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Re: Nyx' Royal Congrats ▓▒░ Round 4 ░▒▓ phew, all caught up!
in reply to a message by Nyx
EmpireAmir: Bram Qismat Cyrprian Pascal, Amir Bram (32)
Amirah: Zahara Engracia Imogen Suzanna, Amirah Zahara (26)
Crowned Prince1: Ezra Talmage Lysander Stellan, HM Crowned Prince Ezra (8)
Princess2: Wren Alastriona Sanne Chrysanthe, the Gracious Princess Wren (5)
Prince3: Zayn Islwyn Arcadius Cicero, the Gracious Prince Zayn (3)
Adopted Princess4: Bellatrix "Belle" Talia Obedience, the Gentle Princess Belle (3)
Princess5: Enid Nainsi Renata Valentine, the Gracious Princess Enid (nb)
Adopted Princess6: Tabitha "Tibby" Mairead Basilia, the Gentle Princess Tibby (nb)
From the Royal House of Alfynwold
In the Empire of MelqiorBram & Zahara
Ezra, Wren, Zane, Belle, Enid, and TibbyRound 1:
Bram was slightly stunned when he was told the news. Not only had his King, Queen, and all five of their children passed away from the mysterious epidemic, but so had his mother, the King's younger sister. He was all of a sudden he was the one to inherit the throne of Melquior. The next thing he knew, he was being crowned and had advisors after him at all hours of the day and night. He was no where prepared for this. By the time he was born, the King and Queen already had 2 healthy children and there was no need to think that he might need to be trained to inherit the throne. His advisors badgered him about many different issues, and some he could see were plots to help out those nobles who suggested them.However, there was one thing all of the advisors agreed upon, he needed to marry and provide heirs to give an image of stability to the Empire. After going over countless lists of eligible and connected females from within the Empire and without, and meeting many of them briefly, he chose his childhood sweetheart the Marchesa of Anburn. This proved to be very wise of him, as Zahara had a mind that was born to see through the political twists and turns of the court and Empire. And, as the two were rapidly falling in true love, Zahara found herself helping Bram more and more. With the rapid series of changes in the Empire recently, no one can tell what is around the corner. However, Bram and Zahara now seem ready to tackle the challenges ahead.Round 2:
Just 4 weeks after Bram and Zahara were married, Amirah Zahara became mysteriously ill. At first, the royal priests worried that it might be related to the epidemic that was still running rampant in the outskirts of the Empire. However, her illness never progressed beyond the fatigue. After 3 weeks, she was strong enough to resume some of her normal activities. Two month later, and she was now throwing up every meal. She worried that she was once again sick, and not wanting to scare her husband, she kept it to herself. However, after the first three months, she knew that she needed to get help. When she went to the priests, they were overjoyed. They told her that this wasn't an illness, but a pregnancy! The Amirah was going to have a child!The pregnancy progressed as normal, but Amirah Zahara grew weaker the further along it went. By the end, she was confined to bed. She delivered a healthy baby boy 4 months to the day after their wedding anniversary. And while she was still confined to bed rest, she was regaining strength. Amir Bram was so proud of his first born son, but worried over Zahara whom he had grown to love. However, the priests assure him that Amirah Zahara would be fine so long as she was given the time to regain strength. The Empire is starting to feel a peace, and much of that is because Amir Bram is calm and collected, Amirah Zahara has proven herself strong and there is a crowned Prince in the family and every reason to believe that more will be forth coming.Round 3:
The royal physicians fear that Amirah Zahara is taking too long to recover. They are worried that her strength isn't back, even though 6 months has passed since the birth of Prince Ezra. They tell Amir Bram and Amirah Zahara that they mustn't try for any more children until after Ezra's second birthday. They explained that the Amirah was still a young woman, and that the two would have plenty of time to secure the line. However, if they rushed into things too soon, the Amirah could well lose her life during a pregnancy. Reluctantly, Amir Bram agreed. It wasn't until they pointed out to Amirah Zahara that she would leave her young son without a mother that the Amirah agreed also. Unfortunately, the only method the physicians would allow the Royal couple to use, was abstinence. This did not please either the Amir or Amirah.It was with great joy that the Royal family celebrated Prince Ezra's second birthday. And with even greater joy that Zahara and Bram celebrated privately that night. A few months later and Amirah Zahara had that familiar urge to throw up all of her meals. This time, however, there was a healthy glow as she grew bigger with the child. The two were overjoyed to welcome a daughter to their family, and the Empire was just as thrilled. The little girl was named Wren for the birds the Amirah heard as she was giving birth to the girl.Breastfeeding her new daughter helped the Amirah regain her slim figure, plus kept her body from allowing another child to bloom