Family Elimination 15
Eliminate one name at a time. the last person decides if there shuld be a nickname
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jack, Jarrod, Joel, Miles, Nathaniel
MN: Jack, James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Michael, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: _____ _____
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Roberta, Sally, Shirley
MN: Charity, Charlotte, Daisy, Fleur, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: _____ _____
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, Jack, James, Jay, Joe, John, Toby
MN: Alex, Huey, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel, Mitchell
Taking: _____ _____
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jack, Jarrod, Joel, Miles, Nathaniel
MN: Jack, James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Michael, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: _____ _____
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Roberta, Sally, Shirley
MN: Charity, Charlotte, Daisy, Fleur, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: _____ _____
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, Jack, James, Jay, Joe, John, Toby
MN: Alex, Huey, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel, Mitchell
Taking: _____ _____
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jack, Jarrod, Joel, Miles
MN: Jack, James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: Nathaniel Michael
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Roberta, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Fleur, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Shirley Charity
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, Jack, James, Jay, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Huey, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Toby Mitchell
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jack, Jarrod, Joel, Miles
MN: Jack, James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: Nathaniel Michael
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Roberta, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Fleur, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Shirley Charity
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, Jack, James, Jay, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Huey, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Toby Mitchell
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jarrod, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: Jack Jack
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Roberta Fleur
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, James, Jay, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Jack Huey
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Jarrod, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Nathaniel, Samuel
Taking: Jack Jack
FN: Betty, Beverley, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Honoree, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Roberta Fleur
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, James, Jay, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Isaac, Jacob, Jake, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Jack Huey
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Samuel
Taking: Jarrod Nathaniel
FN: Betty, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Beverly Honoree
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, James, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Jay Jake
FN: Anthony, David, Isaac, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Matthew, Samuel
Taking: Jarrod Nathaniel
FN: Betty, Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Louise, Patience, Rose
Taking: Beverly Honoree
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, Benjamin, James, Joe, John
MN: Alex, Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Jay Jake
Henry and Amy Thatcher-Bowdre's two children:
FN: Anthony, Isaac, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Samuel
Taking: David Matthew
FN: Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Patience, Rose
Taking: Betty Louise
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, James, Joe, John
MN: Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Benjamin Alex
FN: Anthony, Isaac, Joel, Miles
MN: James, Joel, Joseph, Samuel
Taking: David Matthew
FN: Judith, Lorna, Marian, Sally
MN: Charlotte, Daisy, Patience, Rose
Taking: Betty Louise
Charles and Lavinia Bowdre-Parker's son:
FN: Andy, James, Joe, John
MN: Isaac, Jacob, Jesse, Joel
Taking: Benjamin Alex