Re: So you don't like Saxon, Norman and Frank as well?
OK, I uderstand that. I wouldn't find it a problem though if someone from let's say South-Dakota and moved to let's say California and then would name his/her child after the state they were from, I don't have a problem, with that. If someone would name their child Dakota, just because it sounds cool, I'd advise them to think twice. (I remember a a discussion about the name Adonai and how a lot of people would be offeded to see that as a name, and if there are people who are equally offended by Dakota, I'd rather not see it used)
I do think that with time, this will change. Dakota will become less sensitive to use in my opinion, because I do believe time will make a wound hurt less. And maybe I just feel less strongly about these things, for one thing because I probably know less about this than you do and for another reason because Dutch people in general are more 'dowto earth' / 'get less worked up over things like this'(those are all not the exact terms I want to use, but I'm having trouble translating what I mean, for anyone who can read Dutch, I'm referring to nuchter).
As for how I would feel if something comparable would happen here. I wouldn't mind it to be honest, because I think it creates a bridge in some way. I think if someone is named the name of a certain group, the attention will turn towards the history that group, creating more understanding. But this is just how I would feel if this happened in the NL, I don't know how the people in group in question would feel.
Mar (who has no idea what incensed means, assuming your not referring to scents...)