
denu Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "valley".
deore Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "dear".
der 2 Old Irish
Old Irish prefix meaning "daughter".
derch Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "exalted".
deśa देश Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "region, place, country".
desętĭ десѧть Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "ten".
desiderare Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "to desire".
desiti десити Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to find, to encounter".
dess Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "south".
děti Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "to do, to say".
deukes δευκής Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "sweet".
deurjaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "dear".
deva देव Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "god".
devaka देवक Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "divine, celestial".
devī देवी Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "goddess".
dēwos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "god".
dhā धा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "to put, to place" or "holding, containing".
dhanaṃjaya धनंजय Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "winning wealth".
dhara धर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "bearing, possessing" or "mountain".
dharma धर्म Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "that which is established, law, duty, virtue".
dhavala धवल Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "dazzling white".
dhīra धीर Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "wise".
dhū ذو Arabic
Arabic word meaning "possessor, holder, master".
dhurīya धुरीय Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "bearing a burden".
di Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "become, change into".
3 Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "tie, bind, bundle".
dị Igbo
Igbo word meaning "is (has the quality)".
día Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "god".
diakonos διάκονος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "servant".
diamas Late Roman
Late Latin word meaning "diamond".
dianthus Various
Word for the dianthus flower, derived from Greek meaning "heavenly flower".
dic Anglo-Saxon, Old Dutch
Old English and Old Dutch word meaning "ditch, dike".
did Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "day".
dīkaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Proto-Germanic word meaning "ditch, pond".
dike δίκη Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "justice, custom, order".
dịlị Igbo
Igbo word meaning "belongs to" (dịrị in Central dialect).
dilys Welsh
Welsh word meaning "genuine".
dīn دين Arabic
Arabic word meaning "religion, faith, belief".
din דִּין Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "to judge".
dina दिन Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "day".
dīnār دينار Arabic
Arabic word referring to a type of currency, ultimately from Latin denarius.
dĭnĭnica дьньница Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "morning star, Venus".
diota Old High German
Old High German word meaning "people, tribe".
dīpa दीप Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "lamp, light".
dīpaka दीपक Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "inflaming, exciting".
dipālī दिपाली Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "row of lamps".
dīpti दीपति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "brightness, light".
dís Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "goddess".
diśā दिशा Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "region, direction".
dīsiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "goddess, woman".
ditë Albanian
Albanian word meaning "day".
diti दिति Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "giving, dividing".
diutisk Old High German
Old High German word meaning "of the people, of the tribe, German".
divĭnŭ дивьнъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "wonderful".
divus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "divine, godly".
divya दिव्य Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "divine, heavenly".
ḍiyāʾ ضياء Arabic
Arabic word meaning "splendour, light, glow".
djúr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "animal".
dlongos Ancient (Hypothetical)
Indo-European root meaning "long".
ʾdn 𐤀𐤃𐤍 Ancient Semitic (Hypothetical), Phoenician
Semitic root meaning "lord, master".
dǫbrava дѫбрава Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "oak grove, forest".
dobrŭ добръ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "good".
dǫbŭ дѫбъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "oak".
doḏ דּוֹד Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "beloved" or "uncle".
dokeo δοκέω Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "to think, to imagine, to suppose, to expect".
dokimos δόκιμος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "approved, esteemed, tested".
dol Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "meadow".
dolen Welsh
Welsh word meaning "ring, little loop, link of a chain".
dolor Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sorrow".
domina Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "lady, mistress" (feminine form of dominus).
dominus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "master".
domŭ домъ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "house".
domun Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "world, deep".
donn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "brown".
dor דּוֹר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "generation".
dorchae Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "dark".
dorf Old High German
Old High German word meaning "village".
dorgŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "dear, precious".
Dorieus Δωριεύς Ancient Greek
Greek word for a member of the tribe of the Dorians.
dorn Old High German
Old High German word meaning "thorn".
doron δῶρον Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "gift".
dosis δόσις Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "giving".
dotei Medieval Baltic (Hypothetical)
Baltic word meaning "to give".
dotos δοτός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "given, granted".
dougjos Medieval Baltic (Hypothetical)
Baltic word meaning "much".
doulos δοῦλος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "slave".
doxa δόξα Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "notion, reputation, honour, glory".
ʿḏr Ancient Semitic (Hypothetical)
Semitic root meaning "to help".
draen Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to turn".
drakon δράκων Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "dragon, serpent".
dresken Old High German
Old High German word meaning "to thresh".
dritë Albanian
Albanian word meaning "light".
drud Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German word meaning "strength".
du 𒄭 Sumerian
Sumerian word meaning "good".
