Hi Natasa,
Some of the names are already in the databse - click on the links below to see the definition of those names.
Tiberius - tie-BEER-ee-us
Pollux - PAW-luks - spelled in Greek Polydeukes meaning "one who cares much". He was the brother of Castor in myth.
Linos - LINE-es (I am not completely sure of the pronounciation) - variant of
Linus presumably.
Evaggelos - ev-an-JELL-os - variant of Evangelos = "good news" (when a gamma is before another gamma in Greek it is pronounced as English ng -
Pavlos will surely correct me if I'm wrong)
Elias - el-EE-ass - Greek form of
Damalis - da-MAL-iss - Greek "calf"
Beckett - BEH-ket - from a surname meaning "little brook" or "source of the brook".
Decon - DEE-cun - Variant of Deacon, a surname which originally belonged to someone who was a deacon in a church. Ultimately from Greek diakonos "servant".
Leszeck - not sure of pronounciation - probably a variant of
Damani - maybe from Greek *damazein* "to tame" ??
I'll leave it to others to handle the pick up rest, which I am not too sure about.