spell it instead of assumptions being made.
My name is Abigail (I go by Gail), and I personally hate the name Abby. In my opinion it is the weakest name in existence, and I'm a stubborn, strong-willed ADHD rebel. If you have the name Abby, I'm sorry.
― Anonymous User 1/28/2017
I am also an Abby - not an Abigail. I have a twin brother named Alan, get it? Abby & Alan. I think I have a unique and uncommon name. There are not a whole lot of other Abby's I run into. The one thing I will say is that kids can be cruel and I have carried many nicknames in my life, some not so flattering. The list includes flabby, crabby, scabby, blabby, abscess, abdominal, abotomy and many more. Just beware if you plan to name your child Abby because there will be teasing from other kids. The name is too easy to play around with.
Hi, my name is Abbagail but people call me Abby. I love my name and I love the fact, that only a certain amount of people in the would spell their name the way I do. It's very interesting.
I have been called Abby ever since I was born, and yes, my real name is Abigail. But I don't like being called by such a long name, and when people don't know me, they do. But I like that my parents thought about what I would be called in the future, and they knew that when I got older I would want a more sophisticated name like Abigail. I like the name Abby, it has a nice ring to it, and the name isn't TOO popular or TOO uncommon. It's just in the middle. And I am very grateful for my name.
My full name is Abby... I used to really like it but now I think it sounds too childish. I would go by Abigail except since it's not my real name, nobody will call me that... :(
My fist name is simply just Abby and my middle name is Danyelle. It's an alright name, but I prefer my middle name because people often spell it wrong. Also, it's really annoying getting asked if your full name is Abigail all the time and being asked if you're sure. Like I'm sure it's my name. It's also annoying being called that because they infer that was your full name. Anyways, I like my name all in all. Thank God my parents didn't name me Abigail- to me it sounds really snobby, ugly and old. I know most people think it's too youthful, but to me I think it fits me pretty well as a person. :)
As Abigail comes from Avigayil, Avi = my father and gayil = joy, one could say that Abby = my father. It doesn't make much sense, but there you go. This is my name. I was named after a sort of ancestor - Abbie, who was named after her Grandmother Abigail who was named after her grandmother Abagil. At 28 it is a little weird to know that Abigail is more popular now. I grew up with one other girl in my class, an Abbey. I don't have any problems with my name. I do, however, frequently have people ask me if my full name is Abigail (it isn't) and I have people call me Amy a lot.Seriously, this one time at the dentist office the nurse looked RIGHT AT my name on the chart, then looked up, "Amy?" Although now that it's more popular it won't happen for younger Abbies. I've also been called: Anna, Ivy, Audrey... -__-
This name is okay as a nickname, but if you are planning on naming your daughter this, you should keep in mind that the name sounds rather youthful, to the point of being a tad infantile as a full name. It would be better to name her Abigail, even if you think it's too formal or old-fashioned. You can always call her Abby. She'll have good use for a more mature name when she is applying for jobs, etc.
This is my name and I like it a lot. I think that it is much nicer than Abigail, but everyone seems to think that it's my name. When I was little and I would meet someone new, the conversation would go something like: "Is Abby your real name?" "Yes." "Are you sure?" "Yes." "Is your real name Abigail?" "No." "Is Abigail the name on your birth certificate?" "No." "Are you sure?" "Yes." People could seriously not seem to grasp the concept. It was annoying. Whenever someone calls me Abigail now, I add "gail" to the end of their name. Like if their name is Stephanie and they call me Abigail, I call them "Stephanie-gail." It works well to solve my problem. I really hate it when my English/orchestra teacher spells my name wrong as "Abbey." My nicknames are Abs and Ab and only my closest friends and family call me that. It doesn't really bother me. Everyone tells me that they love my name and that it's their daughter's name/they almost named their daughter Abby. Everyone tells me that my name fits me. I overall like my name and have all my life. Except for the whole "Abigail" and spelling thing, I'd say that this is a good name that can be carried proudly. I encourage anyone who likes this name to use it.
― Anonymous User 4/13/2008
I prefer it as an actual name. Abby. Not short for Abigail or anything.
My name is Abby and it's short for Abigail. I've been going by Abby since I was six and now I almost forget that my real name is Abigail sometimes. Though no one currently calls me by my full name though, I like it better short for Abigail because it sounds more mature. Since I also spend a lot of time in Spanish speaking countries, I go a lot by Abi as well because it's easier for people to pronounce when reading it.
― Anonymous User 2/16/2007
I love this name and am seriously considering using it for my baby, as two of my kids can pronounce it, and the third won't have to work hard to learn to say it. I've never met an Abby I didn't like.
Ok, I am writing this as an Abby. I don't know why my name has gotten so popular although I much prefer it to Abigail which is my real name. I love the "crabby, shabby, flabby Abby" nickname my dad has given me. It's great.
I would really love to name my daughter this in the future except I would use it as a nickname for Abigail, what do you think of Abigail Marie? After a family member.
I think Abby is such a cute name. Myself, I would name my child Abigail and use Abby as a nickname so when she grew up she could use Abigail if she wanted something more grown up or sophisticated.
My cousin's name is Abby Bernice. So for her, Abby isn't short for Abigail, though I personally think Abigail Bernice has a nice ring to it.
― Anonymous User 11/3/2005
I am the "anonymous user" from above. I now know two Abbys who aren't short for Abigail. A young couple at my church have a new baby. Her name is Abby Elizabeth. I think it's an adorable name!
― Anonymous User 11/13/2005
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