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[Facts] History Channel program
The History Channel aired a program last night called "Family Tree". It dealt a great deal with geneology, but also with name origins and how they have evolved. There was a story about tracking down William Wallace's (Braveheart) name/origins. Another story dealt with the how one American family's name evolved from the African name of their ancestor. I really liked it and thought some of you would be interested in catching it next time it airs.
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If anyone recorded that one for me...... you might want to attach the tape to a chunk of styrofoam and throw it into the ocean. It will likely get to me faster than by other more conventional methods. Would you not agree Nan? ;)Seriously though, the program sounds interesting. If you hear of it airing again please post the info here.
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"... you might want to attach the tape to a chunk of styrofoam and throw it into the ocean. It will likely get to me faster than by other more conventional methods. Would you not agree Nan? ;)"****** Oh haaaaill yes. The swifties who work in your local post office must enjoy waking up to the yawn of a new day.-- Nanaea
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