by KristinT (guest)
1/31/2005, 1:10 PM
I am glad to know that Liesl is "OLD" in Germany. My 2 year old's name is Gemma Rose, which is NEVER heard in the U.S., unless you emigrated here from the UK or Italy. I am looking for a name for the next baby that is more European in nature, but fairly easy to pronounce when you see it. My name is Kristin, but you'd choke on how many people do a dyslexic take on it or add letters that are not there when they pronounce it...and I'd like to try to get a name that is unusual, but is still a very legitimate name and is difficult to screw up. We are both third generation "off the boat" German so we'd be very interested in hearing German names that would work for today's baby.!!