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Re: Unusual Names BA's
I wouldn't use Roux, but I don't think it's that bad, I'm pretty sure it is a boys' name - it's the name of Johnny Depp's character in the movie Chocolat (also in the book I think).
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It's a place name/surnameBut that doesn't change my feeling about it. For many English speakers there would still a pretty strong association with gravy.Actually, it having been the (unusual) name of a recent Depp character makes it rather less appealing to me... like it was just taken wholesale from the film/book. Since I'm not familiar with the place/surname, I egocentrically assume the namers aren't either.I admit I may also be petulant about it because I am fond of the femme name Rue, and because I feel that names with a distinctly French spelling are unbearably pretentious and superficial on non-French speakers (in the US where I live -- I'm assuming this boy "Roux" is in the US and not French speaking). Like Margeaux. Ugh!

This message was edited 10/6/2007, 4:53 PM

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