Re: Looks like lavender on my screen...
by Daividh (guest)
3/19/2001, 7:08 PM
Tsk tsk. So YOU'RE the one they sold that cheap monitor to! I'll bet you even thought you saw letters and numbers in those little colored dot-pictures in Health class.
Actually, Jesus had a Mexican name so he could find work as a carpenter. Out here in the hinterlands beyond the Hudson, ALL framing carpenters are Mexican. If they still built houses in LI, you'd know that, Nan.
Something I'VE always wondered about: if Jesus was Jewish and he knew his impending fate (both points I'll accept), why did he have the JEWS bring about his betrayal so that the Christians would hate 'em and generally kick their kosher heinies for the next 2,000 years?
Why not have yourself betrayed by the Palestinians or the North Koreans or the French? Hardly anyone likes THEM, and then we could ALL have kicked heinie guilt-free for as long as we liked... :)