Nice. I like the little circle on top of the A.
Age is a common girl name in Estonia. I used to love a girl named Age once. [noted -ed]
Åge Aleksandersen is the only Åge that comes to mind. He's a Norwegian rock and roll singer.
It's pronounced AW-kuh in Norwegian and AW-uh in Danish. It has definitely nothing to do with the English word "Age"!
Do not name your child this in an English-speaking country, please. Age is not the best 'word name' to have, because in English 'age' means how old you are.
To add to my above comment [I apologize for a double comment] I know ÅGE is different from the world Age. I just think some people in English speaking countries might misread it as the word Age.
"Age" means how old you are.
Dear bananarama, what on earth does that have to do with the name ÅGE? It's irrelevant.
In Norwegian, it's pronounced "Oh-guh".

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