2 Igbo
Igbo word meaning "lead, guide".
dub Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "black".
dubnos Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "world, deep".
duda Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "bagpipes, pipes".
dudŭkŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "hoopoe (bird)".
duiu Old Welsh
Old Welsh word meaning "god".
dulcis Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sweet".
dumisa Nguni
Nguni word meaning "to praise".
dumu 𒌉 Sumerian
Sumerian word meaning "son, child".
dun Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "hill, mountain".
duna Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "dune, hill".
dunja дуња South Slavic
South Slavic word meaning "quince" (from Latin cydonia, of Greek origin).
dunn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "dark, brown".
dūnǭ Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "hill, dune" (possibly of Celtic origin).
dūnom Old Celtic (Hypothetical)
Celtic word meaning "rampart, hill fort, citadel".
durans Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "enduring".
durri Old High German
Old High German word meaning "dry" (later acquiring the meaning "thin").
dus दुस् Sanskrit
Sanskrit prefix meaning "bad, difficult".
duša дꙋша Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "soul, spirit, breath".
dusnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "brown".
dūst دوست Persian
Persian word meaning "friend".
dux Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "leader".
dwa Nguni
Nguni word meaning "only".
dwfr Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "water".
dy 2 Old Welsh
Welsh prefix meaning "to, toward" (in some cases perfective, intensifying or persistent; in other cases not changing the meaning of the root).
ea Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "river, stream".
ead Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "wealth, fortune".
eald Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "old".
ealh Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "temple".
eard Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "land".
east Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "east".
èbélè Igbo
Igbo word meaning "mercy, kindness" (èbérè in Central dialect).
èbùbè Igbo
Igbo word meaning "marvel, wonder".
ebur Old High German, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old High German and Frankish word meaning "boar".
eburaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "boar".
ecclesia Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "church" (of Greek origin).
ecg Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "edge, blade".
ech Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "horse".
ʿeḏer עֵדֶר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "flock, herd".
eder Basque
Basque word meaning "beautiful, handsome".
edur Basque
Basque word meaning "snow".
egg Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "edge, blade".
eggia Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "edge, blade".
egi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fear".
égwù Igbo
Igbo word meaning "fear, fearful, terrible, dreadful".
ehwaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "horse".
ei 1 Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "ever, always".
eidos εἶδος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "kind, type".
eih Old High German
Old High German word meaning "oak".
eik Old Dutch, Old Norse
Old Dutch and Old Norse word meaning "oak".
ein Old High German
Old High German word meaning "one".
einig Old High German
Old High German word meaning "united".
einn Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "one".
eira Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "snow".
eirene εἰρήνη Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "peace".
eitei Medieval Baltic (Hypothetical)
Baltic word meaning "to go".
eka एक Sanskrit
Sanskrit word meaning "one".
Èké Igbo
Igbo word referring to a day of the week.
èkène Igbo
Igbo word meaning "thanks, gratitude" (èkèle in Central dialect).
ekka Old High German
Old High German word meaning "edge, corner".
ẹkún Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "weeping, tears".
ʾel אֵל Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "God".
el 1 Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "country, society".
el 2 Old Welsh
Welsh intensive prefix.
ʾela אֵלָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "terebinth, tree".
eldr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "fire".
eleemon ἐλεήμων Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "compassionate".
elenŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "deer".
ellan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "courage".
ʾelon אֵלוֹן Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "strong tree, oak".
elpis ἐλπίς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "hope".
emeritus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "veteran".
ʾemeṯ אֱמֶת Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "truth".
en 2 𒂗 Sumerian
Sumerian word meaning "lord, master".
en 3 Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "one".
enara Basque
Basque word meaning "swallow (bird)".
ende Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "end, limit".
eneida Portuguese, Spanish
Portuguese and Spanish form of Aeneis (see Aeneid).
eng Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "meadow".
engil Old High German
Old High German word meaning "angel" (of Greek origin).
ẹni Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "person".
enig Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "only".
enkh энх Mongolian
Mongolian word meaning "peace, calm".
ényì Igbo
Igbo word meaning "friend".
enz Old High German (Hypothetical)
Old High German word meaning "giant".
enza Nguni
Nguni word meaning "to do, to make".
eo Old Saxon
Old Saxon word meaning "law, custom".
Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "yew".
eofor Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "boar".
eorl Anglo-Saxon
Old English noble title.
eowu Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "ewe".
epi ἐπί Ancient Greek
Greek preposition meaning "on, upon".
epiphaneia ἐπιφάνεια Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "appearance, manifestation".
episkopos ἐπίσκοπος Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "overseer", and later "bishop".
er Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "man, hero, brave".
era Old High German
Old High German word meaning "honour, respect".
eratos ἐρατός Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "lovely, charming, beloved".
erda Old High German
Old High German word meaning "earth, soil".
erdene эрдэнэ Mongolian
Mongolian word meaning "jewel, treasure".
eren Turkish
Turkish word meaning "holy person".
ereš 𒊩𒌆 Sumerian
Sumerian word meaning "lady, queen".
ergon ἔργον Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "work, deed".
ericius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "hedgehog".
erik Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "power, freedom".
erkan Old High German
Old High German word meaning "pure, holy, genuine".
erke Medieval Turkic
Turkic word meaning "naughty, spoiled, darling".
erkn Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "pure, holy, genuine".
erknaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "pure, holy, genuine".
erlaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "noble".
ermun Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "whole, great, universal".
ermunaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "whole, great, universal".
ernust Old High German
Old High German word meaning "serious, earnest".
ernustaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "strife, seriousness".
ertha Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "earth, soil".
erþō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "earth, soil".