within her. However, the Princess was weaned to a wet nurse shortly after her first birthday, and Amirah Zahara soon found herself pregnant again. The time for the baby came, and went, and Amirah Zahara was still pregnant. First one week went by, and then two. By four weeks, the royal physicians were worried that the birthing would kill the Amirah or that the baby would arrive dead (even though he kicked constantly). However, five weeks after the baby was due, the Amirah went into labor. It was quick, but very painful. A healthy, and large Prince Zayn was announced to the Empire. Everybody rejoiced, and the Royal couple was thrilled with their growing family. It seemed that as their family grew, so did peace within the Empire, and that was a good thing.Round 4: (WARNING - Tabby has a sad story that may distress some - read at your own risk)
Shortly after Zahara was married, her youngest sister, Tabitha "Tabby", became engaged to King Daichi of the Kingdom of Polyduques. None of the family liked the arrangement, as the Kingdom of Polyduques was very strictly patriarchal, and Tabby would have to conform to their rules, being Queen, even more so then the average woman. However, ever since Zahara became Amirah, Tabby also wanted the power and prestige of a high and noble title. Having to submit to some silly customs didn't seem like a problem.Once Queen of Polyduques, Tabby was hardly allowed out of the palace grounds. She was strictly monitored in what she wore, where she went, and what she did. Even worse, her husband had no interest in her whatsoever. It turns out that King Daichi had no interest in any woman, and couldn't even preform with one. After many failed attempts at consummating his marriage with Tabby, he finally had his lover preform the act.Tabby became pregnant after a month, and then was even more restricted in what she could do. She had no real friends or companions, and was completely miserable. The Polyduques have a very strict birthing regimen, that includes everybody being completely silent. When Queen Tabby couldn't stop crying out, she was gagged and then tied to the bed. The birth was hard, and Queen Tabby was confined to bed without company for the first three months.On top of all of that, the baby was a girl and Tabby was blamed for not producing an heir to the throne. Tabby became very depressed, and started losing weight. However, as she had no friends or anybody who cared for her, no one noticed. Two years later, the King's lover once again started visiting Tabby's bed chamber. King Daichi watched, and sometimes joined in with his lover. Tabby was horrified and more lonely then ever.Once again, she became pregnant. Once again, the pregnancy was hard. This time, it was even harder then last time. This time, as her daughter was born, Tabby quit breathing. As she was once again gagged and tied down, no one even noticed until an hour later. King Daichi, seeing that the child was a girl, ordered the brats to be packed up as quick as possible and sent back to their family.Because the Empire of Melqior was closer then the province of Anburn, the children were brought to the Amir. The wet nurse and steward told the Amir and Amirah Queen Tabby's story (separately, as the wet nurse told the Amirah in the nursery, while the steward told the "official" version to the Amir in court). Amirah Zahara, just a few months before, had given birth to Princess Enid and was still nursing. She was determined to do for her sister's children, and begin nursing the infant along with her own. Amir Bram was skeptical at first, but after hearing the wet nurse's version of events, he agreed to adopt the children.They would be part of the Royal family, and officially Princess. However, they would only inherit if none of his own children could do so. Because of this, they are officially addressed as "the Gentle Princess" instead of "the Gracious Prince/ss". The difference is simply one (Gracious) is meant for the Amir's and Amirah's children, and the other is for nieces/nephews in line for the throne. This keeps everybody happy. Although, like every other Prince and Princess in the Royal household, everybody drops the first part and sticks to Prince or Princess except on the most formal of occasions.The infant, who didn't even have a name yet, was named for her mother, but nicknamed Tibby to differentiate her. The steward was sent back to the Kingdom of Polyduques, with thanks for sending the children to their aunt. A secret letter was sent to King Daichi, letting him know that Amir Bram knew the parentage of the girls, and expected that the King would never try and regain custody for any reason. The wet nurse, who had no family in Polyduques whom she wished to keep (her only child, a son, had died and her husband blamed her - only her position in the King's household had saved her from being beaten nearly to death, as was his right), stayed on to help with the children. The Empire was told of the adoption, but the circumstances behind it were kept secret. The Empire was pleased that their Amir and Amirah were so kind hearted. Plus, it didn't hurt to have a growing Royal family, as who knows what might happen in the future.

This message was edited 8/5/2010, 12:42 PM

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