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Ability to view names based on ratings on BtN?
Can I view a list of names by ratings (like how when you go to a name you can see how people rate it wholesome, strange, strong, simple, etc)? I swore you could but maybe I'm just imagining things? Apologies if this isn't clear enough I am very bad at explaining things. Like for example if I want to see a name rated 'wholesome' I can see a list of names people have rated as such."You'll find me here like the day you left me alone, any old time you wanna come back home."
Jimmie Rodgers, Any Old Time
My PNL's, you're free to peek and rate:

This message was edited 6/6/2024, 3:43 PM


Ability to view names based on ratings on BtN?  ·  protobo998  ·  6/6/2024, 3:42 PM
Re: Ability to view names based on ratings on BtN?  ·  Mike C  ·  6/9/2024, 10:19 PM