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I'm not allowed to send private messages?
I wanted to send a message today but I just found out that I am blocked from sending messages. That has never happened to me before. Why am I blocked from sending messages?When I want to compose a message, it instead says "Sorry, but you are blocked from sending messages".Which by the way... I didn't know there are rules for private messages... someone please unblock me from sending private messages. I promise I will follow the rules...My name is Leo but I'm NOT a Leo!

This message was edited 7/10/2024, 11:59 AM


You’ve been talked to many, many, many times by Mike C and always say you will improve and never do so I’m guessing he revoked those privileges.
Thanks for the info... Although Mike C did told me though private message just once and again via the message board so technically he told me twice... How is that fair?!

This message was edited 7/12/2024, 3:41 AM

In your various incarnations you have been told many times that you don’t need to keep submitting the same information over and over. I’ll be able to review your ban early next week.
...Maybe I do need to delete my account again because I don't feel like I'm ready to act properly on this site... I'm so sorry If I have to do this...
But... I sent you an Email about apologizing about my mistake. I hope I may rest in peace if I get banned. Well... I do hope I don't get banned from this site...What does it mean to "review your ban"? Does it mean that I will be indefinitely banned soon?!

This message was edited 7/12/2024, 9:01 AM

You may apologize but a true apology includes changed behavior.