ʾesh אֵשׁ Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "fire".
esmer Medieval French
Old French word meaning "to love", from Latin aestimare "to esteem".
ěsnŭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "clear".
est Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "grace".
este German
German word meaning "Estonian".
ét Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "jealousy, passion".
étig Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "ugly, misshapen".
étiud Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "armour, clothing".
eu εὖ Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "good".
euangelos εὐάγγελος Late Greek
Greek word meaning "bringing good news".
eurys εὐρύς Ancient Greek
Greek word meaning "wide".
eutaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word referring to the tribe of the Jutes.
evangelista Late Roman
Latin word meaning "evangelist, preacher".
ʿeveḏ עֶבֶד Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "servant, slave".
ʾeven אֶבֶן Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "stone".
ewa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "law, custom".
expositus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "exposed".
extraneus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "foreign, strange".
ey 1 Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "island".
eyí Yoruba
Yoruba word meaning "this".
ézè Igbo
Igbo word meaning "king".
ʿezer עֵזֶר Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "help".
ežĭ Old Slavic (Hypothetical)
Slavic word meaning "hedgehog".
ʿezra עֶזְרָה Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew word meaning "help".
faber Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "smith, artisan".
fāḍa فاض Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to overflow, to flood".
faḍala فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be in excess, to excel, to be gracious".
fāḍil فاضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "remaining, virtuous, generous".
faḍl فضل Arabic
Arabic word meaning "overflow, grace, generosity".
fae Medieval French
Old French word meaning "fairy".
fæger Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "beautiful".
fagus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "beech tree".
fakara فكر Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to think, to reflect".
fal Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "rule".
falco Old High German, Late Roman
Old High German and Late Latin word meaning "falcon".
falki Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "falcon".
falkô Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "falcon".
falx Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "sickle, scythe".
fanją Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fen, swamp".
faqār فقار Arabic
Arabic word meaning "spine, vertebra".
far فر Persian
Persian word meaning "brilliance, splendour".
fara Old High German
Old High German word meaning "journey".
faraj فرج Arabic
Arabic word meaning "comfort, relief".
farawa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "colour".
fardi Old High German
Old High German word meaning "journey".
fardiz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "journey, voyage".
farḥān فرحان Arabic
Arabic word meaning "happy, cheerful".
fariḥa فرح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to be happy".
farina Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "flour".
farn Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fern".
farnaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "fern".
farō Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "journey".
farþa 𐍆𐌰𐍂𐌸𐌰 Gothic (Hypothetical)
Gothic word meaning "journey, voyage".
faru Anglo-Saxon, Frankish (Hypothetical)
Old English and Frankish word meaning "journey".
fastr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "firm, solid".
fastuz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "firm, solid".
fataḥa فتح Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to open, to conquer".
fatum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "fate, destiny".
fāza فاز Arabic
Arabic word meaning "to triumph".
fearn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "fern".
feld Anglo-Saxon, Old High German, Old Saxon
Old English, Old High German and Old Saxon word meaning "field".
felicitas Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "good luck, fortune".
felt Old Dutch
Old Dutch word meaning "field".
felþaz Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "field".
felu Old Germanic (Hypothetical)
Germanic word meaning "much".
feni Old Dutch (Hypothetical)
Old Dutch word meaning "fen, swamp".
fenn Anglo-Saxon
Old English word meaning "fen, swamp".
fenni Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fen, swamp".
fer 1 Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "man".
fer 2 فر Persian
Persian word meaning "brilliance, splendour".
ferrarius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "ironworker, blacksmith".
ferrum Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "iron".
festus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "festive, merry".
fetu'u Polynesian
Polynesian word meaning "star".
ffrau Old Welsh
Welsh word meaning "stream, flow".
ffrewi Welsh
Welsh word meaning "pacify, quell, reconcile".
fi Yoruba
Yoruba verb prefix meaning "use, do".
fiach Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "raven".
fích Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "battle, fight, feud".
ficus Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "fig".
fides Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "faith, belief".
fidula Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fiddle".
figa Old High German
Old High German word meaning "fig" (of Latin origin).
file Sotho
Sotho-Tswana word meaning "given".
fili Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "poet".
filius Ancient Roman
Latin word meaning "son".
filo Frankish (Hypothetical)
Frankish word meaning "much".
fils Medieval French
Old French word meaning "son".
filu Old High German
Old High German word meaning "much".
finn Old Irish
Old Irish word meaning "white, blessed".
finnr Old Norse
Old Norse word meaning "Sámi, person from Finland".