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Re: BAs from UK
in reply to a message by Sofia

Abigail Louise - ok
Abigail Lucy - I think Lucy Abigail flows better but love both names
Alisha Rose - ok
Amelia Beth - two of my favs
Anna Sarah - not the best flow
Annabel Jean - sweet, although Jean feels like filler.
Annabelle Grace Sarah - Sarah doesn't flow; it just feels tacked on. Just two of the three names would have been perfect
Arabella Alice Sibley - little too much name but really pretty
Ariarna Jennifer - I'm hoping for a misspelling too. Arianna Jennifer is interesting since you don't usually see jennifer in the middle name spot
Ava Grace - cute but common. And Charlotte, Macey and Ava are cute as sisters
Beatrice McCarrison - not crazy about McCarrison
Beth Harriet - no flow at all. I love Beth but nothing works as a middle name for it
Caitlin Ann - boring
Charlotte Clare - sweet. I love it!
Chloe Marie - fine
Clara Tiegan - so sweet. Love!
Claudia Rose - nice. Why isn't Claudia used more?
Clementine Lilla Cayley - I wonder if Cayley is a family name? Not the best flow. I love Hugo Matthew though.
Connie Alice - sounds old and dated
Daisy Grace - sounds very country
Darcey Elyse - Darcey feels harsh to me
Demi Jane - They are big fans of Demi Moore in GI Jane, I guess.
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