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Re: You think you say
1. Say: "Aw, what lovely names"
Think: I love the names, but so many P's
2. Say: "what a cool name"
Think: Jimmy is more of a nickname than a real name, why not James or Jameson?
3. Say: "such lovely pairing"
Think: well, could be worse
4. Say: "I love it"
Think: I don't see Wrenley as often as I see Wren, I love it!
5. Say: "Thea is so unique on a boy and I love it"
Think: Thea? Really? on a boy? What's wrong with Theo?
6. Say: "Aw, those are some cute names"
Think: Too close, I hope those are nicknames
7. Say: "very unique and quite special"
Think: Poor girl is gonna be bullied at school
8. Say: Willo is very beautiful
Think: Why do people have to have unique spelling? What's wrong with Willow?
9. Say: Ohh, how lovely
Think: Very original (sarcasm)
10: Say: how beautiful
Think: I like this name, sounds very mature
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