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"currently out of the US top 1000" name category
Greetings! I've been browsing this site for a while and sometimes exploring the US list of 1000 names, and I have assigned some names that were once in the top 1000 and are not anymore to this category, but I noticed that an onslaught of names that have NEVER been in the US 1000 (ex. Abd al-Aziz, Macsen, Nuallan, Orquidea) have been added to the category. I realized that the users adding these names assumed that this category meant literally ALL names. However, it would be unnecessary and taking over an already helpful category of names. So, I'm asking if this is really the right usage of this category, and if it would be possible to just remove all the names that don't fit the requirements. Also, I didn't really know where to post this, so I hope this is the right board for this. Many thanks to the admins and creators of this site for creating such an expansive and detailed website!


I agree the category is not very useful if it includes names that were never on the list. I think you can remove those.