LN: Gardner
Name: Areena Pearl Gardner (nee Darzi)
Age: 32
Occupation: None
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Reading, Gardening, Painting, Photography, Baking, Violin
Significant other
Name: James Fredrick Gardner
Age: 28
Occupation: Lawyer
Disabilities: None
Hobbies: Tennis, Reading, Chess, Woodworking
Current children:
-Gabriel Fredrick Gardner, 7 years old, none
-Sabrina Celeste Gardner, 5 years old, none
-Edmund Louis Gardner, 2 years old, none
Others living with you:
-Maria Gonzalo, 55, Nanny
-Duke, German Shepard Dog
-Earl, Great Dane Dog
-Petra, Persian Cat
Type: Mansion
Location: Massachusetts, USA
Land owned: The large acreage the house sits on
Bedrooms: 11
Bathrooms: 14
Other: Pool, Tennis Court, Large Garden
Housing (Second Home)
Type: Mansion
Location: French Countryside
Land owned: The large acreage the house sits on
Bedrooms: 9
Bathrooms: 7
Other: Vineyard, Pool, Large Garden, Pond
What is/are the household's religion(s)? Catholic
What language(s) do household members speak? James speaks English and French, Areena speaks Arabic, English, and French, Maria speaks Spanish, English, French
Do you travel? If so, how often and where to? They live in the US half the year and France half the year. They also travel once or twice a year to places such as Italy, Bali, Costa Rica, etc.
How many children would you like to adopt: 3
Gender(s): either
Age: 0-9
Nationality: Any
Languages preference: Any
Religion preference: Any
Multiples: Fine
Will you accept:
--siblings? Yes
--kids with pets? Yes, no preference
--children with disabilities? Any
--pregnant teen/teen mother? Yes
--baby's father? No
Other: None